Rebirth Daughter Against the World

Chapter 132: What is the purpose?

  What is the purpose of Chapter 132?

It's him?

How could it be him? How could he be next door?

   Wouldn't it be following him?

   Who revealed his information?

  Ye Wushang's brows were furrowed, and he was caught by this crooked man after staying here for one night.

  Leng Qianxun, who just came out of the smelly toilet, suddenly felt the invasion of a sense of consciousness, and when he immediately followed the vine to go back, that consciousness suddenly withdrew.

   "Sneaking so fast!" nearly got her caught.

  Who the hell?

   I didn't expect that this Emperor's No. 1 High School was still crouching, and there were some cultivators here.

   Presumably that spiritual consciousness should live in this teacher's building, otherwise how could it slip away so quickly?

   came to detect her, what is the purpose?

  Just now she took off her trousers to go to the toilet, so she won't be caught by the other party... Thinking of this, Leng Qianxun scratched her hair agitatedly.

  She is a girl, so she won't be noticed by the other party, right?

   Then her bath last night...

  Leng Qianxun didn't dare to think about it anymore. He originally wanted to find a quiet place to practice hard, but he didn't expect to come to Longtan and Tiger's Den.

  Who the hell? She must find him out.

   Otherwise, how can she live here safely in the future, and she has to guard against that peeping tom in everything.

Lord Lengshen who was on the sofa next door was wronged this time. First, he only detected his consciousness when he heard the sound of flushing the toilet; , he will not be bored to pay attention to him from time to time.

  So in summary, Leng Qianxun thought too much this time.

  Ye Wushang went to the bedroom to change after hearing the door next door beep locked.

  Senior Grade 2 (1) class, the students are talking about a strange thing here.

   "Do you know why Liu Hong hasn't come these days?" A girl was surrounded mysteriously.

   "I don't know." Every student asks for a leave of absence and explains the reason to the teacher, and they will not know.

   "I was downstairs in the community yesterday and heard her nanny say that Liu Hong was bewitched by an evil spirit."

   "Ah! Isn't it?"



   "I didn't believe it at first, but when I heard Liu Hong screaming from her house, I believed it."

  The girl who lived in the same community continued to talk, but she dared to say it in class after confirming the matter.

  At this time, Nie Xiaoyi, who was sitting in the front row, had an imperceptible astonishment in his eyes.

  They walked around in place for most of the night that night, not to mention exhausted physically, but also psychologically devastated.

  At that time, their expressions were already in a trance, and they couldn't accept the weirdness in front of them.

   Now it seems that Liu Hong still hasn't recovered from that.

   "Is being possessed by evil spirits the same as going crazy?"

   "It's a pity at such a young age."

   "Yes! Although she is rather arrogant and tricky, she doesn't have to be condemned by God, right?"

   "..." Just as the students were discussing, An Xin walked in from the outside and frowned.

   "What are you talking about? Is there anyone who curses people like this?"

  She and Liu Hong are good friends. The day before yesterday, her aunt called her on Liu Hong's mobile phone and asked her to take a few days of sick leave for Liu Hong.

  At that time, my aunt said it was just a cold and a fever, and it would be fine in two days.

   Now hearing the words of the classmate who lives in the same community as Liu Hong, she can't help but be dubious.

  Xue'er was hospitalized, Liu Hong was ill, and suddenly she felt a little lost.

   This reminded her of the last time when the three of them went to the back mountain. Did they suffer this crime because they disturbed the evil spirit in the back mountain?

  (end of this chapter)

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