Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 903: Wordy Hair

Chen Chenxuan's eyes suddenly contracted into needlepoints, his heart trembled, and he hurriedly turned around, only to find Shen Shen beside him, looking at him with a half-smile.

Chen Xuan felt a sense of time crisis in his heart, he clenched his hands almost subconsciously, and then said dryly: "What? What did you say?"

"Oh, this matter, isn't it your fault?"

His tone was calm, but very firm. Those eyes seemed to see through everything, as if X-rays illuminated themselves clearly!

When Chen Chenxuan heard Shen Shen's words, he felt a chill rushing up from his back, and suddenly an instinct to meet a natural enemy made him want to run away immediately.

However, rationality made his feet firmly fixed on the ground. He adjusted his flustered mood and said calmly: "I didn't kill Wang Renquan! I didn't kill it! The reason for Wang Renquan's death is probably because of zombies!"

"How do you know that my boss is referring to you killing this guy?" Pan Di turned his head around, his eyes staring intently.

"Huh?" Chen Xuan was dumbfounded for a moment, he raised his head in horror, only to see that his deep smile slowly turned into killing intent.

"I don't understand what you are talking about!" Chen Xuan panicked and retreated, but he didn't want Shen Shen's figure to keep the same distance from him all the time, and a huge sense of oppression suddenly swept over him!

"Chenxuan, because he was jealous of our results on the leaderboard, he successfully instigated Wang Renquan and tried to get our credit. You spread the news that this park is full of zombies in the base, and tricked the new humans to come here to 'digging gold', However, it was an act of blocking roads and robbery. But you did not expect that this park is so dangerous that no one survives. Therefore, you dare not reveal your identity and return to the base, because once you return to the base, you will inevitably be punished by Li Chenchuan. cross-examination.

You hide here until the soldiers find you... Then, in order to cover up the truth, for your so-called self-esteem, you are now planning to kill all of us here. Yes or no? "

Chen Chenxuan looked at Shen Shen in disbelief, his eyeballs were as wide as a bull's eye, and the blood-red eye sockets seemed to be dripping with blood, and he couldn't help asking in a low voice: "How do you know?"

"Think about it for a while and it will become clear." Shen Shen said with a smile: "It's obvious."

The survivors next to them were crazy. They got along with Chen Chenxuan and Wang Renquan for a while, but who would know that all of this was done by these two guys. The chief culprit of human death!

"I'll kill you! You bastard!"

"My good buddy was killed by you!"

"Blood debts, blood debts!! Blood debts, blood debts!"

Chen Chenxuan looked at the three survivors and gritted their teeth, wishing they could eat themselves,

Knowing that he couldn't escape the defeat of the truth today, he said with a sneer, "I don't admit what you said, what can you do to me? What kind of bullshit conspiracy, I don't understand it, and I don't understand it either. Besides. Why do you condemn me? Do you have evidence?"

Shen Shen nodded and said, "That's right, although the catastrophic downsizing of District 9 was conspired by Si Si and Wang Renquan, I really have no evidence."

The anger on the faces of the survivors disappeared immediately. They really couldn't bear the pain that a murderer was right in front of them but couldn't move.

When Chen Chenxuan passed by with a proud and disdainful smile, Shen Chen suddenly smiled and said, "But, you killed Wang Renquan just now? Killing people in full view, do you think you can escape our eyes?"

After finishing speaking, he pursed his lips, and Chen Chenxuan's eyes immediately looked in the direction he pointed.

"look here!"

However, what Huang Chen was holding was also a video camera. When Chen Xuan's face was captured, Huang Chen pressed the replay button meanly, and what was played back was how Chen Xuan and Wang Renquan looked at each other. , the omen when his own ability is activated, and the situation of Wang Renquan's death at the next moment. Obviously someone carefully designed the angle, and all the details were captured clearly!

Chen Chenxuan's smile froze in an instant, he stared blankly at Shen Shen like a wooden chicken, and the sound of thunder came from his ears in a hurry.

How could this be...why is this guy filming all of this!

How did he know that he and Wang Renquan thought so? Could it be that he will predict the future!


How could there be such a terrifying person in the world!

The matter has come to this point, he knows that he can't avoid the past, just relying on this series of video materials, he will be ruined and killed, not to mention that his words have already explained the death of a large number of new humans in the ninth district. A default attitude, that man named Li Chenchuan, it is impossible to let himself go!

"Bang!" Chen Xuan shot quickly, taking advantage of Huang Chen's lack of attention, he smashed the camera in Huang Chen's hand into pieces, and soon after, he showed a vicious face.

At this moment, his blood-red eyes looked at Shen Shen like a poisonous snake: "Hahaha! What a Shen Shen, really powerful! But now that the evidence is gone, what else do you want? Look again, the wave of zombies is coming soon Even if you see through my plan, your soldiers, these bug-like garbage will die here immediately. You can't escape! You can't escape! See those zombies, they You will be eaten soon! You will become zombies, play with me, sb..."


Suddenly, between Shen Chen and Chen Xuan, a black light suddenly flashed, and there was a scream immediately in the light of the knife, blood burst out suddenly, Chen Chen Xuan's body immediately flew backwards, and a deep visible line appeared from his head to his abdomen. The bone wound instantly split the body into two pieces!

Only the sound of the wind is heard, but the shadow of the knife is not seen!

When the knife shines, blood will splatter!

"Worry! Even if there is no evidence, can't I kill you?"

Shen Shen calmly withdrew the black blade, as if what he had just done was nothing more than a trivial matter.

Chen Xuan's body was tragically divided into two halves by the black blade, and fell straight into the swarming crowd of zombies. Then, the two pieces of body were passed between the arms of the zombies like leaves overnight, and finally slowly Slowly submerged. He didn't believe it until he died, that he lost just like that, he was so aggrieved by the loss, and he didn't even have a trace of courage!

"Have they all been photographed?" Shen Chen suddenly turned his head and asked. Xia Weili smiled and raised the camera in his hand and nodded immediately: "Yes, it's all captured."

Huang Chen laughed loudly at the side: "This guy is so funny! Did he think that he would be fine if he dropped one of them! We are waiting for him in two planes!"

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