Rebirth Daughter Against the World

Chapter 810: Do you believe it? Anyway, I don't believe it.

  Chapter 810 Do you believe it? Anyway, I don't believe it.

   "Hey, whose family do you belong to? What do you eat?" Xiaoer looked at them a little bit unfamiliar, and muttered.

   "The captain's family, what's the deal for three people?" Leng Qianxun looked very heroic.

   "Okay, please wait a moment." Which captain? There are several captains in the military factory, but whoever he is, Xiaoer won't ask any more.

  Because of yesterday's fire, their business today is particularly prosperous.

   They used to have a canteen in the military factory, but now they all came to the street.

   Maybe this lively atmosphere can last for a few more days, and they only make money for a few days.

  In normal times, a pot of steamed buns would be sold all morning, but now I don’t know how many pots are sold, and it’s not enough to buy.

  At this time, they were sitting in the corner of the back room with a wide view, listening to many people outside and at the next table talking about the fire last night, with various guesses and conclusions.

   "I heard that the fire last night was spontaneous." An old man was next to him early in the morning, drinking a little wine and talking there.

   "Do you believe it? Anyway, I don't believe it." The old man sitting opposite him shook his head.

   "That's right, how could it be possible to spontaneously ignite? The weather here is so shady and cool, and those early trees are growing vigorously. Show me the fire." A middle-aged man at the next table replied to the old man. "So our captain guessed that someone set the fire on purpose."

   "Don't talk nonsense, where is the evidence?" Several people from the military factory who sat at the same table with the middle-aged man began to discuss in a low voice.

   "The captains are all looking for it? And the patriarch has spoken. In these two days, we must solve the case and give him a satisfactory answer."

   "It's easy to say. The fire burned everything to ashes. Where can I find evidence? What evidence?"

   "That is, if the fire was really intentional, will there be any evidence left for us?"

   "That's right, what do you think about our hair? Being naked makes me feel that there is something missing on my head, and I'm not used to it."

   "Do you feel that the surrounding temperature has dropped a lot, the cold wind is cool."

   "That's right, that's how it feels."

   "Me too, hurry up and buy two hats to wear later, don't run out of stock."

   "Yeah, hurry up and eat."


  Leng Qianxun and Ye Wushang heard this and glanced at each other.

  Ye Wushang knew what the little girl was thinking right now? I just want him to buy a hat and wear it.

  However, if she insists on letting him take it, he will still do what she wants. After all, someone will always come up to disturb them.

  Leng Qianxun glanced at Brother Ye, and remembered that the T-shirt on his body had a hat.

   "Brother Ye, I still have two T-shirts." In her space, there are still clean T-shirts kept there for emergencies.

  Ye Wushang understood what she meant, and glanced at her. A thin body was covered with a dress that was one size bigger than her body, and he should barely be able to wear it.

"it is good."

"Then pack this up for Shi Qiang after breakfast, and then you can find a place to change." Leng Qianxun raised his eyes and looked outside, but at this moment, he saw a familiar figure walking towards him in the distance. figure.

   Seeing his eyes looking around, he knew he was looking for them.

   "Brother Ye, someone is here." Leng Qianxun raised her chin and asked Brother Ye to look in the direction her chin was pointing at.

   "I see." Ye Wushang glanced at it.

   "Then let's go?" Before the artifact was found, Leng Qianxun didn't want to cause trouble.

   The second update!



  (end of this chapter)

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