Rebirth Daughter Against the World

Chapter 959: Little, please comfort me!

  Chapter 959 Little, please comfort me!

   "Oh, I just heard from Ding Xiaomo that he has something to ask you for."

  Ding Xiaomo, who was next to Xiao Xiao, had been trying to **** her mobile phone, but when he got her mobile phone, he began to rant.

   "Hey, are you still a buddy, why did you blacklist my number, and you can't get in no matter how you call?"

   "Huh? Is there any? Let me take a look." There are only four calls in her mobile phone, three men and one woman.

   At this time, Leng Qianxun looked through the address book, and there were no phone numbers of Feng Shangxie and Ding Xiaomo except for the two very depressed numbers. "Strange, I clearly remembered to save your phone number, didn't I call you before?"

   "I also have your phone number, but I can't get through. I thought it was a broken phone, but I can get through with a small phone call."

   "Blacklist... Blacklist, I found it, uh, your number is really in it, and there is also Feng Shao's..." Speaking of this, Leng Qianxun turned her head and looked at the man sitting next to her.

   "What's the matter?" Ye Wushang met her black and white phoenix eyes with an innocent expression on his face.

   "Brother Ye, did you touch my phone?" Leng Qianxun squinted her phoenix eyes, there were only her and Brother Ye here, who could it be?

   "Yeah, there are too many idle numbers, I'm afraid they will disturb your review for the past two days, so I blocked them all." The man next to him didn't deny it, and agreed without hesitation, and gave a high-sounding reason.

   "Many?" It's only four numbers, but Brother Ye thinks it's too many?

  Because they sat relatively close to each other, the two people over there could still hear what Ye Wushang said clearly even if they didn't turn on the speakerphone.

  At this moment, Xiaoxiao couldn't help sticking out her tongue at Ding Xiaomo, wanting to get the phone back and hang up.

  Lengshen even said that he should not disturb Leng Dada's review, and also said that Ding Xiaomo's number is a busy number. Therefore, Leng Shen didn't block her because of Leng Da's face, and she couldn't continue to disturb her.

   "Master Leng, you study hard, we hung up, for nothing." Xiao Xiao snatched her mobile phone, quickly said a few words to Leng Qianxun and hung up.

  At this time, Ding Xiaomo was still dazed with his mobile phone in his hand. He only came back to his senses when he heard the short novel "Baibai".

  What just happened?

  His phone number was coldly dismissed as an idle number, is it because the end of his number is '...438438'?

  It was entirely because he saw that this number was easy to remember, and it was cheap if no one wanted it, so he had this opportunity to pick up a big deal.

  Now she is disgusted by others, crying to death.

   "I..." At this moment, Ding Xiaomo looked aggrieved, and looked at the girl who made his eyes shine when she came back this time, "Xiao Xiao, please comfort me!"

   "Find someone else." Xiao Xiaoyi dodged his claws, and was almost killed by him this time, otherwise she would also be blacklisted by Leng Da.

Ding Xiaomo looked at the fleeing figure in front of him, and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Unexpectedly, the first surprise when he returned to school this time was to find this inconspicuous little girl covered with acne marks. Small, female big eighteen changes, into the appearance of his goddess.

   It seems that he also has a chance to get rid of the single dog.

  The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is skinny.

  At this time, he didn't know that there was already a long queue in front of him, but no matter what, they were in the same class, so no matter what, they had to get close first.

   On the 30th floor, after Leng Qianxun hung up the phone, she turned sideways to face Brother Ye, although the distance between them can be said to be shoulder to shoulder. However, Leng Qianxun didn't realize it.

  (end of this chapter)

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