Rebirth Daughter Against the World

Chapter 1585: I'm hungry

  Chapter 1585 Stomach flattened

   "That's all you need to worry about. There's nothing she can't do, let alone say she can't find us."

  Long Shu trusted Leng Qianxun 100%.

   "My heart is also uncontrollably worried." Bai Jiuci even said that he didn't sleep much at night, always thinking about his son.

   "You, just eat, drink and have fun. The mentality of traveling all the way to the mountains and rivers has fattened yourself up and greeted your son with a new look."

   "Then I'm afraid he won't recognize me." Master Bai rolled Long Shu's eyes, and he was still traveling around mountains and rivers, eating was almost a problem.

  Without Girl Leng, even if there were wild animals on the road, they wouldn't know how to deal with them, and just watched them run away.

   Along the way, she has long been relying on her unconsciously.

   "Blood is connected, there will always be a little feeling, it is impossible not to know, you just have a hundred hearts."

   "Then tell me, it's been two days, we should leave the mountain tomorrow, and we haven't seen them come back yet, won't..."

"Bah, bah, what will happen? You underestimate Leng girl so much, and let her save your son." In the eyes of Long Shu at this time, Leng Qianxun is like his daughter, who does not allow others Said she was not good at all.

   "I didn't mean that, isn't this an example?" Seeing Long Shu's reaction so intensely, Master Bai wiped his sweat.

   "There is no such thing as impossible, well, I'm starving to death, Xiao Ding, is there anything else to eat?" Everyone ate a piece of dry food in the morning, and now it's noon, and my stomach is already hungry.

   "It's...not anymore." Xiao Ding felt a little guilty, because there was an extra 'comma', and they would share a little bit of their food.

Moreover, it has an amazing appetite, at least three yuan at a time, otherwise it will be like a deflated balloon all the way, shaking even when walking, bumping into trees for a while, and falling down for a while, Ding Xuan has no choice but to take two more yuan to feed it.

   "It's okay, you sit here, Brother Fang and I will go to find something to eat nearby." You Qian felt very sorry, Miss Leng entrusted the two old ones to him, and he couldn't let them go hungry.

   How do you say that he has 'lived' on this mountain for a year, and he still knows the wild fruits and vegetables that those women usually give him to eat.

   "Okay, then be careful, we'll wait here for you to come back." Long Shu waved to them. To be honest, they didn't have the energy to leave now.

   If no food is found, they can only wait for girl Leng to come back to help them collect the corpse.

   "Well, we'll be back soon." You Qian winked at Fang Yichen, and the two walked towards the foot of the mountain.

  According to common sense, the foot of the mountain will be cooler, suitable for some wild fruits to grow, maybe you can pick some wild vegetables and find some spring water.

  Even if there is only a little bit, it can add a little energy to them, so that they will not starve to death.

  After they left, Xiao Ding also looked around here. The two old people were old and not younger than them. Therefore, it is understandable that they were paralyzed on the ground and motionless.

  Bai Jiuci and Long Shu lay side by side under the shade of a tree, looking at the blue sky of Captain Tian, ​​and chatting about Tian.

   "Old friend, tell me, if our lives end here, what is the most regrettable thing in this life?"

   "I said why are your thoughts always so pessimistic? Can't you think of something better? For example, can we live hundreds of years?"

   "Pow, it's still a few hundred years old, and this hundred is still a few decades away? Be realistic." Bai Jiuci shook his head. Ever since his son was abducted, he never dared to expect to live that long.

  (end of this chapter)

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