Rebirth Daughter Against the World

Chapter 1545: Hemiplegia

  Chapter 1545 Hemiplegia

  Helianzhe's eyelids moved a little on the bed, too lazy to open his eyes and talk to them.

  His action was caught by Helian Bo.

   "You all go down."

   "Master Gu, it's not looking good yet."

   "Yeah, Brother Zhe is still sweating."


  The three of them were amazed, not understanding what the owner of the valley meant?

  Helianzhe who was lying on the bed was also taken aback, feeling a bad premonition.

   "Go down, I'll heal him."


  As soon as they heard that the old valley owner was treating Helianzhe's injuries, the three breathed a sigh of relief, and walked towards the door one after another.

  As soon as Gongsun Yue came out, she went straight to the kitchen to get something light for Brother Zhe, and Shui Yan'er looked at Gongsun Yue's leaving back, with an unknown smile on her lips, and then walked towards the gate.

  At this time, there were only the father and son in the room, and He Lianzhe was lying on the bed, enjoying his father's cold eyes, as if lying on an ice mat, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

   "How long are you going to pretend?" Helian Bo looked at the person on the bed and said coldly.

   "Father, I'm really not pretending, it's really hurting, I don't want to talk because of the pain." He Lianzhe said weakly.

  No way, for the sake of his own life, he has to endure no matter how painful it is.

   "Pain? Didn't you find the abuse yourself?" He Lianbo's face was full of contempt.

   "Where, I just want to learn from him, let them learn something from Brother Ye."

   "Really? Is his speed comparable to those of your subordinates? Aren't you indirectly abusing their eyes?" He Lianbo was not angry, and his words were so sharp.

   How many of them could keep up with their speed at that time?

   Such a clear thing, and let them learn, this is a blow to their self-confidence.

   "There is pressure to be motivated." He Lianzhe said unconvinced.

   "Hurry up and return the box to the other person, and then let the two of them leave quickly. Also, the microbiological agent has sneaked in again. Be careful at night."

   "Sneaked in again?" He Lianzhe deliberately ignored the first question his father asked.

   However, the second question did startle him too.

  Knowing that he will escape from the earth, but the surroundings of this ghost valley, except for the cliffs thousands of meters deep, are all stones.

  How did he get here? And it took less than a day, which is amazing.

   "I've sent more people to patrol, but you have to guard here." He Lianbo came to the bedside, took his pulse for him, and frowned. "I didn't expect that your friend could really do it."

   When he said 'your friend', Helianbo deliberately emphasized his tone, so that Helianzhe could know his father's dissatisfaction with them as soon as he heard it.

  reached out to help him sit up, came to his back, crossed his legs, and prepared to heal his injuries.

   "Fortunately, no important parts were injured. How could you get out of bed after lying down for ten days and a half months. It seems that I can only carry you to invite a kiss." He Lianbo curled his lips and slowly poured his internal strength into him.

   "Father, I'm already like this? Can't I cancel it? Otherwise, I'll be paralyzed if I'm not careful, and I..." I want to carry him, what kind of father is this?

   "If you keep talking, you will really lose your hemiplegia." Helianbo was angry, and he increased his internal strength vigorously, causing Helianzhe's back to feel a scorching heat immediately.

   "En." He Lianzhe let out a comfortable voice from his mouth, and the pain on his body was relieved a lot.

   "Remember, return the box to the person as soon as possible, or I will beat you until hemiplegia, let alone hemiplegia."

  (end of this chapter)

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