Rebirth Daughter Against the World

Chapter 903: hey hey bro

  Chapter 903 Hey, hey...Brother Ye

  But in this chicken coop head room, there is nothing else except a bed, two bedside tables and a wardrobe.

  Of course, if the things pasted on the wall are considered things, then there are a total of four things in this room.

   It can be regarded as clean and white, with no hobbies. It can also be seen from this that he does not have much enthusiasm for this world. And this place is purely a room for him to sleep in, nothing more.

   "Brother Ye, how do we get out later?"

  Her appearance will not attract attention, but Brother Ye is different, he always has his own light and attracts attention wherever he goes.

   "Go out!"

   "Are you really going to go out like this?"

  Let's not say that he will be surrounded by those women later, and it may also attract the high attention of the school, and maybe he will be invited to the office by them.

   "Otherwise?" Ye Wushang didn't think he cared at this moment, he wished that people all over the world would see them pair up, and then the fake show would come true, so he could take the opportunity to confess his love.

   "You don't mind, and I don't mind." Leng Qianxun shrugged, the national male **** is not afraid, what is there to be afraid of as a supporting role?

   "Then let's go!" The corners of Ye Wushang's lips curled up, and his chin slightly lifted to let her go first.

  When he was about to walk to the door, Leng Qianxun turned his head again, "Brother Ye, we showed up at Yamazaki School for no reason, will it be considered trespassing?"

   "Who dares?" Ye Wushang raised his eyebrows.

   "..." Seeing Brother Ye's so determined look, thinking about it, you can walk sideways in the empire with Brother Ye.

  Opening the door, a small chestnut-colored head poked out from the crack of the door, making the man behind him shake his head and smile wryly. Why did he feel like a thief after following her.

  Seeing that there is no one in the playground, the classroom in the next building happens to be the time for class, and all the students are in the classroom at this time. At this time, Leng Qianxun walked out of the door with her chest out.

   "How do you look like you are afraid of seeing people?" Ye Wushang came to her side and squinted at her. Could it be that she was worried about something?

   "Where is it? I'm afraid that if I show up, they won't be in the mood for class."

"Is it?"

   "Of course, if you don't believe me, let's try. I'll go first, and you will come later, and see who has the most influence?" Because he is too dazzling, Leng Qianxun really doesn't want to go out with Brother Ye in such an open manner.

   "Don't try, let's go." How could Ye Wushang not know her little thought, stretched out his right hand, hooked her neck, and fixed her on his arm.

   "Hey, hey...Brother Ye, your neck...suffocated."

  Leng Qianxun was startled. It was okay when they were two, she didn't care about these details, but now she is going to appear in public, and it is the age of the Internet. There are so many women in the empire, and she can be drowned with a single spit.

  She's not afraid of abuse, but she doesn't want to waste time on gossip.

  Of course, if someone came to her door to seek abuse, she would definitely not hold back and abuse to death.

  Ye Wushang relaxed his hand a little bit, but he didn't intend to let it go. He hooked her neck and walked towards the stairs.

  The best golden ratio of their lover made Leng Qianxun dare not look up at him, for fear of the embarrassing scene last time.

  Ye Wushang kept hooking the corners of his lips, and walked arrogantly to the playground with the woman on his arm.

  In fact, there are two ways to go to the gate, one is to pass through the playground, and the other is to pass through the corridors at the door of those classrooms.

  (end of this chapter)

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