Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter Nine hundred and first slap him

The light of the knife swirled around Shen Chen, and a huge perfect circle slashed towards the monster. No one can compare the perfection of that circle, as if the knife was there at the moment when the world was first created, as if countless new human beings sacrificed their lives to defend their homeland and slashed out with the same knife, a perfect, cleansing knife . ?

The running monster suddenly turned into two halves. The five-meter-high body was cut into two by the black blade starting from the top of the head. While it was running, a splash of blood surged up and splashed in the air, and its countless big mouths opened to the maximum at the same time, and the countless screams that sounded in an instant were as sharp as the cry of an evil ghost, which made people want to hear it Scratch your eardrums.

Shen Chen stood still slowly, and said lightly, "It's time to disappear!"


There was a sound as sharp as tens of thousands of claws scratching, and Shen Shen watched the huge pair of eyes staring at him with extremely malicious eyes, and then, it slowly turned into pieces and disappeared into the air.

The whole world shook strangely again, rippling like water ripples, sucking in the air-conditioning heavily, at the same time, his eyes saw the whole world clearly, the big men Chen Yijian and Pan Di who came into view were anxious and nervous. With a panicked face, through the gap, you can see a trace of blue sky, and the tough green grass behind you is stuck on your back, which is slightly itchy.

Shen Chen blinked, and suddenly laughed out loud.

"Hey, boss laughed?"

"Is he still in hysteria, just now he gnashed his teeth and frightened people to death?"

"Would you like to slap a few more times?"

"Just now, Lao Chen hit him a few times before he stopped moving, why don't you try again, Lao Chen?"

Shen Shen's whole body relaxed, somehow, he suddenly felt a sense of relief all over his body, he couldn't help but laughed again, smiling, almost tears came out of his eyes.

"My day, boss, something is really wrong!" Chen Yijian said with a sad face, "What should we do? Should I hit him a few more times? What if he wakes up and knows that I hit him just now..."

Everyone shook their heads hastily: "Don't worry, we won't say anything, the boss won't even know when he wakes up."

Chen Yijian was a little emotional, rolled up his sleeves involuntarily, and eagerly said, "Then I will really fight!"

This palm was really impolite, and it slapped Shen Shen's face directly, but the next moment, everyone felt their eyes dazzled,

Immediately afterwards, the heavy men, who were holding down tightly, suddenly felt a lightness under their bodies, and then a burst of gravity came from their backs, and several big men suddenly fell to the ground eating shit like dogs.

"Brother Shen Chen? Is that you, Brother Shen Chen?" Xia Weili saw with his own eyes how Shen Chen jumped up from the oppression of Chen Yijian and the others, and immediately walked to Shen Chen's side and asked.

"Well, what happened to me just now?" Shen Shen nodded and asked.

"I don't know, just now you ran out like crazy. If Ah Feng and I hadn't caught you with hair and vines, I'm afraid you would have gone somewhere deep in the park. Then Chen Yijian and the others Desperately suppress you, and then..." Xia Weili glanced at Chen Yijian, and sold his teammates decisively: "Then Chen Yijian slapped you a few times to make you calm down, and you will be safe for the time being, but All of a sudden, blue flames emerged from his body just now...everyone was terrified."

Shen Chen's heart was shocked, and he hurriedly looked at the crowd: "Aren't you burned?"

Everyone still had burn marks on their faces, but they all shook their heads and said, "It was burnt at first, but the biological body recovered by itself."

Shen Chen breathed a sigh of relief this time, and said very apologetically, "I'm really sorry, brothers."

Pan Di shook his head, walked over and said: "We are all fine, but boss, what happened to you?" Everyone's face was full of worry, after all, such a thing happened to Shen Shen, it was simply shocking.

You must know that they were so anxious just now that they almost lost their sense of proportion. Only at this time did they realize the importance of Shen Shen in the entire team, that is the backbone and pillar!

The sharpness was revealed in Shen Shen's eyes, and he said coldly: "I was plotted against!"


Everyone was startled, and hurriedly asked: "Ambush? By whom?"

Shen Shen took a deep breath, then recounted what happened in the hallucination just now, and then said thoughtfully: "It seems that the two people we killed just now were the inducements to lure me into the hallucination. Because extreme scenes will shake the mind, so that we can better break into the spirit of the target. Even though I am used to seeing such bloody scenes, but seeing people die in front of me, my mind will still be shaken."

Everyone nodded, and Shen Shen continued, "That mouse is an introduction, like a pendulum in hypnosis, which can lead people into hallucinations. In other words, I was hypnotized by the spirit without knowing it, and entered my own mind. There was a battle in my consciousness. But what I didn't expect was that this illusion turned out to be a double illusion. It doesn't count if you kill the bloody road, but there is still a stage. If I didn't have the black blade in my hand at that time, my strength would have greatly increased. I'm afraid it would have been a double illusion. There is no great belief that can kill that monster and break out of the illusion."

After all, Shen Shen smiled slightly: "But it's a pity that the attacker's rank is still too low. After all, I saw the flaw."

"What flaw?"

"That giant eye!" Shen Shen said firmly.

"What? What giant eyes?" Except for Pandy's surprise, everyone was puzzled. They didn't know when the giant eyes appeared again.

Shen Chen pursed his lips slightly, and then said: "This is not important, you just need to know that I broke out of the situation."

When everyone heard this, they were even more frightened. Who would have known that such a terrifying attack method existed in the world. But Shen Chen knew very well in his heart that although the giant eye he saw that time was the same as the giant eye he saw this time, he must know that the giant eye last time was so huge that he didn't see everything clearly, so that the boundaries of the giant eye he saw this time were completely blurred. It is vague, and there is a sense of disobedience all of a sudden.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be so sure. I just left the illusion and entered another illusion.

"Then what is it that attacked you? Boss, since you came out, what happened to the guy who attacked you?"

Shen Shen looked coldly into the distance, but saw that there was nothing above the towering buildings, he sneered, and then retracted: "I don't know, maybe it's a zombie. But since I came out, it will naturally die gone."

"It's good to die!" Xia Weili clapped his hands and said, "Then what should we do now?"

"Go back and talk!"


Seeing Shen Shen and his group walking out of the garden calmly, two black shadows slowly appeared on the high-end building.

"Scared me to death, I thought he found us!" A slightly taller person said in horror, and then he looked at his companion who was coughing up blood and said, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay! Let's catch up!"

"What are you doing chasing after?" The slightly taller man said, "You still want to kill him?"

"The scum that destroyed God's plan, I must tear him into pieces! Let him fall into hell and never be reborn!" The pair of eyes hidden under the black robe gave out unforgettable hatred, and the next moment , but transformed into a fiery flame of incomparable reverence and admiration for God.

"I want to let God know that I am the most loyal to him! Even if I am smashed to pieces, I will kill Shen Chen!"

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