Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 885: The Black Blade’s Materials Are Available

However, Huang Zizhong was horrified to find that his mouth could not speak, and his hand suddenly attached to his throat, but in the corner of his vision, he found that little by little black liquid appeared on the back of his hand like age spots...

But at this moment, in his eyes, he saw the old man in black robe suddenly rushing towards the young man in the head, and in his ears, he heard the old man say again: "Save me, save me...there is a monster ahead..."


Huang Zizhong stretched out his hand in despair, he wished to scratch this old immortal demon to death with his hand that had turned into bones, it was he...bringing them to this was kill them...


A gorgeous white light shot from the front, so familiar, but Huang Zizhong's Xin suddenly felt relieved. He felt the sharp claws of his companions behind him resting on his shoulders, his rotten and melted face, Suddenly, an expression that was half smiling, half crying, half crying: "Be careful... that guy... isn't good..."


Accompanied by an explosion, the only sentence turned into a roar and disappeared under the power of the evolution hand cannon. --Tomato Novel Network `-```-

Pan Di frowned and watched the white evolutionary hand cannon smash a dozen people surrounded by strange black mist, and asked with some doubts: "What's going on? Why did they all suddenly become monsters?"

"Be careful!" Shen Chen didn't answer, but looked more cautiously in front of him.

But after the white light disappeared, a white mist rose, but, in the white mist, there seemed to be some tiny black spots coming out of it, Pan Di and others were shocked suddenly, but saw the tiny black spots like Small bubbles popped out one after another, and finally, they spewed out all at once, covering up the white mist into black.

"What the hell is this!"

Chen Yijian shouted in horror, his face pale and terrifying. Tomato Novel Network ```-``-`-`

"Flying insects!" There seemed to be cold sweat on Shen Shen's face, his lips were tightly pursed, he grabbed the evolution gun and shot it hard.

This time, everyone could see clearly that when the evolution gun arrived, the large black mist dispersed in a "swish" and turned into insignificant black spots, dodging the attack of the evolution gun at an incomparably fast speed. , and then gathered together again, due to the extremely fast speed, it seemed to the human eyes that they had not moved at all, so they had the illusion that they were not afraid of the evolution gun at all.

"So many flying insects!" Xia Weili bit her lower lip tightly: "Then how do we kill them?"

Such a tiny object with such a fast speed is extremely difficult to deal with. Can't help but tremble in everyone's heart.

"Or, let's retreat, anyway, the old man is in his hands!" Huang Chen shouted extremely quickly.

"No!" Shen Shen said sharply and coldly: "Once these flying insects target a person, it is impossible to leave without eating them up. Tomato Novels ```--`-" He Tightly pursing his lower lip, he actually had two evolutionary guns in his hands; "Bang bang bang" fired several shots in a row.

Shen Shen's marksmanship is really good. His evolution seems to be chaotic, but it actually implies a trajectory. Basically, the first shot is used to disperse, and the second shot is directly directed at the place where the flying insects scatter.

After a few shots, the flying insects fell to the ground like beans, and the flying insects, which were the size of a grain of sand, covered the ground, which was really creepy.

However, other people's imitative shooting obviously didn't work, and there were even cases where Shen Chen's attack was destroyed.

Ah Feng shook her head: "No, Boss Shen Shen, with you alone, those bugs will soon fly to you."

Shen Chen also knew in his heart that there is only one best way to deal with these bugs, and that is his own Lan Yan, but after the two fierce battles just now, if the Lan Yan in his body wants to force him to deliver him again, it will be really harmful to his body. Seems like a formidable burden. □ ○ ◇Tomato Novel Network -`---`-``--``

However, seeing that the insect had already flown to the front, everyone kept retreating, and the old man in black robe seemed to be planning some kind of evil plan, and kept saying, "Young man, let's run! This flying insect is too powerful!" It's..."

"Awesome? Didn't you release it?"

The old man in black robe suddenly froze, his face was extremely embarrassed: "No... how is that possible. By the way, let's run quickly..."

Although he said to run fast, he was stumbling around and dragging his feet.

But at this time, the flying insects had already arrived, and countless flying insects gathered into a big web, rushing over like a spider's web.


The scream of the woman immediately reminded me that the ferocious flying insect seemed to have turned into a skeleton,

Shen Shen sneered, a cold light flashed in his eyes. Suddenly, blue flames burst out from his fingers, like a fire dragon opened its huge mouth, directly enveloping the cloud of black mist inside.

Lan Yan's heavy fingers gushed out continuously, and zigzag sparks continuously flashed in the dark passage, tearing the darkness apart.

All of a sudden, the sound of popping beans "cracking" was heard, and the sound of flying insects being dried and burned to ashes was heard endlessly.

The face of the black-robed old man was twisted to the extreme at that moment, he stared at Shen Shen in shock, his cloudy eyeballs shot out at that moment, his whole body trembled, as if he wanted to touch Shen with excitement.

But Pan Di suddenly grabbed her: "What do you want to do?"

"Soldier of God, Messenger of God!" The black-robed old man looked at Shen Shen piously: "He was sent by my lord, my God! I actually saw the arrival of the God's envoy in my lifetime! My God!"

His voice was sharp and high-pitched, and those who listened to it felt goose bumps all over their bodies.

However, Shen Shen didn't know that the old man looked at him with such hot and excited eyes, as if he wanted to swallow him in his stomach.

The blue flames in his body were completely wiped out, and the flying insects in front of him disappeared. Shen Chen couldn't help feeling a little worried, wondering if the blue flame in his body could recover again. After all, Lan Yan's ability to fight against the enemy is very powerful, if he disappears just to burn these flying insects, it will really be worth the candle.

But as soon as his eyes fell on the ground, he couldn't help being surprised. The black worm corpses on the ground were not burned, but instead left stone-like things scattered all over the ground.

Kneeling down to pick up one, the serious look on Shen Shen's face immediately turned into surprise.

"This is the material for making advanced weapons!"

Shen Chen is a man of knowledge. It only takes one gram of this kind of material to add to the weapon, which can increase the hardness of the weapon several times. Therefore, the price has always been high, monopolized by profiteers, and the supply exceeds the demand. But now, there are more than ten catties of insect corpses all over the ground. This is simply a huge fortune!

Originally, Shen Shen had been suffering from lack of suitable materials to temper the black blade again, so he had to borrow Pan Di's great sword all the time, but now it seems that God sent him the materials to temper the black blade!

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