Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 891 Rocket Speed

"I'm not kidding you!" Shen Shen said with a sneer, "You said, it's okay to earn 10,000 military merit points, then I will bring you 10,000 military merit points."

He pointed back, and Li Chenchuan saw a series of zombie heads hidden behind him, arranged like watermelons pulled by a truck.

"This? There are only thirty or so zombies here, and you tell me that the military merit is worth 10,000?" Li Chenchuan said with a smile: "Even if the task is not completed, it is not possible to lie in this way, right?"

"No one will lie to you." Shen Shen said, "All of them are Tier 3 zombies, and the total score is 10200. The remaining fraction is my gift to you."

What he said was so domineering, Li Chenchuan couldn't help being dumbfounded. He looked at the thirty or so heads, and suddenly swallowed: "Isn't it? They are all third-tier zombies?"

"If you have tested it yourself, you will know."

While talking, the outside door knocked several times, and Li Chenchuan said impatiently, "What's the matter?"

"Report to the chief, there is an emergency!"

Li Chenchuan's face turned green all of a sudden, and he knew that nothing good would happen when Shen Chen appeared. He was even worried in his heart whether Shen Shen had attracted the tide of zombies, so he gouged out Shen Chen's eyes and said anxiously, "Hurry up." Come in."

On Shen Chen's side, he rolled his eyes from the bottom of his heart, more or less knowing that this emergency situation was mostly aimed at him.

"Chief, when we were on duty at the gate just now, we found an unknown person broke into the base, and the warning was useless. When we chased him, he had already disappeared in the base. The speed is extremely fast. According to preliminary analysis, it is not a zombie, it is probably... …yeah?"

At first the voice was still hurried and anxious, but once the soldier looked at Shen Shen from the corner of his eye, his voice suddenly rose: "Why are you here?"

There was disbelief in this question, exasperation, excitement and incomprehension, as well as a faint anger and depression.

Li Chenchuan understood, he pointed to Shen Shen and said, "Ah, he should be the one you saw."

"Yes! That's him!" The soldier said anxiously, and then his voice became quieter: "But I didn't know he was your guest. But even if he is your guest, you have to go through the salt water inspection procedures!"

Li Chenchuan looked at this dedicated soldier, and said to Shen Shen: "Look at you, how much trouble you have brought to our work."

"You're right,

I'm going to check it out. The corner of Shen Chen's mouth raised slightly: "When I come back, I want to see that my military merit ranks first. In addition, tell me that my people are all right." "

After all, he walked out of Li Chenchuan's office.

The soldier's face turned green, who is this? Is it too arrogant? Dare to talk to the chief with this attitude.

Look at the chief again, this look of daring to be angry?

My day, what's the situation?

When Shen Shen came out, the square was already full of people, not because of anything else, but because of a sudden huge change in the ranking list, a person's name suddenly appeared on the ranking list, and at the same time, he was flying at the speed of a rocket. up.

Two hundred...eighty...sixty...

The number behind the name jumped in units of 300, and all the people who discovered this anomaly gathered together, watching in shock the number on the leaderboard kept jumping.

"Isn't it? What kind of fierce man is this? The second list doesn't have such a second, does it?"

"Where do you think this guy came from?"

"Fuck, the question I'm concerned about now is, how many places can he get on the list?"

"I guess the top thirty?"

"top ten!"

"The top ten are almost there. It is impossible to be the first. How many zombies can he kill?"

Everyone speculated, and at this moment, Shen Shen's ranking increased by 300 again, directly entering the 29th place!

"It's in the top 30! It's in the top 30!"

The crowd of onlookers erupted into a strong applause, as if they were on the list.

After entering the top 30, he entered the first page, and this guy named Shen Chen seems to be still surging in points.

Refresh again, No. 16!

"I go!"

"It soared to sixteen directly!"

"Squeeze all the people below!"

"This Nima is too powerful!"

However, it was refreshed again next time, and everyone was shocked again.

"Tenth place! Tenth place!"

"This shit is jumping with a lot of people!"

"How many zombies did he kill!"

However, some people analyzed and said: "Look, the higher you get to the top, the slower the number of people jumping. In my opinion, it would be great to advance to the fifth place at most."

"Fifth is also very powerful! This must be at least a third-order powerhouse to be in the top five."

"If it's only the fifth place!" The person who spoke said very arrogantly: "It still has to be ranked below me."

"So you are the fourth! Sorry, sorry!"

While talking, the screen flickered, and Shen Chen's name suddenly changed to the third place! But the original fourth place and Shen Chen's fifth place turned one by one.

"Hmm..." The person who just said that the fifth person was nothing special suddenly turned red, embarrassing to a certain extent.

Immediately, someone next to him said: "Oh, isn't this the fourth place that you said you were awesome just now? Why did you suddenly get squeezed to the fifth place that you don't even look up to!"

The man felt that he couldn't stay any longer, and immediately said harshly: "What's wrong with the third place, I guarantee that he can only stop here! If I'm wrong, I'll take off my clothes and run naked today!"


The crowd who watched the excitement immediately applauded and cheered.

Then the sky seemed to be against this person, and the screen flickered again. second place...

Bet that man's face was green, he seemed to be planning to sneak away, but the excited audience was unwilling to let him go, and when the man was stripped naked and started running around the square, the atmosphere reached a climax .

But at this time, everyone's focus has quietly turned to whether this outstanding man named Shen Chen can surpass the first place!

The screen did not flicker for about half a minute, and the hearts of all the audience seemed to calm down slowly.

"I guess it will stop here."

"Hey, the second place is not bad, we will never reach the second place in our lifetime, right?"

"It seems that our base has another strong man!"

"I don't know who is better than the number one?" Someone suddenly asked curiously.

Immediately, someone next to him slapped that guy: "You are stupid, the first person is already almost at the fourth level, he is so strong, how can this guy compare?"

At this moment, suddenly, the screen flashed more than a dozen times.

Everyone hurriedly stared at the past, only to see that the number behind Shen Chen's name suddenly seemed to blow out, 300, 300 kept increasing, until after flashing ten times, with an astonishing score of 10200, it ranked first .

The second guy named Ling Chenxuan's score was only two-thirds of his score, and he was firmly suppressed.

Everyone was extremely shocked, everyone opened their mouths, and stayed in place as if they were immobilized. For a moment, the square that was still noisy just now was quiet and there was no one there.

The moment the streaking brother saw the score, he was so frightened that he didn't even bother to cover his body.


10200 points?

Are they dreaming? How could someone do this? This means that someone killed 10,000 zombies in a short period of time! What is the concept of 10,000 zombies? It means that you can be torn to pieces in an instant when you throw yourself into it!

Moreover, the 300, 300 score jumps, and a knowledgeable person can tell at a glance that they didn't kill the first-level zombies, and they obviously only picked the third-level zombies to kill! Tier 3 zombies? Could this be killed by ordinary people? Also killed 34 in a row! Isn't it so powerful that it is perverted!

And dare the screen didn't move for a long time just now, is it because the score is too high and the change is too fast, causing the computer to freeze when inputting?

This this……

Everyone was crying and wanting to laugh, where the hell is this god-man! How strong is it that people can't bring up the heart of confrontation!

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