Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 805 Apprenticeship

d An extremely sarcastic remark was spat out from Shen Shen's mouth lightly. At the same time, Shen Shen's hands exerted force, and He Xun let out another miserable scream, as if he had been cut alive.

Everyone stared at Shen Shen in a daze, unable to realize what was going on for a moment. After a while, these people suddenly realized that they didn't notice Shen Chen's actions at all, and Shen Shen suddenly subdued He Xun who was about to go crazy? How could he have grabbed He Xun so simply and rudely, and by the way, pinched the danger that would lead to the destruction of the gathering place in the cradle?

How can I say this feeling? It's as if someone wanted to do something bad. After going through a lot of trouble, he thought he was about to succeed, but he was dismissed in a simple and rude way. Hilarious joke.

This kind of depression that is extremely frantic in the heart makes everyone empathize with He Xun's feelings at this time. What a miserable guy this must be, to have such a powerful nemesis!

When He Xun died, he could not lose his eyesight. His neck was twisted to one side strangely, feces and urine flowed out of his body. He opened his protruding eyeballs, as if he still couldn’t believe that his life was ended so simply. , and with his neck broken, he didn't even have a chance to turn into a zombie.

Everyone looked at He Xun's body and sighed. A strong man died in such a disgusting way. What was left behind was not merit, but only contempt.

At this moment, Huang Chen suddenly walked in front of Shen Chen, he deeply forgot to take a look at Shen Chen, and suddenly knelt down in front of Shen Chen, his kneeling was so loud that everyone was scared one jump.

"Brother, brother, take me as your apprentice!" Huang Chen raised his face and looked at Shen Shen, with a look of nervousness and anticipation on his face, looking at Shen Shen uneasily.

Shen Chen was a little stunned, although his strength in his previous life was not bad, but it was the first time someone knelt down and wanted to worship him as a teacher, which made him a little undecided.

And everyone was surprised and uproared, apprentice? Are you right?

"Brother... Oh no, master, you should be younger than me. Although you are younger than me, I really want to be a teacher!" Huang Chen continued, very persistent.

Shen Chen frowned slightly, the master-apprentice relationship is equivalent to the father-son relationship, this apprenticeship is not a joke, besides, his team is not too small, and it is useless to have one more person, let alone a person who does not know the basics .

Immediately, he thought of refusing, but Huang Chen's eyes really looked a little warmer, which made Shen Chen hard to say for a while, so he had to help Huang Chen up first, but this guy was very stubborn,

After being helped up by Shen Chen, he actually knelt down again. The thumping sound of his knees on the ground made everyone's teeth sour, and they felt that they were in pain too.

"If you don't accept me, I won't get up!" Huang Chen stubbornly stuck his neck and said while looking at Shen Shen persistently.

"You..." Shen Shen shook his head helplessly and asked, "What are you doing?"

Shen Chen was just expressing emotion, but Huang Chen said seriously: "Your ability is so strong that I don't even have the heart to be hostile, and from you, I see something that other new human beings don't have. , I have always wanted to pursue a good life in this crumbling world, and to live, you must have the strongest strength, and only you have this ability. Therefore, I ask you to accept me as a disciple."

"Then there's no need to worship a master! Do you guys know what it means to worship a master? It's not that you call a teacher at school, but you want to treat the master like a father!" Old Cui interjected, He is an old man, so he naturally knows the old rules: "Besides, in this world, worshiping a master? What's the use of worshiping a master!"

Huang Chen said very seriously: "I know, kowtow and serve tea. Since I have worshiped as a teacher, I will naturally treat this master like a father. I also know that these days, brothers can't help, friends can't be counted on, and even Even blood relationship cannot stand the test in the face of survival. But I want this master to know my determination, I have paid homage to my master, I will never do anything to hurt my master, and I will definitely follow my master's lead!"

Xiaowei knew Huang Chen's potential, but such a person actually wanted to worship Shen Chen as his master? Seeing that the two are not much different in age, does Huang Chen really treat Shen Chen like his father? Isn't this funny! But after thinking about Shen's ability, Xiao Wei somewhat understood Huang Chen's intentions, and even felt deep regret in her heart for her unreasonable treatment of Shen just now.

Shen Chen looked at Huang Chen's earnest and persistent look, and felt a little helpless in his heart. What this guy said was quite interesting. But if it's interesting, it's interesting, but Shen Chen still didn't intend to accept Huang Chen, and just asked, "What's your name?"

"My name is Huang Chen," Huang Chen said honestly, "Huangdi's Huang is the morning of the morning. But I also have a nickname, Chen Guang. People who know me well call me Chen Guang."

Shen Shen didn't pay attention to Huang Chenbao's name, but when he said Chenguang, Shen Shen's eyes immediately flashed a gleam.

Morning light?

The morning light called the eagle eye in the previous life? Legend has it that his eagle eyes can see through things dozens of kilometers away, and as long as he is looking at something, he will not be able to escape from the weapon in his hand. This person was well-known in his previous life and was quite powerful. I heard that when this person was capturing zombies, someone took advantage of his unpreparedness to snatch his evolution fluid. That person had already fled to another city, but after two days, he was shot to death by a flying arrow from nowhere. . As for the flying arrow, it was later confirmed that Huang Chen shot it two days ago. The result was an extremely precise shot at the fleeing Snitch. With this one incident alone, Huang Chen's reputation has spread throughout the country, shocking everyone to the extreme.

In the previous life, even though he had heard of his name, he had never met him in person. He did not expect Wei Yu to meet him here. What was even more surprising was that Huang Chen wanted to worship him as his teacher?

Shen Shen's eyes sank slightly, and his heart was a little shaken. This person doesn't know what his nature is, but he does have strength. What's more, it would be a good thing to have a strong man from the previous life under one's command, but it is not feasible to apprentice a teacher when they are not familiar with each other.

Immediately said: "There is no need to talk about the apprenticeship, you just knelt here to die, and it has nothing to do with me."

When Huang Chen heard Shen Shen's extremely indifferent words, his heart suddenly went cold, and he felt that Shen Shen was too tall and daunting in his mind. He looked a little lonely, but he didn't get up, he just lowered his head, as if he had suffered a lot.

"However - you can follow me temporarily until I think you are qualified to be a teacher." c

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