Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 915: More to say no benefit, come up to death! (Second, four thousand words big

"You are Chen Beixuan?"

Three people look.

Staring at the three powerful celestial celestial celestial ceremonies, Yun Yier suddenly became nervous and couldn't help but pull Chen Fan's sleeves. Next to the Wu family sisters, Mu Hongti, etc., are ugly.

"Yes, it is me."

Chen Fan does not move, the clouds are light and windy.

"But this is the case. In the early days of a Jindan, I dare to call Dan Wang? It just makes people laugh."

Longhua snorted and cocked his chin, and his glory was high.

"Chen Daoyou's mana... is really shallow."

The ancient burning used discretionary words and barely used an adjective. Everyone can understand, obviously Chen Fan's repair is too low. Hu Mei and Hu Wei’s brother and sister, even laughed out. The Wu family sisters and Lin Wuhua three women, the face is more ugly.

"too weak."

Shake your head directly from the dust.

His eyes sparkled with silver awns, sharp like a sword, overlooking Chen Fan:

"Dan Wang is not only Dan Dao, but also needs to be rehabilitated. When my ancestors of the Heavenly Kingdom were sealed by the King of Dan, they were ranked second in the longevity list, and they were pressed against their peers. If there is not enough repair, how to motivate the stove, How to refine Tiandan?"

Every word of the dust is spit, and in the void, the sound of thorns and thorns sounds like the air is torn. He is standing there, every eye, every word, every sentence, brings a great sense of oppression.


Under the pressure of the dust, the people around Chen Fan actually retire.

Mu Hongti, Yun Yier is the most unbearable, and his face is pale in an instant. If it is not protected by Wu Baisu, it will be directly blasted by the volley.

As for Lin Wuhua, although it is strong, it will eventually be repaired. I couldn't help but scream, my mouth was bleeding, I had to retire. Other Wu family and Dan Meng strong, can not stop. In the end, only the Wu family sisters, Zhao Xianxian, Situ, etc., can still stand behind Chen Fan, but also the arrogance of the whole body, the real yuan rushing, apparently based on skill resistance.

In the end, around Chen Fan, there was a huge open space, full of dozens of square meters, only a few people stand.

"This is too dusty."

"He didn't shoot at all, just relying on the sword, he forced a lot of young talents. That Lin Wuhua is also the beginning of Jin Dan, you can fight with Miss Hu Jiada, I can't support even one eye."

"The longevity list is arrogant, it is really not for me to look up, too strong! Too strong!"

Many people can't help but change color.

"Dust away, don't be too much, here is the Northern Wild. Don't think we can't resist you!"

Wu Baisu screamed and stepped out in front of Chen Fan.

Behind her, there was a dark wave in the sky. In the giant tide, a Xuan Shui Black Ding suppressed the sky, and the magical law appeared, up to a hundred feet, directly blocking the spirit of the dust.

Wu Baisu's face became more and more ugly, and his anger rose. Wuhai of Zhenhai also had Tianjun in the same year. Tianbao suppressed air traffic. Although not as good as the Tianzhuyuan, it is not afraid of much. In particular, Wu Baisu was a strong man, and he has entered the late stage of Jindan, pointing to the longevity list. How can he be afraid of leaving the dust?


A glimpse of the dusty eyes.

Among the two scorpions, they even shot the silver swordsman of Zhang Xuchang, such as the sly sword, it was necessary to scream. And Wu Baisu also does not retreat, the law of Xuan Shui Black Ding is getting bigger and bigger, and in the end, it seems to be crushing the sky.

Everyone is discolored, just when they have to fight together.


A cold voice came.

I saw Wang Xuanlong's long sleeves squatting, a starlight curtain hanging down, directly separating the two, separating the ancient Sendai from the air. Whether it is the silver sword, or the black Ding method, it is blocked by this star curtain. Don't look at the thin layer of the starlight curtain, but it is as strong as an iron wall.

"From the dust brother, here is the Northern Wilderness, not the Tianzhuyuan."

Wang Xuanlong’s eyes were cold and his face was awe-inspiring. He solemnly said to the dust.

Longhua and the ancient burning, the face can not help but show a trace of anger, it is necessary to step forward, can not help but shot. Many young monks of the Northern Wilderness, the same Zhang Jian got up, one step at a time. Although the three people from the dust are the long-term sacred patriots, but the northern wilderness has its own pride, everyone is the peak of Jindan, the genius of the same generation, and where is it weak?

"Forget it, I just ask."

Dust and light long sleeves, stop the companion, but a pair of swords, looking directly at Wang Xuanlong, no retreat:

"While Wang Xiong, please remember that Dan Wang and even Gao Rongyao will never allow any false name to pretend to be impersonating. Otherwise, it is a humiliation to my Tianzhuyuan and the entire Dan Dao world. No, I want the ancestors to join the Northern Wilderness. Asked sin. At that time, although the Wang family was not the culprit, but the crime of cover and concealment could not escape!"

The words of the dust are all out, and the audience is full of shocks.

"Big brother."

