Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Eight hundred and seventy first chapters people with bad thoughts

A sharp flash of sternness suddenly flashed in Wang Renquan's eyes. The only way he could think of to save himself at this moment was to apply to leave this class and transfer to another class. But he had to find someone who was stronger than Shen Chen, or someone who could fight against Shen Chen.

If you want to find such a person, you have to go to the big screen to find the top few military merits. Wang Renquan made up his mind and rushed to the big screen immediately. He had just arrived at the square, but suddenly found that the leaderboard was full of people. There was a lot of discussion.

"Ah, this man named Siegfried, how did he kill so many zombies? This is too powerful!"

"He only ranked fourth, isn't the first three even better?"

"The first and second are in the same class, and the third and fourth are also in the same class. Why are these two classes so good, I also want to go to their class..."

The tone of the crowd was either envious or jealous, but Wang Renquan stopped and looked at the big screen suspiciously. Looking at it, Wang Renquan immediately felt his brain "boom" as if it exploded.

How can it be? How could those two weaklings, Siegfried and Lao Feng, be ranked third and fourth, while Shen Chen and Falcon had zero merit points behind them? How can this be!

Are you kidding me?

The more Wang Renquan thought about it, the more panicked he became. He intuitively felt that Shen Shen must have some ideas, and he seemed to have missed an opportunity for him to develop by leaps and bounds!


correct! Those more than 300,000 zombies!

Wang Renquan's eyeballs moved slightly, and he immediately realized that Shen Chen was planning to lurk in the early stage and then explode at the end? This move is too ruthless. Once it is hidden in the early stage, others will not know his true military value. Once it is all concentrated and exploded in the later stage, even if others have this strength, they will not have the time to kill as many zombies as Shen Chen up!

This guy's mind is too heavy!

You must find a powerful person, you must get Shen Shen down, and if necessary, you must even kill him, otherwise, you will be the one who is played to death!

A gleam of determination flashed across Wang Renquan's face for a moment, and at this moment, from the corner of his vision, he suddenly saw the figure of a pale-faced young man being taken away by the soldiers.

Originally, Wang Renquan didn't care, but the man stared at the big screen, as if he was unwilling, his lips moved, as if making some noise.

Wang Renquan's heart moved, he pushed aside the crowd, followed the path of the pale-faced young man, and observed carefully. After a while, I realized that his mouth shape was saying that the number one should belong to him, and it was all because of that trash who framed him!

Wang Renquan narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly, a smug smile appeared on his brows. He... found someone who could fight against Shen Chen!

When Wang Renquan returned to the dormitory, the lights in the dormitory had already been turned off, and there was a faint sound of snoring. Wang Renquan tiptoed back into his bed. What made him relieved was that Shen Shen seemed to have fallen asleep and did not find him his trouble.

The next day, as usual, Shen Shen led the group of people and Huang Chen to kill the enemy. This time, according to Shen Shen's order, Wang Renquan rushed to the bottom of the hillside to attract zombies.

Huang Chen said "huh": "This kid is very active today. Boss, did you fix him yesterday?"

"No." Shen Shen said.

"Then why are you so good?"

"There must be ghosts in your heart." Shen Shen said lightly, Huang Chen wanted to ask again, but Shen Shen had already changed the subject: "The zombies are coming up, kill them!"


This is a man's world, a bloody and violent world!

Blood, pieces of meat, and stumps were flying in the sky. In the bloody mist, everyone's fortitude and tenacity were faintly revealed.

Or cut, or chop, or stab...

Every attack takes away the sinful life, and the resurrected creatures return to hell again under the sharp weapons.

There were so many zombies this time, perhaps because there were not many first-order zombies left. Everyone had to slash and kill zombies that far outnumbered them on the line of life and death...until Shen Shen ordered it to stop.

Back at the base, Shen Shen and the others did not take the heads of the zombies as usual, while Yuan Hong and the others still distributed the heads of the zombies they hunted to everyone. Wang Renquan looked at the countless heads in front of him, but there was no trace of gratitude in his eyes.

Sure enough...they used these leftovers to send us away, and the real big head is that they want to eat it all!

He sneered in his heart: "But... I don't know who will win!"


The 48 days of confinement passed quickly, the list on the leaderboard changed rapidly, more people died, and more new humans began to show their heads, but the ones who firmly dominated the list were still less than, Dawang, and Zig Fei and his group seem to be able to kill so many zombies every day.

It is worth noting that a person named Ling Chenxuan seems to be a latecomer. After the first three days without any results, he made rapid progress on the fourth day, and on the seventh day, he has firmly occupied the first position.

When Wang Renquan saw this list, he knew that it was time for him to find this guy named Ling Chenxuan.

At this time, Xia Weili had successfully advanced to become a fourth-order new human being with Shen Chen's help, which made Wu Wei happy for a while, and seemed to have higher requirements on himself.

For a whole week, Shen Shen led the crowd to hunt and kill zombies. Soon, the zombies in the parking lot were completely cleaned up, and the next thing they had to face was the terrifying tide of zombies in the expo area.

"Tomorrow is an adjustment day. Everyone, take good care of your spirits and meet new challenges. In my class, Siegfried and Lao Feng, you should not follow us in from now on. Form a class with Huang Chen's comrades-in-arms and find other people. Similarly, Yuan Hong, you guys also make arrangements. The day after tomorrow, we will enter the park collectively.” Shen Shen said during the gathering: “Remember, the lowest zombie in the park also has a second-level, and there are all kinds of strange things. Everyone Make a plan for twelve points."


It was obviously a very terrifying thing, but Lao Feng and the others could see the impatient expressions in the eyes of Chen Yijian, Pan Di, Yuan Hong and others, as if they could not wait to fly into the park right now and enter the terrifying tide of zombies .

"I wish you all! Good luck!" Wang Renquan said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will lead Siegfried and the others well."

Falcon sneered beside him, but no one responded.

On the other hand, according to Chu Li's instructions, Li Chenchuan will submit the top 100 rankings to Chu Li every week, and today is the date for submitting the report.

Thirty-seven seconds after submitting the report, Li Chenchuan received a call from City B.

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