Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 693 Crazy One Night

Zhao Zhen looked at all this quietly as if nothing had happened, as if he had already seen through it.

When there were only a pile of tattered clothes and a few bones left on the ground, he slowly paced over. While approaching the wreckage, two light spots jumped up and sank into his body.

The slender and pale fingers picked up a piece of metalwork on the pile of clothes, on which was impressively engraved with a five-star pattern, and there was an Arabic numeral beside it.


Zhao Zhen chuckled lightly: "At first I wanted to go to Xinyuan Community to meet old people, but since you guys came here, I don't know it's God's intention. Then, let's go to your place first."

He chuckled softly, but his giggles seemed so creepy at night.

It was night, in the sixth district of S City, it was quiet and peaceful.

The soldiers on duty guarded the sixth district tightly like a copper wall and an iron wall. The tall fence and barbed wire fence surrounded the entire sixth district like an iron shield.

This sixth district, like a huge prison, is not to treat human beings as criminals, but to keep those increasingly large insects, especially flying insects, out of the barbed wire, and this is bound to be sacrificed Some benefits that humans are supposed to enjoy, such as... the desire for freedom in the sky.

But what they got in return was the sleeping faces of the people in the sixth district. No matter what, this place is always safe.

The new humans who were on duty several nights yawned and talked softly as they leaned together.

Far above the head, the sound of gnats grinding their teeth could be heard continuously, the noise was the same as the cicada's cry in Xia Tian.

"Are you saying the worms know they'll never grind through the barbed wire?"

"Well, of course I don't know. Otherwise, why would it still be grinding there? Either way, the use of new materials is different from before. Believe it or not, if those steel products were used in the past, the barbed wire would have been worn out long ago. gone."

"But having said that, these bugs are indeed persistent enough. I really want to find some time to catch them all. They fly over in groups every night. It's not annoying or anything."

"Insects have phototaxis. It's okay during the day. At night, our sixth district is like a torch. Of course, those insects rushed over. But don't worry, there is news from the district. After a while,

There is a way to deal with them. "

"Ha! Then let these silly bugs stay up there, and sooner or later there will be a way to clean them up!"


While talking, suddenly, a very crisp voice came, and then, a heavy object suddenly fell from the sky.

A peculiar stench of worms and the smell of blood rushed to my face in an instant!

"Not good! It's bugs coming in!"

Everyone suddenly stood up in shock, their scalps became tense, and their hair stood on end with a bang. A chill ran down his spine.

"Hack to death!"

I don't know who suddenly woke up! Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen sharp weapons slashed towards the light insect's wings!


Unexpectedly, the bug did not resist, but was penetrated easily, which is completely different from the imagination of those bugs with hard shells in everyone's mind.

Everyone couldn't help being a little puzzled, one boldly shook the weapon slightly, and the bug turned over with a puff.

Everyone stood still as if struck by lightning, and a nameless fear wrapped around their hearts like a poisonous snake.

The worm is only covered by a thin layer of leather-like things, and inside, it is already empty, only a few sporadic pieces of minced meat remain, and the bloody flesh looks like a peeled pomegranate soaked in blood.

"what happened?"

"How could this bug be like this?"

"It seems to be eaten up by something!"

Everyone felt like a gust of wind suddenly blowing, and suddenly, someone pretended to be calm and said: "You guys watch here, I have to report to the higher authorities."

"Go, go!"

That person was very dexterous, and immediately he used his weapon to carry the worm's body and rushed away. However, he hadn't taken a few steps.



There was another sound, and a huge worm folded all over, twisted into a strange shape and fell from the sky before his eyes.

The man panicked and hurriedly stopped his pace, but soon, huge shadows fell from the sky through the barbed wire.

Dense like rain! Those huge bug corpses were all dead and could not die anymore. The eyeballs of the bugs with many compound eyes burst out of their eye sockets due to the violent fall, and the red and white ones flowed all over the ground. They really shattered like a rotten watermelon. on the ground.

A few people couldn't dodge in time, and were directly hit by the bug. Their entire chests were covered with dirty blood from the bug's body, and blood dripped down in strings from their black muscles!

"What's going on! What's going on!"

Everyone was screaming in panic, no one knew what happened.

Just when they realized that the situation seemed beyond their imagination and were about to sound the alarm,


The white spots of light suddenly became angry from those worm corpses, like fireflies rising from the dark night, those tentacles like octopus soon emerged from the spots of light, and when they touched the air, In an instant, it suddenly turned into a transparent starfish shape, and then, when everyone was caught off guard, it suddenly covered the faces of humans! A thick layer of soft flesh completely covered the faces of those people, and through the transparent flesh layer, one could see something struggling to penetrate from the five sense organs into the body of the person.


The human beings whose faces were covered shouted and struggled frantically, but these terrifying things were too terrifying. They covered all directions, so that people's calls could only be drowned within their own range, and even a little sound was not released. Come out, soon, only half of the face of those people can be seen, and blood is spitting out of the mouth, no matter how they scream and struggle to break free, there is no way! Their bodies were like a flat boat hitting a huge wave, shaking violently and crazily, until finally, like a pumped machine, they fell to the ground motionless.

After eating these humans, the dots seemed to have no taboos. They began to migrate collectively, attacking in one fell swoop in the direction they wanted to go!

These terrifying light spots, like tides, are more terrifying than zombies! Wherever they go, not even any life can survive!


Finally, the sixth district began to boil!

Heart-piercing screams came from everywhere!

"Don't come here! Don't come here!"

A group of people screamed crazily, and rushed up the stairs like a madman. Their speed was very fast, but if you saw behind them, the forty or fifty light spots were in groups, carrying a whirlwind. The disgusting stench of flesh and blood was closely behind them, and the terrifying appearance of stretched starfish-like teeth and claws frightened everyone into incontinence, and they climbed up the stairs crazily.

Suddenly, the person who fell at the end didn't know what happened. He paused slightly, and then fell backwards uncontrollably. Before he could climb up a step, a swarm of light spots had already landed on the man, and the man was instantly submerged in the white mist like a crumb falling into an ant colony. In the spot of light, a large stream of blood gushed out of his body like a pour, and the scalp of the person in front of him was startled by the extremely stern screams, and his scalp went numb!

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