Next to Wang Xuanfeng, I couldn’t help but scream.

The district is separated from the dust, Longhua, and the ancient burning three, and the Wang family is naturally not afraid. What about them? The Wang family has a courtesy Tianjun sitting in the town, and they can kill them with their fingers. However, if the whole Dandao world is angered, the Tianzhuyuan, the Holy Fire Tiancheng, and even the Emperor Dan will come to ask the sin. It is not that the Wang family can afford it.

Such a big event, even Wang Xuanlong also looked so condensed to the extreme, hesitated in the eyes, dare not easily decide.

"What the swordsman said is, what is the great man of Dan Wang? How can it be compared with Changsheng Tianjun? How can it be a junior who is cultivated as a low-lying, wilderness? I think this may be a bit of a mystery. ”

A voice suddenly came.

When the people turned their heads, they saw Hu Wei’s body rising, calmly and calmly talking.

"Hey, Hu."

When the Wu family sisters snorted, they wanted to refute.

Over there, Sanshanzong’s teaching also said: “Yes, when Chen Danwang alchemy, I waited for my own eyes. But with the means of Chen Danwang and Dan Jun, it’s not impossible to want me to wait for a layman.”

"Yes, Ben Zhenjun has long suspected that this **** Dan is a fake. If it is not allowed, it is Dan Meng's falsification."

A flame, Xuan Nuzhen, who is wrapped around the Kowloon, is also angry.

The three of them opened their mouths, and then seven or eight sects of the lord and the masters of the family also spoke.

These people have either been rejected by Chen Fan or have had conflicts with Chen Fan. Among them, Chen Fan saw the figure of a single family and a yellow family. Originally, the people in the north were the same camp, fighting the three arrogants together, but as soon as they spoke, they immediately tore the defense line of the northern people.

For a time, many people hesitated.

‘Yes, with the means of Danjun and Dan League, it may not be possible to make fraud. They only need to refine one Tiandan in advance, or buy one. With the Danish family, what is the Tiandan in the district? ’

However, most people still recognize Chen Fan. Including Wu Qingyan, they are not taken seriously, because they know that these people have hatred with Chen Fan.

But when one person spoke, the Wu family and the Dan League all finally changed.

"This matter... is really suspicious. I agree with the opinions of the Taoist friends. Whether Chen Beixuan is Dan Wang, you need to discuss it again."

A man dressed in black, Zhuang’s solemn man said.

His hair is half gray and half white, his face is extremely cold, sitting there, like a black hole, the momentum is no weaker than Wu Baisu, Hu Wei and others.

Ninghai tide!

Wushu County Ningjia is a peerless genius in this generation. Among the youngest generations in the Northern Wilderness, the top five are strong. What is even more doubtful is that he is standing at the team at this time. Is it the meaning of Ningjia? You must know that Ningjia is a family of Tianjun, and it exists with Wujia, Hujia and Danmeng.

Such a heavyweight giant speaks, and instantly tilts the balance to the dusty side. Many people look up and move around.

But this is not the last.

In the eyes of everyone shocked.

A young and powerful man who was arrogant and overwhelmed with the high platform, got up again.

“The Feng family agrees with Ning Dao’s speech and needs to be investigated.”

"Too many seconds."

"Commercial Union agrees."

Fengjiafeng Yuqiu, Taiyi, this generation of rumors, business alliances, business...

These people are either the Heavenly Family, or the descendants of the top Zongmen. The strength of each of them is not inferior to Wu Baisu and Hu Yu. But what's more important is that the power of the sky behind them is even more desperate.

‘Hujia, Ningjia, Fengjia, Taiyizong, Shangmeng... These add up, and we are close to our northern shortage, nearly half of the top forces. ’

The Wu family is chilling in their hearts.

The Great Northern Wilderness, once the power of the Heavenly King, but the technique of the Ten Fingers, now stands out five in one breath, almost halfway through. The five of them joined forces, and even the king of the family of the ancients had to be jealous of three points.


On the entire ancient fairy platform, a dead silence.

Wu Jia and Dan Meng everyone, his face is blue. Many northern monks are also uncertain. Although Yun Yier did not know these people, but the vagueness also felt bad, and could not help but hold Chen Fan’s sleeves tightly.

'what happened? ’

Wu Qingyan was amazed.

Originally only three arrogant words, although arrogant. However, as long as the northern monks can work together, they can be kept out. But this tone, the five rebellious, the situation instantly reversed.

"Wang Da Ge, many of the same people, I can use the identity of Dan League disciples to ensure that this matter is not a Dan League fraud..."

Wu Qingyan anxiously opened.

But before she finished, she saw a person next to him and slowly stood up.

The man was dressed in a white robes and embroidered four stars, representing the position of the Danish elders. It was the beginning of the present, Stuart, who never spoke.

In the horrified eyes of everyone around, I saw Situ’s head, saying one word at a time:

"Before I came here, my family told me. Dan League is based on the tens of thousands of years of the Northern Wilderness. It is definitely not a place for filth. The thing about Dan Wang is indeed a bad teacher. If you want to revisit Dan Wang Yishi, then Dan League will not tolerate it, and it must be strictly reviewed and reconsidered!"

