Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 819 Human flesh is delicious

The rain is falling, except for the thunderous thunder, everything in the world is silent. The dense dark clouds stand in the air, as if looking down at the ruins of bloody corpses with cold eyes, and the rain on the road washes the corpses continuously. The bloody water that came out flowed into the city's still intact drainage ditch, and passed away forever.

The donkey gasped and fell to the ground. He couldn't tell how many times he had attacked that horrible zombie with fearlessness, but that zombie didn't seem to have any thoughts about him, and didn't even scratch the skin on his body. break.

The most desperate thing in life is not death or defeat. It's the deep powerlessness in the face of an opponent like a moat.

"Killing is nothing but nodding, what on earth do you want to do? Kill me? Eat me!" The donkey lay on the ground and screamed with the last of its strength, but his voice was weak and trembling.

The zombie was slowly eating the corpse of its companion in front of him. Hearing the donkey's cry, it even looked in the direction of the donkey in a humane manner, and then threw a human thigh in front of the donkey.

The donkey looked at the white flesh turned upside down, and there were fat particles inside, and couldn't help but vomited out. His tears and snot dripped down on the companion's thigh, and his heart was full of pain. Almost reached the brink of impending collapse.

What is this zombie trying to do? What exactly is it trying to do?

The donkey didn't realize that in his consciousness, the zombie had already appeared the behavior of "thinking". This kind of brain activity that can only appear on intelligent creatures appeared on a zombie that can only be invisible.

But if you think about it carefully, a zombie that can stealthily capture humans already possesses a certain amount of wisdom.


After the donkey vomited and raised his head, he saw that the zombie had already stood in front of him at some point, staring at the donkey with horrified eyes, which made people shudder.

"You... what do you want to do?"


The sound of skin and bones being separated suddenly sounded, and the donkey opened its eyes wide in horror, only to see that the zombie had actually torn the flesh from that thigh into pieces. A piece of meat was stuffed into his mouth!

"Ouch..." The donkey vomited again crazily. This time, he couldn't control his urge to vomit out all his internal organs and six lungs.

However, the donkey soon felt that a piece of meat was stuffed into its mouth.

Swallowed into the throat along with the vomit.

That feeling made life worse than death. The donkey suddenly felt his hair was hot, his eyes were black, and his whole body was cold. His body was as soft as a hemp rope, shaking like a blade of grass in the wind.

The zombie was so strong that it stuffed the meat strips into the donkey's mouth one by one. The raw taste made the donkey feel so painful that it almost wanted to commit suicide.

Soon, the zombie seemed to know the pain of the donkey, and no longer forced the donkey to eat human meat, but waited for the donkey to vomit again, then kindly hooked up the collar of the donkey with the tip of the bone blade and placed it on the donkey. on his shoulders.

What the hell? What the hell is this!

The donkey has been completely dumbfounded and collapsed, what the hell is this zombie trying to do!

Soon, the zombie began to take steps and began to walk. Although its figure was tall, its feet didn't even vibrate at all. The whole figure was light and stable, just like some ancient light work.

About half an hour later, the zombie's footsteps stopped, and the donkey sat on the shoulder of the zombie, but saw that the zombie with strange behavior had arrived in the most densely lost city, and saw countless zombies following him. The back of the zombie's butt kept howling at itself, with an instinctive and greedy desire to eat on its face.

The donkey's heart tightened, and he couldn't help but grab the zombie under him. The invisible zombie seemed to feel the donkey's fear, and turned his head. He glanced at the donkey with big empty eyes, then turned his head and looked at the donkey. Angrily roared as the zombies following up.

It's no one's fault, a trace of fear appeared on the faces of those zombies, and they receded like a tide.

A low voice came out of the invisible zombie's mouth, which sounded like it was comforting the donkey. However, this made the donkey feel even more terrified. He thought about over a hundred reasons why this happened, but he still couldn't figure out what the reason for this zombie was towards him.

Soon, the invisible zombie walked into a dilapidated building, and the entrance of the building had been knocked open by the invisible zombie enough for it to walk through.

After following the zombies in, the donkey was surprised to find that there were several headless corpses lying there. However, what is creepy is that every corpse is wearing a military uniform.

so? Is this going to take him to his lair to kill him?

This zombie has a habit of collecting corpses in military uniforms?

The donkey couldn't laugh or cry, but he felt a little relief in his heart. It's good that he could lie here side by side with his comrades, and he died on the battlefield, a well-deserved death!

I was overjoyed, but the tears couldn't help but flow down. It wasn't cowardice, but excitement, but a sense of belonging.

Sure enough, the zombie quickly put the donkey on the ground, and as soon as the donkey's feet stepped on the ground, the zombie roared.

"Come on! Give me a refreshment!" roared the donkey, his eyes were clear, and he regarded death as home.

However, the invisible zombie scratched its head very humanely, God knows why the bone knife didn't split its head open. Immediately afterwards, it seemed to be looking for something on the ground. It stuck a bone knife into the ground, as if it had inserted a small square object, and brought the square object closer to its own eyes, as if those pale eyes could see clearly what was so small to it. As if, then, he bent down again, and a skull-like bony cheek was aimed at the donkey's face.

"What the hell do you want to do? What do you want to do?"

Rao is a donkey who is not afraid of anything, but he was really confused when he saw such a weird scene. He took a few steps back, avoiding those eyes that made people feel like he was in hell.

The zombie looked at the donkey quietly, and suddenly, he sent the bone knife forward. Just when the donkey thought that he would die this time, suddenly, his eyes froze, and he looked at the front in disbelief. .

A small square object stuck in that bone blade!

The donkey suddenly raised its head, screamed, and then trembled violently. Fear, fear, excitement and disbelief burst out of his eyes. He fixed his eyes on the invisible zombie in front of him, and said I can't even speak!

" are..."

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