Rebirth Daughter Against the World

Chapter 876: Kill three birds with one stone, everyone is safe and sound!

  Chapter 876 Kill three birds with one stone, everyone is safe!

  Compared with the painstaking efforts of that Gu king, why not do such a simple and cost-free thing?

   Once the Gu King dies like now, everything he has paid for decades will be reduced to ashes in an instant.

  So, I really don't understand whether the heads of the Yin family members are all insect feces?

   Otherwise, how could he be so stupid that he is not even as good as a pig's brain.

  At this time, Gu Xiong is almost in a state of madness. Without the Gu King, there is one less helper on his life path.

  How could it be possible to dominate the world with only a little of his cultivation?

  Without the Gu King, he encountered obstacles on the road to success.

  Without the Gu King, everything is just a dream.

  So for him, the Gu King is of great significance, and he has invested too much in it, so that it is unacceptable for a while.

  His moves became more and more ruthless, Leng Qianxun learned while stepping back, memorizing the moves he had done one by one in his mind.

  Some of the ones he used repeatedly, she had already found a way to crack them.

  In order to learn more, in order for him to use more tricks, she still kept backing away.

   Now Gu Xiong, whose head is a little confused and extremely angry, always wants to win and avenge the Gu King. Seeing him being defeated steadily, he attacked more and more fiercely. Where would you think that this is someone else's scheme.

  Unknowingly, he used all the ten moves of the seven people passed down from his ancestors, while Leng Qianxun memorized more than half of the moves. The so-called confrontation with him this time was very fruitful.

   At first, the two men outside the screen didn't quite understand. In several places, they could get their hands when they saw the master, but they suddenly withdrew their hands after halfway. Looking back at Brother Ye on her tree, seeing him not worried at all, it dawned on her that the master was stealing a teacher.

  The two of them have also been watching, and they also saw that Gu Xiong used no less than dozens of moves, but they only remembered one or two moves.

   But looking at the master's phoenix-eyed look, even though she was losing ground, she became more and more excited as she fought. Sure enough, there were no masters, and such things could be imagined.

  Leng Qianxun saw that he was using more and more, thinking that his tricks had been exhausted. Now, it's her turn to give back to him.

  She was still backing away, but suddenly her momentum was overwhelming, and she rushed towards Gu Xiong.

   "You gave me this just now, and now I will return it to you."

  When Gu Xiong heard this, he didn't understand it at first, but when he saw him making two or three moves in a row, which seemed familiar to him, he couldn't help being surprised, his eyes widened bigger than a bull's.

   "You... you... this is our best martial arts?!"

   "I guess so?" Leng Qianxun returned his four words, and continued to play with what she had written down just now.

  Because you have memorized some things, but if you don’t actually operate them again, it is easy to forget them.

   It can also be said that she is now trying to consolidate her memory, otherwise why would she need to go to such lengths and use these tricks against him, she can completely break him when he made the last move.

  Her answer made Gu Xiong feel something warm in his throat.

   This is something passed down to him by the ancestors. Don’t say that it can’t be passed on to outsiders. In their clan, it is still passed on from male to female, and only from the patriarch’s son.

  The reason is to use this trick to keep the position of the patriarch in the clan, and not be forced to step down by some chaotic parties in the clan.

  Even for his two sons, he reserved half of the tricks for each of them.

   That is to say, the elder son learned the first forty strokes, and the youngest son learned the last forty strokes.

   And this kills three birds with one stone, everyone is safe!

  (end of this chapter)

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