Chapter 1579 Take it away

   "I have a way, but I don't know if you are willing to help me."

   "No help." Leng Qianxun's tone was completely non-negotiable.

   "I haven't even said it yet, how do you know what it is?"

   "Hehe, besides the key, what else can I do?"

"Tsk tsk, such a smart and wise woman, only a man like Brother Ye can match you, otherwise, people like us stand in front of you, as if naked without clothes, completely seen by you. "

  He Lianzhe couldn't help laughing, dealing with such a woman, although it's a lot of worry-free and easy to understand, but at the same time, she was eaten to death by her.

  He is not smart enough for Ye Wushang, so he dare not mess with her.

   "But I can't see through you. I don't know how many hairs you have on your body." Leng Qianxun glanced at him.

   "Pow! Are you a woman?" Her words made others unprepared.

  Hao Lianzhe stared blankly at the calmly spoken woman in front of him, who was very free and easy, and shook his head in disbelief.

   "Whether she is a woman, I have the final say."

At this moment, a voice came in from the door, and Ye Wushang appeared at the door, walked to Leng Qianxun's side, habitually stretched out his arms to embrace her, glanced at the man sitting on the bed, raised his chin slightly, as if A silent announcement.

   "I found out that you must have been spoiled by Brother Ye and assimilated." Looking at the postures of the two of them, they are exactly the same, with the same arrogance and confidence.

   It is true that pots match pots, and lids match lids. The sons born of mice can make holes.

   "Stop talking nonsense, we'll leave after breakfast, as for your affairs, decide for yourself."

  Ye Wushang doesn't force it, even if he wants to protect him, his family and relatives are here, so, many times, people can't help themselves in the world, and it's not up to him to decide.

   "Let me think about it." He Lianzhe said, and lay down on the bed again.

   In fact, there is no need to think about it, he has already made a decision in his heart.

  Leng Qianxun and Ye Wushang saw him like this, and knew that he would not go with them for a while.

  The two of them came to the dining area in the hall, where Helianbo had already been seen sitting here waiting for them to have dinner.

   "Master Gu, there are things you can't force, and your son can't bear you." Leng Qianxun sat down and glanced at the old man opposite.

  As a child of a man, how could he leave his parents in danger.

   "Then knock him out and pack him up and take him away." The old valley owner was going to take the chopsticks, but when he heard her say that, he lost his appetite.

   "Father, you should give up your heart. You won't be able to take me away even if you pack it." He Lianzhe's voice came from behind. At this time, with the support of Gongsun Yue, he was already able to walk on the ground.

   "You...why are you up?" Seeing the old valley owner, he wanted to get up and greet him. Later, thinking about what he said just now, he held back his actions, but he still looked worried.

"Teach Nangong girl the pill that can turn around from death, otherwise she will have to lie on the bed." He Lianzhe glanced at Ye Wushang, came to sit beside him, picked up the teacup on the table, "Brother Ye, Miss Nangong, thank you for your kindness, but I cannot escape the responsibilities and obligations of being a child, so I would like to propose a toast to you with tea instead of wine."

   "Don't worry, no one dares to accept your life for the time being, maybe we will meet up there soon." Ye Wushang picked up the teacup and touched him.

  If it wasn't for his own blood, even his parents wouldn't be able to open the blood seal outside the space-time tunnel, let alone those small characters.

  (end of this chapter)

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