Rebirth Daughter Against the World

Chapter 1583: go to God Realm together

  Chapter 1583 Going to God Realm Together

There are Guiyuan Pill, Zhuanggu Pill, Zunyuan Pill, Fusheng Pill, Baidu Pill, and Great Soul Pill, ranging from low-grade to fairy-grade, and they are very complete. How can this make him not excited? passionate.

   "Father, is this what Miss Nangong left for you?" He Lianzhe reached out and took the bottle she gave her in the afternoon on the bed, which was exactly the same bottle.

   "Well, who else is there besides her? Who else can it be? This girl..." Helianbo felt a little like crying at this time, a feeling of being cared by relatives.

   With these elixirs and elixir, it was like giving their father and son a second life. When they were in danger or accidents, at least they could be saved.

   "Father, let me tell you one more thing, you must hold on."

   "What's the matter?" Seeing Helianzhe's serious face, Helianbo was taken aback, but he calmed down a lot when he thought of the life-saving elixir in his hand.

   "I, the seal on my body has been released." He Lianzhe lowered his voice because he was afraid that the wall had ears.

   "Ah...really?" Helian Bo was both happy and surprised, looking a little unprepared, "How is this possible..."

   "Brother Ye helped me open the seal just now." Helianzhe looked at his father intently.

   "It's him, he can solve..."

  What did Helianbo suddenly think of? "His surname is Ye, so I just said, there is no Ye in the empire, he..." He Lianbo didn't say any more, and looked up at the sky outside the courtyard.

  He Lianzhe also understood everything when he saw his father's reaction.

  No wonder Brother Ye finally said, "See you above."

   Fortunately, they shared the same sexual interests, so they didn't become enemies, otherwise, he would lose his life against him.

"He is giving us father and son a retreat. Our ancestors were so confused that they supported Shenshi to fight against Yeshi, but now Master Yeshi saved us regardless of the villain's fault." He Lianbo turned around, Looking at his son, he said earnestly, "Zhe'er, you will be able to ascend now when you get out of the valley, then go and surround Yeshi. He saved us, so we should follow him."

   "Father, what about you, you can go out of the valley and go to the God Realm together." He Lianzhe frowned, unwilling.

"I can't go, I can't abandon them, and the task left by the ancestors, there should always be a relationship. We are all gone, that woman will take the people in the valley and enter the space-time tunnel, so, I have to stay here and guard, to fulfill the last duty of the Helian family."

   "Then I won't go either, I want to go together."

   "You are different, you are still young, and Yeshi values ​​your friendship so much, following him can preserve the last bloodline of our Helian family."

"That's for the future. Now we treat it as nothing, as usual. I promise you, if it is really necessary, I will go out of the valley and go to them." He Lianzhe looked at his father, Said swearingly.

  In the corridor, there were footsteps. He Lianbo didn't want to continue discussing this issue, so he could only nod his head.

   "Well, that's the only way to go."

   As he spoke, he put the pills in his hands back into his sleeves, then turned around and prepared to go back to his room.

   "Master Gu, is brother Zhe feeling better?" At the door of the room, I saw Gongsun Yue coming in with a bowl of soup.

   "Yue'er, make up for it yourself, don't keep thinking about giving it to him."

  He Lianbo looked at the carefree girl in front of him, she was quite similar to that girl in some respects, no wonder they were able to chat together.

  (end of this chapter)

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