Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 923 Want to challenge me?

"Looks like it's been a long time, you really forgot about me." Shen Chen said with a smile: "I remember, the last time we met, I slapped you on the face like this. Did you forget?"

Mo Bo's eyes suddenly enlarged, and then became a needle point again. He suddenly seemed to think of something, and his voice suddenly became sharp: "Shen Chen? Is it you? Are you back?"

Mo Bo struggled to retrieve his unspeakable memories from his memory. He didn't know what caused the fight, but the only thing he remembered was that it was the thin and weak Shen Shen who knocked himself over. If it wasn't for Chen Yijian to stop him, I'm afraid my face would be swollen. It wasn't until he went out after recuperating for more than a month that he found out that Shen Chen and Shen Chen's parents had moved out of the military compound.

The shame of the past suddenly arose spontaneously, and Mo Bo suddenly got up from the ground, with a cold and arrogant smile on his face: "Shen Chen, long time no see."

"Long time no see." Shen Shen nodded.

"Since we met, we didn't finish the fight last time, so let's continue it." Mo Bo said, "If you beat me, I'll let you in. If you can't beat me, if I don't open your mouth, you won't even want to come in for the rest of your life! "

Shen Shen looked at Mo Bo as if he was looking at a fool: "If I want to come in, I still need your consent? But you are right, the fight that was not finished last time, this time, continue!"

Before the words were finished, the two of them were already confronting each other coldly. He took an offensive stance.

Chen Yijian hastily pulled Xia Weili aside, Xia Weili said nervously: "Brother Shen Chen seems to be in conflict with this officer? What's going on?"

Chen Yijian was silent for a while, and then said: "This is related to the family affairs of Shen Shen's family. All in all, it is... Well, Shen Chen and his parents were not welcome in their family. At that time, we were young and ignorant. Looking at him The family bullied him, and we bullied him too. Then Mo Bo said some nasty things, probably Shen Shen's father was not the son of the old man of the Shen family, but an illegitimate son, and Shen Chen was the son of an illegitimate son. Then Shen Chen broke out ... And then... probably this is the situation, I was also sent out to exercise at that time, I really don't know why Shen Shen and the others moved away."

Xia Weili didn't have any serious expression on his face, but in his heart he understood the anger when his father was slandered.

The two are talking here,

Suddenly, Mo Bo moved first!

A gust of wind rushed towards Shen Shen's throat, and the cold light seemed to come from the underworld. It was breathtaking, faster than lightning, and could kill people in an instant.

"It's a grappling technique!" Chen Yijian exclaimed suddenly.

"What?" Xia Weili asked anxiously.

Chen Yijian murmured: "Do you still remember what Shen Chen told us about combat skills before? I didn't expect that the grappling technique could also be a combat technique? This move and movement track are clearly grappling techniques, but how about the grappling technique?" Can be so powerful!"

Looking at Mo Bo again, he saw a calm expression on his face. During the attack, the palms of his hands changed continuously, sometimes four fingers formed claws, sometimes formed fists, sometimes five fingers gathered together, changing several hand shapes, every move was full of killing intent.

"This guy's ability is probably in the middle of the fourth level!"

Xia Weili said relaxedly: "Oh, it's only the fourth level. That's nothing."

"Sister, have you forgotten the addition of combat skills?" Chen Yijian said: "Besides, do you think the grappling technique is that simple? The grappling technique is the most vicious, and it aims to split the muscles and bones, so when you face the enemy One must be ruthless and cruel, and show no mercy to the enemy. Only when the enemy is killed can one preserve oneself, and the ruthless method means stretching the enemy's joints to the maximum extent and making them twist. This is the most vicious method born out of national art Grabbing hand, really only a guy like Mo Bo can practice it!"


Behind him, someone in the row of guards finally couldn't help shouting, and looked at Mo Bo with incomparable admiration. Needless to say. Xia Weili, who was watching the catcher, was also frightened, for fear that Shen Shen would be caught by Mo Bo accidentally.

All of a sudden, Shen Shen's figure could only be seen retreating continuously, as if he was invincible.

Mo Bo sneered at the taunt and said, "Shen Chen, are you just dodging?"

Before he could finish speaking, he saw that Mo Bo exerted force from his feet and climbed up, drawing a trajectory in his hand, and piercing his fingers straight into Shen Shen's eyes. He was decisive and fierce, so close to him was extremely dangerous.

Shen Chen immediately turned his head to dodge, stepped on his foot suddenly, his whole body was in the air, his right leg swung down directly, a burst of strong wind hit immediately, and his right leg kicked Mo Bo fiercely.

Mo Bo was startled, and hurriedly retreated to block with his arms, and suddenly there was a dull loud noise, his face suddenly became quite ugly, and he retreated several meters suddenly. The whole body trembled violently.

"For the sake of past love, I'll let you do ten tricks. Don't think too much." Shen Shen smiled slightly: "Next, it's up to me!"

Before he finished speaking, the heavy figure had already bullied him again. His body was slender, and he swung his legs violently, sweeping towards him like a section of iron stake, roaring with terrifying strength, like a huge object hitting.

Mo Bo turned pale with fright, and stepped back a few meters with a single leap. But Shen Chen didn't give him a chance at all, he jumped up in the air, several meters away at once, his right leg rotated, and he slashed down like an iron whip, unstoppable, a powerful storm erupted. Kicked out!

"I'll go! So ruthless!"

Chen Yijian murmured: "Look at Shen Chen, this guy has no abilities at all, he just intends to use his body to directly crush Mo Bo! This guy is just like a humanoid monster."

Xia Weili said with a smile: "If Brother Shen Chen really used other abilities, that Mo Bo can still stand here?"

Mo Bo hurriedly parried with both hands, just like that, he also felt that Shen Shen was like a strong hurricane, driving him back several tens of meters crazily, until his back slammed into a huge tree On the next day, there was a sound of cracking from the big tree behind him, and the leaves flew wildly in an instant!

The guards were stunned!

What's happening here?

What is the origin of this Shen Chen? Mo Bo couldn't fight back even with the strength of one leg. He even crashed into a tree after flying upside down for dozens of meters, and broke the tree?

What a lot of strength this must be!

Everyone was speechless, and suddenly, their hearts were shocked.

"Do you want to continue fighting?" Shen Shen looked at Mo Bo who had fallen to the ground in pain, and said indifferently: "Although your grappling technique has been refined into a combat technique by you, it has not been life and death, and has no real threat. It seems that you, Major, are nothing more than Zu Yin, if you want to challenge me, you should kill tens of thousands of zombies first."

On this side, Mo Bo knelt down on the ground in pain, clutching his chest. He had broken at least a few ribs with this heavy blow. If it wasn't for the powerful physique of the new human, he might have died here immediately.

However, he still gritted his teeth and said: "Shen Chen, in the past, you were not qualified to talk to me, and now, you are also not qualified!"

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