Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 893: 1 repayment 1 repayment

d The sounds of fighting can be heard endlessly, the fourth-order zombies are pressing forward every step of the way, and the attacks are more fierce and brutal each time, and several times are dangerous. ,..

Everyone watched with horror, even though it was just a virtual projection, they were extremely nervous. However, everyone's admiration for Shen Shen has grown exponentially. Not everyone is able to deal with this terrifying zombie. Someone like Shen Chen can resist for such a long time.

It's just that although Shen Chen is powerful, that's all. Seeing his figure leaning back further, it's obvious that he has reached the point where he can't hold on anymore.

After all, no matter how powerful Shen Chen is, can he still defeat a fourth-order zombie?

But at this moment, He Xun's face was full of tension and worry. Fifteen minutes would pass soon. If Shen Shen really wanted to stay in the gathering place, wouldn't he be reused with his ability? Even Xiao Wei gave him a high look, so what should I do? How to resolve the beams that have been formed before?

He Xun, a new human being at the second level and high level, has very strong hands. He is good at throwing darts and stones, and he hits wherever he points. His ability is naturally a unique skill in front of all new human beings in all aspects, and everyone praises him a lot, so he often claims to be Xiao Li Feidao's unique knowledge in the world, and he naturally has a sense of being superior and relying on the old to sell the old. Usually in the gathering place, whoever dares to respect him, even the leader will give him some face. But if Shen Shen gains momentum, there really is nothing wrong with him.

The more he thought about it, the more afraid he became, and the more he hated it, his hands began to tremble uncontrollably. Suddenly, a vicious look flashed across his eyes, and his fingers flipped behind his back.

Four small stones were hidden between the hands.

He Xun's eyes shot out a fierce light, fixed on Shen Shen. With a cruel heart in his heart, he planned to take advantage of the moment when Shen Shen was fighting with the zombies to kill Shen!

"You asked for it yourself, don't blame me." He Xun gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence bitterly.


The sound of four hidden weapons slicing into the air suddenly sounded. At that moment, Huang Chen felt extremely uneasy, and immediately turned around to look at He Xun.

However, he saw four sharp stones flashing with a cold light, and they were already flying towards Shen Chen!

He Xun actually made a sneak attack... Huang Chen thought of this at the first time, and his heart was burning with anger. He himself is an upright person, but he never expected that he would meet such a scoundrel and become his own... Introducer. Such a shameless villain actually launched a sneak attack when others could not avoid it,

How can a man be so shameless!

The people around were also shocked, Shen Shen and Huang Chen didn't know it, but they knew that He Xun was considered a respectable figure in the gathering place, and now he actually used such a contemptible method of sneak attack, which was really shocking.

"Hey, go to hell." He Xun grinned ferociously, and glanced resentfully at Shen Shen who was about to die under his hidden weapon. He was very clear about the ability of his hidden weapon. As long as the hidden weapon touched Shen Shen, Shen Shen would definitely be injured immediately. Whether it was a failure of the tester or an injury, it was impossible for him to stay in the gathering place again! A cruel smile suddenly appeared on He Xun's face.

"Boss Shen Chen, be careful!" Old Cui shouted in shock, he never thought that He Xun could do such a thing, but Shi Zi's speed was very fast, even if he shouted loudly, it was too late.

Seeing it, the four stones hit Shen Shen's elbow and knee respectively.

If these four places were hit, I'm afraid Shen Shen's hands and legs would be useless!

At the same time, Shen Shen, who was wearing a testing instrument, had an unusually cold expression. What he saw was still the image of an extremely ferocious zombie, but the sensitivity of his ears allowed him to already know the attack of the four hidden weapons.

The tentacles of consciousness spread out, only to see the stone shimmering with cold light slowly enlarge in Shen Chen's consciousness. It was both ruthless and accurate, and the angle was so strange that it was even more unexpected.

Just when the crisis was at its extreme, Shen Chen actually smiled, and he immediately shook his head.

He Xun's move, although it won't kill him, has the intention of destroying him. Originally, Shen Shen thought that he would not care about this kind of petty person, but it lowered his status, but this time, he hooked him There was a heavy murderous intent!

At the moment when the hidden weapon was about to arrive, he saw on the computer screen that the attack speed of Shen Shen's knife suddenly exploded, and the zombie who had been hit by dozens of Dangdang retreated several steps. Taking advantage of this gap, Shen Shen circled his palms quickly, and even swung the two stones that were shot at his elbow joints to all directions!

The moment the tiny stones swung away, heavy ten fingers popped out of the air.

In an instant, the two tiny stones exploded with a bang, splitting into countless zigzag tiny stones and shooting towards He Xun in all directions.


Xiao Wei screamed in horror, but He Xun couldn't dodge Shen Shen's strength and speed, only to hear a miserable cry suddenly! The sound of several small stones sinking into the body came immediately!

He Xun screamed terribly, his entire face was inlaid with stones, his entire face was bloody and bloody in an instant, and even the facial features could not be seen clearly, the deep pits were as dense as the pockmarked face.

But this was not enough, but he saw Shen Shen let out a low cry, his body suddenly turned upwards, his arm swung the handle knife powerfully, as if he was fighting that fourth-order zombie, and at this moment, his ** Just right on top of the two stones that hit his knees.

In an instant, the two stones were shot back to He Xun's face accurately and fiercely. At this time, He Xun was still crying in pain with his face in his arms, but Shen Chen approached the two stones again, and only heard "Puff!" Twice!

The stone shot directly into He Xun's wrist at an incomparably tricky angle, and in an instant He Xun let out a tragic scream like killing a pig.

He cried out in frantic pain, "My hand! My hand!"

Everyone was stunned!

This sudden turning point made the faces of the people who were terrified by Shen Shen not have time to change their expressions. Their faces were flushed with anger and pale with worry, but at this moment, everyone was already stupid.

Is this too fast? He Xun, who was originally strong, was completely defeated by Shen Shen who was still fighting the fourth-order zombies in just a few sentences?

Moreover, Shen Chen fought back against He Xun while dealing with the fourth-order zombies. This method was simply clean and unsloppy!

At this moment, Shen Shen's strength once again refreshed everyone's senses!

No one can be more awesome than Shen Chen!

The blood on He Xun's face and hands kept gushing out, but no one sympathized with this self-inflicted trash.

And just at this moment, with a sound of "swish", the huge power was conveyed through the handle knife held high, and the amazing ability exploded to the extreme at that moment, the handle knife in his hand seemed to emit a dazzling light! c

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