Rebirth Daughter Against the World

Chapter 997: This thing can't be left alone

  Chapter 997 This matter can’t be faked anymore

"Sir, are you okay?" Lei Meilian softened the tone on the phone, and finally found a topic to talk to, then stopped beside him, turned her head and smiled sweetly, with a look of understanding look.

   "Cough, I...I'm fine." Reporter Zhang didn't expect the goddess to be so talkative and notice him, which made him overjoyed.

   "It's fine, if there is anything you need to help, just tell me." Lei Meilian nodded to him, pretending that if there was nothing wrong, she would leave the stage.

   "Miss, I..." Reporter Zhang hesitated to speak, it was rare to meet a goddess who made him happy, and he didn't want to miss it so early. And he did have something for her to help with.

   Even if someone took the initiative to speak, he might as well ask, it shouldn't be a problem, right?

   "Huh? What's the matter?" Lei Meilian looked forward, which gave Reporter Zhang the illusion that she liked helping others.

   "Can I ask you a few questions?" Reporter Zhang asked weakly. Based on his past experience, many celebrities would show a look of impatience at this time, and then make excuses to the reporter and leave.

   "Well, that's it." Lei Meilian said here pretending to be contemplative.

  Reporter Zhang knew it was over when he saw it, but he didn't expect that what he said next would make him tearful.

   "I still have some time, let's sit down and talk over there, and stand here to influence others." Lei Meilian seemed to be thinking of others, but in fact she was thinking of herself.

   Standing here is not only eye-catching, but you may even meet 'acquaintances'.

   "Miss... You are such a nice person, so I will bother you and waste your precious time."

   "It doesn't matter, as long as I can help, I will do my best."

"Thank you. Actually, I am Xiao Zhang, a reporter from "Fanhai Daily". This is my work card. I just came here to do some investigation and confirm a matter that has been rumored and slandered." After they sat down , Xiao Zhang took out his work card and showed it to her.

  If he wants to ask the question he wants to know, he thinks it is more convenient to reveal his identity, so that people will not be surprised by his gossip, nor will they guard against him.

   "Oh, hello, Reporter Zhang. I don't have much time, you can ask, I will do my best."

   "Thank you, then I asked, did the miss stay here a few days ago?" Xiao Zhang didn't talk nonsense.

  Knowing that their time is precious, he must make good use of it if he is given a few minutes.

   "Yes, a few days ago." Lei Meilian was very cooperative and nodded.

   "Then can I ask, something happened in the restaurant on the second floor two days ago, I wonder if Miss still has any impression?"

"Can you explain clearly? Too many things have happened in the past two days, I don't know which one you are talking about." Remind him like this, at least if someone asks in the future, it won't be said that she took the initiative to speak .

   "It's about the Leng Group's illegitimate son becoming an illegitimate daughter." Xiao Zhang looked at the goddess' expression without blinking, trying to see if she had heard of it from her expression.

   "Oh, that matter..." Lei Meilian pretended to remember, the reporter she called must perform very hard in front of him.

   "Yes, yes, yes, regarding this matter, I wonder if Miss is a witness?" Seeing the expression of the goddess, Xiao Zhang's heart was also put back into his stomach.

   It seems that this matter cannot be faked.

  His future is bright in the future, let him chuckle inwardly for a while.

  (end of this chapter)

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