Situ Yu said this.

Wu Qingyan looked up suddenly and looked at him with horror.

Many people in the same presence are equally inexplicable. As for the many disciples of Dan Meng and Wu Jia, it is not only a surprise, but a shock.

Isn't Dan League with Chen Fan? How did you defect?

What is this ghost?

In the face of the people's stunned eyes, Situ was not saying anything, just a look of righteousness, as if circling.

‘This is the game! ’

Wu Baisu looks cold.

At this point, I understand that this gathering today is a game.

The purpose of this game is to come to Chen Fan, or the word "Dan Wang" on Chen Fan's head. Hu Wei, Ning Haichao, Feng Yuqiu, etc. are all arrangers of this bureau. Without them, the three longevity spectators will not be so just coming.

‘The only hope now is that the Wang family is not in this game. If so, there is still a line to save...’

She looked at Wang Xuanlong.

No matter what Hu Yu and Li Chen said, this Northern Wilderness is the chassis of the Wang family.

Under the eyes of Wu Baisu, Wang Xuanlong has no sorrow and no sorrow, and his eyes are as high as the stars.

"Since everyone agrees, the deity is the scorpion of the royal family. The convening of the party officially announced that he deprived Chen Beixuan of 'Dan Wang'. The family, the three major celestial beings, re-reviewed. Lies will not be allowed to steal glory."

Wang Xuanlong's tone is indifferent, without a trace of emotion, like the star king who dominates the earth.

"It's over."

When he finished speaking, Wu Baisu was unable to close his eyes.

Wang Xuanlong said this, no doubt, Chen Fan has been sentenced to death. There is no shelter for Dan’s identity. Is Chen Fan in the hands of these family members not to be kneading? He is a Jindan monk in his district, plus a servant of the late Jindan, which is the opponent of many Tianjun family?

‘Chen Danshi, you have had too much enmity during this time. ’

Wu Baisu smiled in his heart.

Dan Wang! Your Royal Highness! There is no one in the world, than the shoulders of the king...

How glorious is this glory, how dazzling? How many enemies did Chen Fan have made? Hu Jia, Dan Meng, San Shan Zong, Xuan Nu Zhen Jun. More crucially, during this time, he has been staying at Wu family and not going to other families. Has offended the Feng family, Ning family and others.

When Wang Xuanlong spoke.

Hu Yu tilted his legs and sat there, looking forward to Chen Fan, just looking up at the sky.

But many people around, watching Hu Wei's eyes have changed.

Before Chen Fan and Hu Mei clashed, palming Hu Mei, Hu Wei was forced to swallow, did not dare to shoot. Many people thought that the Hu family had declined and was suppressed by the name of Dan Wang. However, he did not expect that Hu Wei turned his hand into a cloud, and covered his hand with rain. He slaped Chen Fan directly.

‘If there is no Dan’s name. You are just an early stage of Jindan. What qualifications are there alongside many Tianjiao kings? I am afraid that Hu Jiayi’s slaves are better than you? ’

In the eyes of many people, the color of compassion emerges.

Hu Mei, but also has a grumpy smile on his face, looking at Chen Fan, watching a dead person.

As for the people of Ninghai Chao, Feng Yuqiu, Shanghangkong, etc., they are all indifferent, and they are not talking. When Wang Xuanlong’s voice falls, it means the dust has been fixed. Even the purple moon fairy shook his head slightly, and his heart sighed. Knowing that this matter is irreparable.

‘Unfortunately, you are on the verge of nine miles, side by side with the sky. Now it falls directly to the ground. ’

When I said it, Ziyue Fairy sighed again.

As for Lin Wuhua, Mu Hongti and others, they have completely pale face. Wu Qingyan laughed even more. The Wu family and the Dan League all sympathize with Chen Fan and understand that the general trend has gone. When the Wang family made a decision, who else can save Chen Fan?

"Chen Bei Xuan Dan, what is your objection to this judgment?"

Wang Xuanlong looked indifferently, and his eyes were empty.

Longhua Tiannv also looks interested, as if watching an ant ant struggle.

In the eyes of the ancient Sendai stage, in the eyes of everyone, Chen Fan suddenly smiled.

He smiled very happily, very happy and very happy.

"Why are you laughing?"

Longhua Tianfu is strange.

"I am laughing at you too much."

Chen Fan laughed, but he gradually turned cold: "The name of Dan Wang, I don't care, don't say Dan Wang. What about Dan, Dan, Dan? You want, send you That is."

"But I don't give it... you can't grab it!"

After that, Chen Fan slowly straightened up and looked down:

"More to say no benefit, want the king of Dan, come up and lead to death."

Chen Fan said this, and the audience was quiet.


Ten thousand people are stunned!

PS: The second is more, this chapter is a chapter of four thousand two hundred words. The last hour, ask for a wave of monthly votes. This month is my fault. At the end of the month, I broke into this. I continued to go to the code and tried to make up for everyone.

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