Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 856: Class of 5

No. 014

The code name of Li Qi of Wang Zhanlian, who had already lost his life, was 014. The soldier in front of him was obviously not Li Qi. In Shen Shen's eyes, the sharpness was fleeting.

After leaving the yard, Pan Di frowned and said, "It feels like Chu Li is playing a big game of chess."

"Well," Shen Shen nodded. In fact, what he asked today was similar to what he knew in his previous life, except that he could enter the capital, which was not available in his previous life. From today's perspective, it looks like a rule that Chu Li deliberately added.

Who knows if Chu Li issued this order just for himself?

This idea suddenly appeared in Shen Shen's mind, but it quickly disappeared like a meteor, because Ah Feng frowned and said: "I think this 014 looks very strange. The regulations formulated are very familiar, for a soldier like him who is only in charge of reception, would a mere lieutenant really understand these regulations?"

"014..." Shen Shen rubbed his chin, his eyes seemed to look far, far away through the person in front of him. "It reminds me of a few acquaintances in white clothes."

All the hairs on Pan Di, Yuan Hong's body stood on end, and Yuan Hong hurriedly asked, "The man in white? An experimental subject produced by the research institute?"

"Why is it here in military uniform?"

"Will this guy become a zombie king again!"

Everyone felt that cold sweat was breaking out all over their bodies, and for a while, they felt that Chu Li's arrangement was simply too terrifying.

"It's a civilian cadre." Shen Shen said: "It seems that Chu Li should position it as an auxiliary tool. It's just that it's still too dangerous."

"Chu Li is really not a good guy." Chen Yijian had never met Chu Li before, so he naturally imagined him as a very sinister and terrifying bad guy.

Shen Chen looked at Chen Yijian in surprise: "What did you say?"

"The class is fixed. If you want to get a good life, you have to go through life and death." Chen Yijian said with a sneer: "Speaking of cruelty, this is the real cruelty."

"However, in terms of fairness, it's fair enough. Everyone is at the same starting point, and whoever has the ability can go." Wu Wei said.

Shen Shen nodded,

Then he said to the crowd: "Scattering us doesn't mean a bad thing. My idea is that we must keep pace. After two months, the military merit value must be promoted to the rank of school officer together, and we will go to city b together. Everyone , in the new collective, it's time to show your true strength. Remember, we are not far from our goal."

After finishing speaking, everyone dispersed and found their own team.

Shen Chen found his dormitory with his own things. A dormitory is less than ten square meters, with three bunk beds, which means that he has five different companions.

Although it looks like a dormitory in a military camp, it is impossible for the house to be as orderly as it was during the Taiping period. After all, all the people joining now are ordinary people.

While Shen Chen was looking at the room, the people who lived in also came in one after another.

A very young child who seems to be only sixteen years old, and an uncle who is already in his forties or fifties. There was also a strong man in his thirties.

Finally, a young man who looked very frail came in.

But no matter how you look at it, these people don't look like soldiers. The five people looked at each other and seemed to have no intention of speaking.

The instructor soon came to the dormitory. When he looked at the five people, he didn't seem to ask them to stand in a military posture. He just told them lightly that there were only five people in their class, and the old squad leader had temporary tasks and couldn't take them. What they have to do, first of all, is to elect a waiting squad leader. After finishing speaking, he said some discipline and precautions, and then left.

Shen Chen was very skeptical. The person who should be his squad leader was imprisoned in the salt water incident, so they, the common people, lost their veterans.

Those four people looked at me and I looked at you. Suddenly, the man in his thirties suddenly said, "Since the instructor wants us to choose the squad leader, let's introduce ourselves first."

He cleared his voice to conceal his coveting for some trivial rights, and then said: "Let me introduce myself first, I am from Province J, my surname is Wang, just call me Wang Renquan, and I used to be an art university The teacher in the Armed Forces Department is in charge of conscription. So I still know a little about the army."

He said here, as if waiting for everyone to say something. And the young man with folded arms just showed an unpredictable smile on his face, the uncle in his forties and fifties was full of impatience, and the frail young man seemed to have not woken up, only the one who looked very The healthy teenager seems to be listening to himself carefully,

So he leaned against the sixteen-year-old child, and said, "Introduce yourself."

"Me?" The boy said shyly, "My name is Ziegfei, and I'm a junior high school student. When the disaster struck, my parents turned into zombies, so I jumped out of the window and escaped."

Wang Renquan nodded slightly, this person will not threaten his status as monitor.

"I'm a farmer, and I only know how to farm." The man in his forties or fifties said, "My surname is Feng, you can call me Lao Feng." He still spoke with a heavy provincial accent, and looked extremely honest.

This threat is not great.

Wang Renquan looked at the frail man: "What about you?"

"Just call me Falcon." The frail man said, "I'm a surgeon."

Wang Renquan's gaze suddenly became a little unfriendly, and then turned to Shen Shen.

"Shen Chen, identity...a college student." Although he has been a human for two lifetimes, Shen Chen's age at this time is only the actual age of a freshman or sophomore.

A trace of slack appeared in Wang Renquan's eyes, and he said cheerfully: "Then we will be comrades-in-arms from now on. Well, back to the topic just now, we need a squad leader. How do you think about it?"

Ziegfei immediately said: "Teacher, I think you can be the monitor."

For a child, perhaps a college teacher, is more deterrent than others.

"I'm a farmer, so I can't be the squad leader. You decide." Lao Feng also gave up his rights.

A smile appeared on the corner of Wang Renquan's mouth, and then he looked at the man who called himself Falcon. This man's eyes were narrow and long, always showing a very cold luster.

"I'm not interested in being the squad leader." Falcon said, "My ability should belong to the research institute, so I will apply for a change of identity in a few days. Of course, I also hope to get military merit. After all, the dual identity Rights will allow me to live better in this world."

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