Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Eight hundred and twentieth eighth chapter to make trouble


Chu Li pushed his glasses, his eyes were very calm: "In terms of probability, we may lose 70% of the time, but there is a 30% chance of victory, so this matter is worth doing. Mr. Jiang, if You still have cards, and perhaps this adjustment in probability will help us work better in the future.”

Elder Jiang was taken aback for a moment, then smiled gratifiedly. With Chu Li's personality, he would never make any promises. This kind of straightforward and pragmatic action is his style.

General Jiang pushed a computer in front of Chu Li: "Of course, the deployment of the five major theaters was already working before the end of the world. Please take a look at these documents."

Half an hour later, Chu Li raised his eyes from the computer: "I already know the basic situation, and the situation is better than I imagined. Then, we can start working next."


Sun Yanze still remembers the expressions of Chu Li and Mr. Jiang talking at night with the lights on. The old and the young wrote down the plan to save the world on the palm-sized square table. So far, there are still two people who were taken away by the soldiers of the five major military regions. The number of one hundred thousand. They were hidden in the five military regions by the No. 2 chief. And in their hands, they will rely on the 200,000 troops to restore a new China. Recovering China with only 200,000 troops is an extremely difficult task.

After more than a month of deployment, now it's time to test Chu Li's previous work.

"Okay!" After listening to Chu Li's analysis, Elder Jiang slapped his hand heavily: "Now, according to your opinion, should we take the initiative?"

"Search and rescue nearby residents, and at the same time, use radio waves to transmit the location of the base, attracting new humans to join in one after another. I suggest that everyone be promoted by accumulating military merits."

Elder Jiang looked at Chu Li meaningfully, and suddenly chuckled: "Boy, what do you mean, all the people are soldiers?"

Chu Li looked at Elder Jiang with a calm tone: "This is an extraordinary time."

"Okay, just do as you said."

Because of Chu Li's order, City B began to move around, and at this time, Shen Chen also returned to the gathering place with the donkey. When the people who were waiting eagerly saw Shen Chen, they were frightened immediately, and went up to him in a hurry to help Shen Shen, but Shen Chen jumped off the eagle's back and walked over with strides, the two ribs on his chest were frightening to see. of.

Zhang Hongtao asked anxiously: "Boss, how did you get into this state? You were injured so badly." He hurriedly said loudly: "There is a doctor in the gathering place, I'll ask him to come over and show you!"

Shen Chen did not refuse Zhang Hongtao's kindness, and soon, a man trotted into the room, and when he saw the injury on Shen Shen's chest, he was shocked immediately: "How long has this injury been?"

The donkey said hurriedly, "It's almost an hour!"

"An hour? Still dead?"

Pan Di, Chen Yijian, Yuan Hong and others surrounded Zhang Hongtao's room raised their brows immediately: "What are you talking about?"

The doctor knew he was speechless, and immediately explained: "Such a serious injury, before the end of the day, would have been on the operating table long ago. I didn't expect this gentleman to be so lively. I was really scared just now."

Shen Chen smiled slightly and said, "It's not the end of the day, isn't it?"

The doctor was startled by Chen Yijian and others. Seeing Shen Shen's calm attitude and suffering such a serious injury, he talked and laughed happily. After an hour, the doctor wiped off his sweat and said, "Okay, if there is no equipment, we can only deal with it so far. Next, the patient should stay in bed more, so as not to make the wound infection worse."

Xia Weili listened carefully to the doctor's babble for a long time, and even found a pen to take notes, which inevitably made Shen Chen laugh: "Okay, it's so precious." After thanking the doctor, let him leave.

As soon as the doctor left, Pan Di asked nervously: "Boss,

This trip, what happened? Was it that zombie that hurt you like this? "

Everyone also eagerly looked at Shen Shen with questioning eyes, and then Shen Shen briefly told what happened before, but only blurred the matter of the donkey and his mother, so that the donkey on the other side felt a sense of gratitude in his heart .

After everyone heard the ins and outs of the incident, they immediately felt in their hearts. With the deepening of the doomsday, it seems that these zombies have become more and more difficult to deal with. If Shen Shen is not here today, I am afraid that the entire gathering place will not know when They will be taken over by this fourth-order zombie. Thinking about it in my heart, I was suddenly nervous, scared and relieved.

Shen Shen pressed his hands, interrupted the whispered discussions of the crowd, and then said to Zhang Hongtao: "Although this time, except for the fourth-level zombies, the loss of your gathering place is also heavy. More than forty second-level men died. This follow-up appeasement You have to do your job well."

The heavy reminder made Zhang Hongtao straighten his face, and immediately nodded and said: "Don't worry, the family members of these companions will be taken care of at the gathering place."

While talking, suddenly, there was a noise coming from the door.

It seemed that someone wanted to break in, but the gatekeeper couldn't stop him. The cursing voice was particularly harsh, making the people in the room frown. Zhang Hongtao's face immediately turned gloomy, and he shouted angrily, "What are you arguing about?"

The commotion outside stopped leisurely, and then, a rough and rude voice came over: "Old Zhang, it's me. Damn it, the bastards outside stopped me from seeing you. Open the door quickly! I I need you urgently!"

Shen Shen frowned slightly, looking at Zhang Hongtao, Zhang Hongtao explained in a low voice: "It's Wang Longjie!"

Wang Longjie, as soon as this name was mentioned, everyone immediately thought of the fat man surnamed Zhang who made things difficult at the door earlier, he seemed to be the nephew of this guy called Wang Longjie? Hearing this person's domineering and rude yelling again, he immediately understood in his heart that this guy named Wang Longjie was by no means a good person.

"Boss, I'll let this guy leave first." Zhang Hongtao said.

Shen Shen shook his head: "Since he is looking for you, he obviously has something important to do, let him in."

Shen Shen spoke with a sense of majesty, Zhang Hongtao nodded immediately, and raised his voice and shouted: "Come in."

Before the words fell, the door was pushed open with a "bang", followed by a sneer of yin and yang: "Zhang Hongtao, I'm desperately killing zombies outside, but you are better off hiding in the room and shrinking your head with the fuck You can't come out like a tortoise, and you still stop me from entering the house, what do you mean by that?"

He walked towards the room while talking, and unexpectedly found that the person sitting on the chair in the room was not Zhang Hongtao, but a young and excessive man. look at yourself.

Wang Longjie was taken aback subconsciously. He looked around, only to find that Zhang Hongtao's office was full of strangers he didn't know, and Zhang Hongtao was standing there, as if the person sitting on the chair was the real owner of the place. .

"Hehe! I don't know, when did the gathering place change to be the leader, Zhang Hongtao, are you really able to keep the door closed and not let me in, and hold a small meeting here by yourself? Who is this man? Ah ?”

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