Rebirth Daughter Against the World

Chapter 823: really strange

  Chapter 823 is really strange

   Now that the interests of the two are tied together, they can be regarded as allies now, so at this time, the two parties no longer have the precautionary mentality they used to get along with each other.

   "Tell me about the two people you captured?" One is his future son-in-law, and the other is the girl he just discovered has a real spirit body.

  These two are what he cares about now, and after this matter is resolved, he can proceed with their transaction.

   "They? Presumably you don't know the works on me? They left them." Although he took them away, he was the one who was abused in the end.

   "You don't look like a clumsy person, to fall into this kind of trick." Lei Ao shook his head in contempt.

   "How could I know that you humans are so cunning." The blood demon was still scratching there, "Is there anything that can relieve the itching?"

   "No, the itching will subside after three days." Even if there was, how could he provide it to him? You must know that seeing him like this now makes him feel secretly refreshed.

   "Three days?" Gorefiend counted the days in his mind as soon as he heard it, as if it was the third day now, but why did he feel that it was still extremely itchy.

   "After ten minutes, the itch is gone."

  At this time, Dongfang Yi's voice came from a distance. In fact, he and Xiao Zuo came here for a while, and heard the transaction between the suzerain and him.

  At the beginning, when he heard the elixir of immortality, the Great Soul Pill, he was taken aback, and his eyes were burning hot.

   Fairy product!

  Maybe few people in the world have seen it?

   And the suzerain actually has one, and it is hidden deep enough.

   Now the suzerain actually exchanged that elixir with the blood demon for his own life. In his eyes, the suzerain is selling the pill for life, but disregarding the lives of the people of the empire.

   Just imagine, Gorefiend has returned to his peak moment, which means that he will continue to stay here to harm the world.

  But at this time, the suzerain, who was at the head of the sect, committed crimes knowingly and helped the evildoers, which more or less made Dongfang Yi feel a little disgusted in his heart at this time.

   If he was to say he was possessed by a demon, he almost forgot that he was also a victim.

  But even if there is really no way to save him in the end, he will choose to break his arm instead of going to bed.

  At least the suzerain, everyone is safe, and he has the right to interfere.

  Thinking of this, he subconsciously lowered the hat on Little Zuo's head, and stuffed his tail into the long T-shirt on his body. After taking these protective measures, they came out from behind the big tree.

  His sudden appearance surprised the somewhat guilty Lei Ao, who wondered how long he had been standing there? How much did you hear?

  When he raised his eyes and saw Dongfang Yi's calm and handsome face, his heart was slightly relieved.

   "Sovereign." Dongfang Yi came to stand not far in front of them.

  Because Xiao Zuo was in his arms, he had to be wary of their sudden "friendship".

   "Well, it's fine." Lei Ao nodded towards him, and now he has regained the image that the suzerain should have. As he approached, his eyes fell on the spiritual pet in his arms.

   "It's really strange that there are spirit pets here." Although he only saw a cinnabar on his head, he was quite curious that even a low-level spirit beast would appear here.

   "The suzerain came out to find me?" Dongfang Yi didn't answer him directly, and cleverly avoided the topic.

   "Well, by the way, what about the girl you were with?"

  Is it impossible for Dongfang Yi not to smell the aura emanating from her body?

   The third update!



  (end of this chapter)

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