At this time, the attack of the fourth-order zombies was approaching, and the terrifying and huge bone knife almost cut Shen Chen into a pulp!


The bone blade and the steel knife collided again!

???? "Crack!!" Shen Chen couldn't help frowning, the force from the steel knife caused his arm to be broken directly, the bones in the arm were twisted into a ball irregularly, the bones pierced through the flesh, The branches are on the outside.

???? The fourth-order zombie also took several dozen steps back, shaking heavily.

"Strong strength, fast speed. It is indeed a fifth-order zombie." Shen Shen frowned and looked at his arm, and then pressed the bone into the biological body with his hands nonchalantly. Such an injury can be cured in three or four days. alright.

"Chen Chen, you can't kill it like this!"

The donkey's voice suddenly sounded in the space. When Shen Shen was fighting the zombies just now, he felt as if he was in the center of a tornado. He had to climb the heavy objects around him so that he would not be thrown out and become a meat paste. And at this time, he finally understood that his mother was no longer that virtuous Chinese woman, but a zombie with incomparably terrifying power, and this zombie was definitely beyond his control.

Suddenly, the look of longing for his family disappeared from his eyes, and then he closed his eyes tightly, and at the moment when a crystal tear fell down the corner of his eye, he suddenly opened his eyes.

"Chen Chen, I'll go up and entangle it, you take the opportunity to kill him!"

Let your loved ones not suffer any more. Since the mother is dead, let her rest in peace. What is in front of me is just a monster occupying the mother's body. Kill it and comfort the mother's spirit in heaven!

However, Shen Chen's eyes suddenly shot out: "Good brother, you have figured it out. If that's the case, let's kill it together!"

"Kill it!" The donkey yelled, gnashing its teeth. The donkey immediately jumped up, like a giant goshawk, and flew over, the air around it was full of violent breath. When his body was flying down, he moved his left foot, his momentum suddenly expanded, and an afterimage flashed across the air, hitting the air with a "crackling" sound, and he flew over fiercely.

He called this move the mountain-shocking kick, and it was the most terrifying attack that he could unleash after possessing the ability. The superposition of dozens of kicks produces explosive power that cannot be underestimated.

Shen Shen's eyes also shone with firm confidence,

No matter in any desperate situation, he will never lose his faith in himself.

Shen Shen's body turned into a black afterimage again, running wildly on the ground, he and the donkey formed a two-sided attack direction, the steel knife in his hand seemed to feel Shen Shen's determination to kill, and the blue strange fire swayed even more.

Roar! ! !

The pincer attack from both sides made the fourth-order zombie feel that something was wrong, and it instinctively started a crazy attack to protect itself. However, the zombie whose IQ was not enough to deal with two adults soon felt the huge damage caused by the left and right pincers. Its bones cracked a huge gap, and even a few ribs fell from the chest cavity.

This is definitely more terrifying than any damage!

Roar! The zombies became angrier and more violent.

The donkey rushed over with one move followed by another, roar! ! ! "Facing the donkey's attack, the fourth-order zombie did not dodge or dodge. It swung its fist, and the bone blade brutally attacked the donkey's body.

The donkey also didn't dodge, he didn't care that his smashed feet didn't have much attack power, in his subconscious, this kind of desperate fight, maybe he didn't want to die together.

"Shen Chen, opportunity, hurry up!"

A smile flashed across the donkey's eyes. If the fourth-order zombies attacked him, Shen Chen's side would definitely have a chance to kill it!

However, how could Shen Chen let the donkey have trouble.


???? At that moment, a black shadow suddenly rushed in front of him, almost at the same time, two attacks arrived at the body of this black shadow at the same time.

The donkey's legs and the zombie's bone blade were inserted into Shen Shen's belly fiercely at this moment, and the donkey's legs also penetrated Shen Shen's body.


Crazy roars erupted from the donkey's mouth, and he watched Shen Shen's body being pierced by himself and the fourth-order zombies. At that moment, an emotion called hatred, fear, and regret almost overwhelmed him.

"Shen Chen, what the hell are you doing, what are you doing!"


"What? What?" The donkey didn't know what Shen Shen was talking about. He only saw endless blood pouring out of Shen Shen's body. His body that should have been powerless to fall was nailed to the ground because of the huge bone blade stuck in his chest.

"It's coming, run away." Shen Shen felt that the power in his body was disappearing with the flow of blood, as if something was lost in his body, but he was still smiling and repeating Duoduo's words.

"Shen Chen, what the hell are you, why are you standing in front of me! Damn you, damn you!" The donkey was on the verge of collapse, no matter how awesome Shen Shen was, if he didn't die, he would be killed soon. The knife edge of the zombie was infected, and then turned into a zombie.

Shen Chen... there is no help!

Just when the donkey was so angry and sad that he couldn't help himself, he saw Shen Shen struggling to raise the knife in his hand!


The steel knife was inserted into the leg bone of the fourth-order zombie. As Shen Shen continued to advance, the steel knife went deeper, but the fourth-level zombie was unable to move because the bone knife was severely stuck by Shen's muscles. He watched helplessly as the steel knife penetrated deeply into his leg bone.

The eyes of the fourth-order zombies were full of anger and bloodthirsty, and at the same time, there was disdain for Shen Shen's power, because even if Shen Shen inserted the steel knife into the leg bones of the fourth-order zombies, he could not seriously injure it. It suddenly pulled the bone knife out of its heavy body, and then continued to chop with the knife!

"No!!!!" The donkey's miserable cry came from next to his ears! At this moment, no one can save them!

However, at the next moment, a strange smile appeared on Shen Shen's face.

Immediately afterwards, blue flames suddenly erupted from the heavy body and the steel knife at the same time, and the blue flames flowed into the body of the fourth-order zombie along the bone cut by the steel knife, although the fourth-order zombie had no flesh and Fat, but as long as it has bones, it must have bone marrow flowing in it, and the bone marrow also has a lot of fat.

The way of exchanging life for life made Lan Yan completely burn up inside the body of the fourth-order zombie.

???? "Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!"

?? The fourth-order zombie suddenly went crazy. It seemed that its body was undergoing some inhuman and cruel torture. It threw Shen Chen and the donkey away, screaming heart-piercingly!

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