Rebirth Daughter Against the World

Chapter 1587: Excessive bleeding

  Chapter 1587 Excessive bleeding

  At this time, he realized that the blood on these cloths did not need to be twisted at all, it was completely soaked and dripped down.

   How much blood is there?

   Seeing his pale lips, it was obvious that he had lost too much blood.

  Fang Yichen shook his head, helplessly took out the medicine for bandaging the wound and stopping the bleeding from his school bag, and then bandaged it for him.

  After eating a few wild fruits, he helped You Qian who was still awake beside him, and walked up the mountain.

   To be honest, he would do this now, and he doesn't know why? If it was him before, he would definitely not be nosy.

   Forget it, don’t think so much, as long as you think it’s worth it, the rest is not important.

  Actually, during this trip, he has changed a lot unconsciously. He is willing to pay for many things and doesn't care about them. It's just that he didn't realize it.

  Holding You Qian very hard to the halfway up the mountain, at this time he was already exhausted, and the two of them lay there to rest.

   "Brother You, aren't you very capable? If you don't wake up again, I won't care about you anymore. I will let you feed the beasts here and ravage them."

   "Who said... I don't want to wake up anymore, didn't I wake up?" When Fang Yichen put him down just now, he pressed his hand and woke up in pain.

   "Sure enough, you have to threaten, otherwise I will be exhausted." Seeing him wake up, Fang Yichen breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Thank you." You Qian wanted to reach out and pat him on the shoulder, only to see the scars on his hand, and withdrew his hand with a look of gratitude.

   "Whispering, why are you being polite." Compared to him, Fang Yichen was a little ashamed.

   "Okay, you're welcome, let's go, let's go back quickly."

   At this time, I looked up at the sky and the position of the sun. It was almost two hours before they came out.

   Half an hour later, when they returned to the top of the mountain, the two old men were still asleep. Maybe it was because they were overworked? Or dizzy from hunger?

  Looking at their balanced breathing, they are indeed sleeping.

   When Ding Xuan turned his head and saw the two of them covered in blood, he was stunned, "How did you become like this, did you encounter a beast?"

   "No, it's fine." You Qian sat down under a tree, leaned there and didn't want to speak, and didn't have the energy to speak.

   "Come on, are your hands alright?" Look at the fact that both his hands are bandaged, and all five fingers are invisible.

   "It's okay, Brother Fang has bandaged it." You mentioned it before, and then motioned Fang Yichen to give her the wild fruit, "I just found this little fruit."

  Fang Yichen handed the backpack to Ding Xuan, what did he want to say? Seeing You Qian giving him winks to stop him, he didn't say anything.

  Ding Xuan took it over and opened it for a look. Seeing a pack full of red wild fruits, he exclaimed.


  This raspberry is full of spikes, but the flesh is as tender and sweet as a strawberry. It is full of vitamin C, and it is usually only found in a cool place.

  Seeing the raspberries, Ding Xuan understood why they were covered in blood.

   Reached into the bag, and took out a handful of raspberries for each of them, "You guys eat first, just save some when they wake up."

   "Let's leave it to them, we can eat a little." You Qian looked at the wild fruits in his arms, and he didn't want to serve him alone after picking them so hard.

   "You are the most seriously injured now. You are a patient, and you have lost a lot of blood. If you don't eat more, there is still such a long way. Who do we rely on next?" Ding Xuan's words were straightforward, and he could not refuse.

  (end of this chapter)

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