Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 830 Despicable and shameless, kill


"Are you awesome? No matter how awesome you are!" Chen Yijian sneered, and continued to swing down several punches. He didn't believe that this guy could be so strong that his fists would not be half disabled. Heavy, it's just that Wang Longjie's words and attitude when he came in the door were obviously aimed at his own side. If he could swallow this breath, he wouldn't be called Chen Yijian anymore.

On the other hand, Wang Longjie was also a little surprised. He was a third-tier expert, and the person in front of him who came out of nowhere was really not weak. Moreover, he had such a fiery temper that he could fight whenever he wanted, without leaving any room for him. It seems that the strength of these people is indeed not bad, no wonder Zhang Hongtao has the capital to yell at him.

Wang Longjie thought about it again, and was startled again, this Hong Tao, could it be that his accomplice came to the door, and then planned to get rid of him? The more he thought about it, the more he thought about it. He killed his subordinates first, and then expelled his relatives, so that he could rush in and reason with him, and then arranged for someone to come out to provoke him. Die here!

This is really a big conspiracy!

The more Wang Longjie thought about it, the more anxious he became, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and the murderous intent in his eyes immediately disappeared. Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!

But he suddenly took a few steps under his feet, and the whole person jumped to the ceiling like flying, and then, he saw a dozen paper-like things suddenly appearing in his hand, but saw a cold light in his eyes, that More than a dozen pieces of paper-like things scattered towards the top of everyone's heads.

"Haha, you bastard, are you throwing out paper money for yourself in advance? Okay, grandpa, I'll keep it for you!" Chen Yijian laughed, and flew up nonchalantly, intending to push away the oncoming fingernail-sized paper with one hand. piece.

But at this moment, Shen Shen's expression suddenly changed, he stomped heavily on the sole of his foot, and his figure rushed out like an arrow, passing by quickly. He arrived first, and the speed of the ghost actually snatched Chen Yijian's body the moment Chen Yijian touched the piece of paper. Immediately afterwards, he turned into a faint shadow, silently, Ghosts are generally dizzyingly fast. For a moment in the office, only the scattered pieces of paper could be seen, and they seemed to have stopped and frozen in mid-air, fixed in the air.

When everyone's eyes focused again, they saw Shen Shen's face was solemn, holding these dozen pieces of paper tightly in his hands.

"Boss? What are you doing with this?" Chen Yijian was still a little surprised.

But Shen Shen sneered, his body flickered for a moment, and Wang Longjie let out a scream, but just as he raised his hand to resist Shen Shen's attack, he was blown away and hit the wall hard In an instant, the person collapsed, spouting blood, and shouted angrily, "What do you want?"

"What do I want to do? I'm afraid I want to ask you, what do you want to do." Shen Shen said coldly and sharply: "Your ability is really good, if I hadn't noticed something wrong, I'm afraid we would really die here today. "

This sentence made everyone stunned immediately, and Pan Di hurriedly asked: "Boss, what's going on?"

Ah Feng also frowned, puzzled. She boasted that she had a superior IQ and was extremely arrogant, but at this moment she couldn't figure out what Shen Shen meant, and what he saw was wrong.

"What are you talking about, I don't understand!" Wang Longjie screamed and shouted loudly: "You just want to find a way to abolish me, don't you? Don't talk nonsense. Otherwise, my brothers outside will make a fuss, and no one in this gathering place will have a good time."

"The mouth is still quite hard." Shen Shen sneered, but Huang Chen was puzzled by the second monk, he asked anxiously: "Boss, what's going on, why did we almost die?" Suddenly, Ah Feng seemed to be conscious Seeing something, he said anxiously: "Piece of paper, there is a problem with the piece of paper."

"What's wrong with the piece of paper!" Wang Longjie said with a stiff neck, "You just want to persecute me!"

Shen Shen sneered slightly: "If you don't tell me about your tricks,

I'm afraid everyone still doesn't know. "He suddenly stretched out his hand to pinch Wang Longjie's mouth open, gently squeezed one of the pieces of paper and put it into his mouth: "I heard that paper cannot be folded in half seven times, what will happen the seventh time, do you know? "

As soon as this sentence was said, Wang Longjie's face changed instantly. He stared at the piece of paper pressed against his lips with cold sweat, as if he was holding a ticking time bomb rather than a piece of paper.

In an instant, Ah Feng's eyes lit up, and Mao Sai suddenly said, "Explosion!"

"Explosion? What explosion?" Everyone asked hurriedly.

Ah Feng immediately raised her eyebrows slightly, and said coldly: "After facing the paper for the seventh time, due to the hardness of the paper, it cannot bear the hardness of folding. A little pressure will burst. And I'm sure, this guy's ability should be able to transform and adjust the hardness of the paper, which means that as long as we touch these pieces of paper without precaution, these pieces of paper The power of an explosion, in this sealed room, can even overturn this mine!"

Everyone was stunned, their faces were as blue as a hen hatching an egg, and then they looked at the paper in Shen Chen's hand. It was a stack of small papers, it was clearly a ticking time bomb! Once thinking of being overturned by the explosion, and even the bones were gasified, everyone felt a chill in their hearts. This small piece of paper is simply a terrifying weapon for killing people!

Even Zhang Hongtao turned pale with shock, he never knew that Wang Longjie had this trick, no wonder he never asked anyone to kill zombies with him, it turned out that he deliberately concealed his ability. If he succeeds in this, as Ah Feng said, it will inevitably attract zombies, and by then, more than a few people in the room will die.

Chen Yijian's face was covered in cold sweat for a moment, and his whole face was pale. He was the closest to the piece of paper just now. If it wasn't for Shen Chenfei's body, he might be the first to get hit. Die here!

He was anxious and angry, stepped forward and kicked Wang Longjie fiercely: "You are so sinister and vicious!" After speaking, he turned to Shen Shen and said, "Boss, what should we do?"


Shen Shen said lightly.

His voice was low and calm, but the words that came out of his mouth made people feel a chill in their hearts.

Ye Zhou and Huang Chen took a deep look at Shen Shen and didn't speak, while the others nodded emphatically.

"I'm coming!" Chen Yijian immediately rolled up his sleeves and was about to step forward when he suddenly squinted at Zhang Hongtao: "Zhang Hongtao, I'll kill him, do you have any objections?"

Zhang Hongtao nodded: "Boss means, kill."

"That's good, it will save someone from talking about it for a while." Chen Yijian pointed at Ye Zhou, and then immediately stepped forward, kicked his feet, jumped up, and slammed into the cave like a snake. Cleave the air so hard that Wang Longjie's neck will be broken.

For such a despicable and shameless guy who tried to catch them all, kill him!

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