Rebirth Daughter Against the World

Chapter 805: What are you coming to?

  Chapter 805 What is the use of staying?

  After a while, the branches loosened, and Yan Shu came into close contact with the floor from the tree. At this time, he had already fallen into a coma and was unconscious.

"Who are you?"

  A hoarse voice with a sense of tape came from the tree, letting him know that the throat hadn't been opened for a long time.

   "It doesn't matter who I am, but I came from Baiyu." Seeing his reaction, Ye Wushang had already confirmed his thoughts.

   "You... lied, it was that person again... deliberately arranged for you to talk to me." At this time, the surrounding area of ​​​​the tree made them feel a sense of hostility.

   "You know Wuyonger, right?"

  As soon as Brother Ye said this, Leng Qianxun understood his thoughts and confirmed the person in front of him. She also has a new understanding of the cruelty of this hidden family member, but she still doesn't quite understand why they locked him here, and why they tortured him like this?

   "Him? You also arrested him?" The Dryad was stunned for a moment. Did they want to study all the people in Baiyu?

   "No, we're here to save you."

   "..." The branch, which was about to swing at this time, froze there for a moment when he heard this sentence.

save him? He has been waiting for these words for more than ten years, but he has never waited for someone to save him.

  Now he has turned into this kind of human and demonic appearance, but someone came to save him.

   "Too...too late." When he said this at this time, he was much calmer.

   "Did Ya Nu bring you here?"

   "That woman is that vicious woman...I'm going to kill her." When he thought of that woman, he, who was calm as before, became emotional.

  The woman who laughed like a flower but had a belly like a snake harmed him and tricked him here. Since then, he has been haunted by nightmares, and his life would be worse than death.

   "Don't worry, we will take care of Naya for you, but it can be said that her life is worse than death now."

   "You know her?" The dryad was surprised.

   In addition to having doubts about them before, at this time he completely believed in them. "Someone is coming, you go away."

  Ye Wushang discovered at this time that their spiritual consciousness could not be emitted from this cave at all, so that someone would approach here without knowing it.

   Seeing him remind, that also means that he has believed what they said. "We'll bring someone to meet you tonight."

   While speaking, Ye Wushang picked up the unconscious man on the ground with his fingers, then grabbed Leng Qianxun's waist, and disappeared on the spot in an instant.

  The Dryad heard the last words he said to him and brought someone to meet him?

   Who are you bringing to meet him?

   Is that woman?

   At the moment when they disappeared, Gu Xiong had already appeared at the entrance of the cave.


   "Ah... clan... Patriarch?!" Gu Xiong coughed at the door, waking up two people who were still asleep.

   "You guys didn't take good care of your hands, but put me to sleep here." Gu Xiong stared at him without anger, and immediately frightened the two people at the door so that they woke up instantly.

   "Patriarch, we were wrong." The two servants who had just woken up lowered their heads and admitted their mistake.

   "Hmph! If there is a next time, you will consciously go into the cave." At this time, Gu Xiong's eyes flashed a glimmer of haze. What he hates the most is people who don't obey orders.

  Just like his youngest son, he always went against his will, which made him partial to his elder son.

   Never show mercy to those who refuse to obey his orders.

   He didn't obey his orders, so what's the use of keeping it?

   The third update!



  (end of this chapter)

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