Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 919 Capitalized SB

"I just don't know... how should we be obedient?" Huang Chen asked with a smile.

"It's very simple. First, hand over all the guys on your body! Second, after the work is over, use your military merits to buy something for me. Third, you have a beautiful woman here and a Little beauty..."

The person who spoke suddenly became obscene, and his big black hands wanted to touch Xia Weili and Xiaoran's faces.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

No one could see the movement clearly, only saw Shen Shen slowly put his hands back into his pockets, just a few times, the skin of those people who were directly slapped was torn apart, and the whole person flew horizontally several meters away. I don't know how many bones were broken, and they fell limp there. His nose was blue and his face was swollen and he looked miserable.

"If you want to die, just say it, I will help you all." Shen Shen looked stern, with a cold gleam in his eyes.

The strong men who were still showing off their might suddenly lost all color on their faces and became extremely pale. Chills ran down their spines, and they knew that they had offended someone they shouldn't have.

"Sorry boss, I was wrong!"

"Boss, please spare us!"

"We're damned, we're damned!"

The strong men kowtowed frantically, tears and blood came out together, they didn't look as arrogant and domineering as before.

Shen Shen couldn't bear to pay attention to these people, and said to Huang Chen: "You handle it" After saying that, he waited for everyone to go first.

Huang Chen stayed where he was, and after watching Shen Shen leave, he squatted in front of the strong men, "Come... let's have a chat?"


Half an hour later, Huang Chen told Shen Shen everything that came out of the strong man's mouth: "This City B is really a mess, full of small groups, small groups and big groups, it's almost like the underworld. You can Fighting, but you can't kill people. Of course, if the law enforcement team can't catch them, killing is useless. But in the wild, it is a matter of killing people. Once small groups have grievances, they are all solved by going out to hunt. Today Annex this, and annex that tomorrow. Besides, this community belongs to the dirty gang, and the name sounds dirty enough. Their boss is surnamed Wu, and it is said that they have some strength."

"Some strength?" Falcon sneered from the side, extremely disdainful.

Huang Chen was a little anxious: "As the saying goes, do as the Romans do, how can we do it without knowing the details of City B?

The army has its own way of the army, and local snakes have its own way. "

Shen Shen said lightly: "So, we wounded a member of the dirty gang, and that head surnamed Wu will come to trouble us?"

"That's for sure!" Huang Chen said: "These gangs want to survive, and they can't lose their momentum. They were beaten by our foreign rookies. If they don't fight back, other gangs will definitely swallow them. All the military merit points of the faction have to be given to the winning faction. You said, face and reputation are both affected, can they not work hard?"

"It seems that he has formed his own set of law of the jungle." Shen Shen smiled slightly: "The law of the jungle."

"What is Chu Li thinking? Isn't everyone benevolent?" Huang Chen asked in confusion.

Shen Chen laughed: "What era do you think this is, and you are still benevolent? This is considered benevolent. See, other bases will develop in the near future, and they will basically look like this."

Xia Weili frowned on the side and said: "Actually, we are not afraid. The key is that Xiaodouzi has not woken up yet, and Xiaoran has no ability at all. It's the same. I'm afraid that they will come to attack Xiaoran. , that would be troublesome."

"This has to be guarded against." Falcon also nodded: "I just saw the military merit standard for entering the innermost circle, and it's not low. We can't get in for a while. Then we have to deal with such a person. "

"My personal opinion is that since the research institute that the boss is going to is in the innermost circle, then we must go to the innermost circle. Also, living in the outermost circle, one is to be taken care of by Zhao Qirui's army, and the other is to live in the outermost circle. , It’s also convenient to hunt every time you go out of the city. Why don’t you just clear this thing up, and then live here until the military merit points are full before moving to the innermost circle. Boss, what do you think?” Huang Chen asked

"Well, when you live in the outer circle, let's call a few younger brothers to look after the nursing home for us." Shen Shen said: "After this matter is settled tonight, I will go to the research institute tomorrow."


After nightfall, the entire Fifth Ring Road was suddenly plunged into darkness, with only dots of lights, and the tall walls blocked the lights of the inner ring road. The entire Fifth Ring Road was like a dead city.

Darkness is the place where evil breeds.

On a dark street corner, several strong men dragged a woman into the darkness. After more than half an hour of panting, each man had a sack on his body when he walked out of the street corner. Here, the woman disappeared, only a puddle of blood appeared out of thin air. After a few mice passed by, they disappeared without a trace.

At the other end, suddenly, there was the noisy sound of fighting and cursing. screams. The loudness of the sound shook the whole street. But what is surprising is that no one watched the excitement and no one made a sound, as if the ears of the people living in the room suddenly became deaf.

After the fighting was over, all the doors of that room were suddenly opened.

Everyone was neatly dressed, obviously not falling into a deep sleep, they all rushed out with a knife and a basin in their hands, and when they saw the headless corpse dying on the street, everyone rushed up , methodically cut up the pieces of meat. Until the body is completely decomposed. Then take it home with satisfaction.

This is the life at the bottom, the **** needs to solve some small bug, and people need to eat. There is no need to form an alliance, everyone has become part of the rules of the game, and they cooperate tacitly. Even the law enforcement officers can't catch the handle. Only one word missing can be written on the population register.



There was a loud noise, and the door of a bedroom was suddenly kicked open. There was not even any words in the blink of an eye. More than a dozen large knives sank violently, and they slashed at the person on the bed quickly and violently. The whistling sound seemed to be roaring with the squeezed air!

Under the moonlight, I saw a dozen ferocious strong men sneering viciously.

"Damn it, dare to fight against our filthy gang, seek death, trash!"

Suddenly, everyone felt something was wrong, the place where the knife was cut was limp, and there was no blood rushing out?

One quickly lifted the raised quilt, only to see an inflatable doll stuffed inside, looking at them in a provocative posture, and the doll has been chopped into several pieces, flying loosely with the quilt In the middle of the air, a clean white bed sheet was revealed, with two words "Stupid!" written in a big red pen on it.

All the strong men opened their mouths wide in astonishment, and there was a trace of bewilderment in their eyes, obviously unable to accept this heavy blow!

what's the situation?

The room fell into a brief silence.


In vain, a sound of blood splattered broke the dead silence, and a thick red light suddenly burst out from the back of a strong man's head, as if a small sun was compressed there, and the fiery light illuminated the entire room was overshadowed.

A pitch-black arrow feather pierced through it, bringing up a large amount of blood and splattering it like rain.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

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