Chapter 1562 lost

   "By the way, take advantage of the time now, return the box to me."

  Leng Qianxun saw a paw in the hole beckoning to her with the rest of his eyes, stood there, turned around and looked at Helian Bo.

   "This, that..."

   "I'll watch over here, and I'll let you know if there's any news." Leng Qianxun nodded to him.

   "Okay." With her assurance, Helian Bo felt relieved.

  In the bottom of his heart, he also wanted to finish this matter as soon as possible and send them out of here quickly.

  Otherwise, you have violated the precepts of your ancestors, and you are afraid of being punished.

  Seeing him leave, Xiao Zuo bounced to the feet of his master.

   "Master, there is a three-dimensional image in a cave by the lake."

   "What three different things?"

   "Just now I followed Wei Shengyu to a dark cave, and then I saw a monster with the body of a bull, the body of a leopard, the head of a dog and the nose of a dog."

   "Shouting Tianbao?!"

   "Xiao Tianbao? Why didn't I think of this." Xiao Zuo patted his head, suddenly enlightened.

   "The cave by the lake, Brother Ye said that he went in, but he didn't find anything except a layer of restriction."

   "Yes, yes, there is a layer of restriction outside, behind that earthen wall."

   "Then is there any other entrance?"

   "I didn't notice, I was almost eaten by him, and it was too late to escape." Xiao Zuo looked terrified, as if he was still in shock, and his small eyes flickered.

   "So what?" Seeing Xiao Zuo's appearance, Leng Qianxun knew that this was not his purpose.

   "So... lost track." Xiao Zuo lowered his head and said weakly.

   "Then hurry up and look for it." Leng Qianxun swung a knife eye.

   "Yes." The master didn't lose his temper, Xiao Zuo heaved a sigh of relief, and ran away quickly.

  Watching him go back into the hole again, Leng Qianxun frowned, walked to the lake, saw an inconspicuous hole in the grass, and when he sensed that there was no one around, he flashed in.

  There are animals from the God Realm here, so what does this place have to do with the God Realm?

   Also, this Xiaotianbao is here, does the old Guzhu know?

   Did she really hit the mark? He didn't even know that he lived in the same mountain as the beast.

   God-level prohibition, interesting.

  Leng Qianxun came to the place where Ye Wushang had been last night, and saw that it was just like what Brother Ye said, it was empty.

  Wait, Xiao Zuo said he came out from here, but what about the hole he came out of? Why didn't you see it?

   Could it be that this hole will be repaired automatically?

   "Great God."

   "My lord, I'm here." Leng Qianxun called out, and the master came out from the space.

   "Do you know Xiao Tianbao?"

   "Xiao Tianbao? Of course I know it. Where is it?"

   "Behind this wall." Leng Qianxun pointed at the front wall with his chin.

"Ah? Why is he here? Roaring Tianbao is a divine leopard, but it is also a divine beast allocated by the gods. That is to say, he has an owner. Unless he has done something bad and is imprisoned here by the master, otherwise, He cannot descend at will."

   "Then who is its owner?"

   "When I left, it didn't have an owner. What happened afterwards? I don't know." The master shook his head.

   "How is your relationship with him? Can you communicate with him?"

   "Generally, it should be ok. My master, this is..." The master didn't know why.

  "I want to know everything about it, including how it appeared here? And who is its owner? It's best not to let him realize that you are asking him a targeted question, and don't let him have any suspicions."

   "Okay. I'll try it." Saying that, the figure of the Great God disappeared on the wall.

  (end of this chapter)

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