Rebirth Daughter Against the World

Chapter 1589: Follow the vine

  Chapter 1589 Follow the vine

  In the past few years in Ghost Valley, he has learned a lot, and he has become more mature and sensible, especially when performing tasks, he is like an unreasonable dead soldier.

   But now this is his real character.

   Those are just a mask that the Lord needs and wears to protect himself.

  Leng Qianxun and Ye Wushang looked at him like this, smiled at each other, and were also happy for him. This is the child who returned to nature.

   "Brother Ye, I see, I will trouble you to find some more beasts later, and celebrate tonight."

   "Put it on me." Seeing the lady happy, he was even happier. "Is ten little birds enough?"

   "Not enough."

   "What about the ten rabbits?"

   "One for each person, almost." Leng Qianxun smiled, this is the rhythm of fattening her up? "

   "I obey." Ye Wushang straightened his face, and looked affectionately at the woman next to him.

   "Brother Ye, do we have to go back to the empire?" Leng Qianxun looked serious.

   "If you want to settle accounts with them." Ye Wushang hugged her and looked at her.

"Then can you tell me now, who is that consortium?" Leng Qianxun narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the man beside him intently, as if nothing big or small in the empire escaped his eyes, and nothing People and things he doesn't know.

   "If my guess is correct, he is the one at the top of Xie, the one sitting in the first place, but it still needs to be confirmed."

   "Huh? The military?" Leng Qianxun was startled, why did he get involved with the military again.

"I once heard Xie said that the person above them has friendship with an organization, and often asks his confidantes to drive a few cars to the port to pick up goods for him. As for what? After a lot of hard work, Xie There is nothing that can be dug out from the mouths of those people.

   And his confidantes, each of whom drives a luxury car, lives in a villa, and has a second-tier star, they are devoted to him. Because his position is different, he must keep a low profile. The lower the profile, the safer. "

   "Brother Ye is saying that that organization is the secret alliance?"

   "Yeah." Ye Wushang nodded, he thought of Xie's superiors only after hearing about the Dark Alliance, and looking at the treatment of him and those subordinates, it can't help but make people think so.

  Perhaps, apart from Lengshen who dared to doubt him like this in the entire empire, there is another one who is Feng Shangxie.

  Others have the heart but not the guts.

   Leng Qianxun pondered, then which aspect should she start with first?

   "The dark alliance is in the dark, and you can only find him through that person." Ye Wushang saw her thoughts and reminded her.

   "Oh, I see. From what it looks like, we have to go back to school for a while longer." Leng Qianxun nodded, and Brother Ye meant to follow the clues.

   "It's much easier to do things in the dark than in the open. And your identity can also be reshaped."

   "That's right, why didn't I think of this." She didn't even think of this, no wonder Brother Ye's brain is so good.

"Identity reshaping, as if the previous Leng Qianxun did not exist, and then use the name 'Nangong Xun' back, to get my hair down, and come to a new identity, so that there will be no more involvement in doing things." Ye Wu Shang stretched out his hand to help her straighten her hair, looking forward to her appearance in a shawl and a real skirt.

  Unfortunately, he may not see it.

   "Do your hair? Brother Ye, you want me to be a princess with heavy makeup?" She is a princess, but she never wears heavy makeup.

   "Haha, whatever you want." Ye Wushang smiled wantonly.

  (end of this chapter)

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