Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 103 Changes in the World

This year's winter came too early, and it snowed heavily before it entered December. This is very rare in Weigang City, but these are nothing compared to the extraordinary events that have continuously emerged in the past half a year .

In one year in the mountain and sea world, the outside world has only passed less than one month, but in just one month, various changes have taken place in the outside world.

All kinds of legends about practitioners, superpowers, immortals, and monsters are spreading. The appearance of Guixu has made the whole world start to boil. The legends about another world have been widely known on the Internet.

Some people say that it is another parallel world, some say it is an ancient kingdom of God, some say it is a legendary lost continent, people try their best to find the existence of Guixu, there are even foreign warships and submarines Try to intercept and capture Guixu.

However, as long as the return to the ruins passes by, all technological supplies will fail, and everyone will fall into a coma. No matter how powerful the weapon is, they will not be able to tear the defenses on their bodies. Instead, they will be destroyed by their wrath. After failed attempts again and again, people began to understand that the technology they relied on had no effect at all in the face of this unknown existence.

Finally, Guixu crossed the vast sea and entered Antarctica.

Firstly, members of an Argentine general Belgrano No. 1 scientific research station discovered the shadow of Guixu entering Antarctica, and then a French doctor discovered it under a piece of ice while conducting a scientific research project. The unknown fluorescent creature was finally identified as Guixu, and several countries began to discover its traces and traces of activities in various places.

They discovered that this terrifying creature had begun to settle here, and its lair should be located near Amundsen Scott Station in the United States, under a prehistoric lake in Antarctica, connected to the sea, protruding into the ice and the continent, and growing rapidly , is gradually merging with the Antarctic continent.

Only through the thousand-meter-deep ice crack can one see the fluorescent sea formed by countless tentacles, illuminating the dark world under the ice.

Every scientific researcher who saw this beautiful and terrifying existence was intoxicated by its size, beauty, and magical power.

More than 20 countries with scientific research stations in Antarctica began to study and explore this strange life, and found that it opened a door to another world at noon at the beginning of each month, or on the night of the full moon in the middle of the month.

But so far none of them has successfully entered that world, they lack the most critical key, and that key is in the far east.

More than 20 countries have reached an agreement on scientific research and exploration of the power to return to ruins to jointly develop this project named "God Kingdom", excluding China, which has the key to open this door, and requiring it to announce and share the information it currently has. All information and materials.

One side holds the door, and the other holds the key. How the two sides started a war of words and negotiations like a tug-of-war is unknown to ordinary people.

However, no matter how big the conflicts and debates are, they are only limited to scientific research, and they have not been affected in any way on the political and economic fronts, and no country has deliberately publicized this matter.

But those who are keen to pay attention to this matter know that a door to another world has been discovered in Antarctica.

Some people say that there is a secret of immortality in that world, some people say that it is a world of gods and demons, and there are even legends that it is the ancient fairyland in Chinese mythology.

"As long as you can enter that world, you can find the secret of immortality!"

"That is the kingdom of the gods! As long as you enter that world, you will be able to see the real gods!"

"Someone has already entered that world, and they are looking for the secrets of immortality and gods!"

The route to Antarctica has been blocked. After entering Antarctica from Guixu, some people even proposed to use nuclear weapons to wipe out this terrifying and dangerous existence. Whether it is because of safety concerns or other reasons, the original tourist routes have basically been cancelled. , most of the ships from Ushuaia to Antarctica are restricted from entering Antarctica.

People can only cast their eyes in another direction, the mysterious and ancient oriental country, and as the focus of a series of mysterious incidents, Waigang City has also begun to enter a semi-blocked state, and strict fortifications can be seen at the entrances of all passages , It is forbidden to enter Weigang City at will, but it is not forbidden to go out.


Fang Xiu stood under the Necromancer Tree, looking up at the sky.

Fang Xiu could see flakes of snowflakes falling from the sky, but they didn't see them falling into the courtyard at all, as if they had fallen from the top of his head and fell into another parallel space. The snowflakes couldn't enter Fang Xiu's house, but the chill still blocked Can't live.

According to Fang Xiu's plan, the initial part has been completed. The mountain and sea world has attracted the attention of the whole world, and then they will try their best to enter the mountain and sea world to help him promote the development and progress of the mountain and sea world. , Three Goat Views, and the Cultivation Alliance, these three points spread.

The world of mountains and seas will become perfect step by step. From the current small wild world, swallowing the entire Gaia consciousness, it will really become a world of immortals and demons that is so grand that it even surpasses the earth. Endless practitioners help Fang Xiu Create a path of practice.

At this time, Fang Xiu's new cell phone rang, and there was a picture on it, written in spiritual script: "I have arrived at the destination and met the Qi refiner. Come and find me and the Qi refiner——Zhu Rong!"

It was sent by Zhu Liu. From the moment they jumped into the world of mountains and seas from the King's cruise ship, their identities have been exposed, but it was different from the previous time. At that time, they were just weak and at the mercy of others. Small fish and shrimp, but now, they are already big fish swimming in the river and sea.

Fairy Lin Yu was investigated and interrogated for half a month, but because of her sister's identity, after cooperating with the investigation and interrogation, and under her sister's series of operations, she went back to school again.

The moment Qi refiner Jia Yi knew his identity was exposed, he immediately stayed abroad, gave up his domestic business and dared not return to China, but within a month, he established a career in Nihong again. It is said that things are booming over there.

Not only has his net worth increased by more than ten times, but he has also become the local emperor of a place by supporting elections, cheating the neon dignitaries by cultivating immortality, and buying black and evil forces. Zhu Liu quietly left Weigang City, just to join him , Said that the two of them were going to make a big deal there together, master everything, and do whatever they wanted.

When Jia Yi was on the phone, he even got Fang Xiu and Qingyang on his side, and said, "Come here! The country is too dangerous! The Bureau of Investigation and Sanyang Temple are all arresting us. Come here, little Japan is so easy to fool. With our strength, we can do whatever we want! This is our paradise!"

"I have everything you want! Money, beauty, status, I guarantee that you will enjoy the same treatment as the emperor when you come here!"

However, neither Fang Xiu nor Qingyang agreed. Fang Xiu had already completed his own plan, so naturally there was no need to hang out with the Cultivation Alliance all the time, while Qingyang had his own plan.

Zhang Heming went to Europe, where someone gave him the price and status that made his heart flutter.

Qingyang Sanren still stays in Weigang City, and is currently negotiating with the Investigation Bureau. They have too many things in the country that they cannot let go of, and they are going to seek the same treatment as Sanyangguan. Among them, he also has a certain influence and has been valued. It is said that he is planning to open a martial arts gym in Weigang City, recruit as many disciples as Sanyangguan, and get a treatment similar to that of Sanyangguan Qingyun Taoist.

And Fang Xiu disappeared directly, leaving only a message saying that he was going to swim in the mountains and rivers, and the return date was uncertain. Except for two or three members of the Hong Kong Cultivation Alliance, no one could contact him and know where he was. Yes, none of them.

The investigation bureau found out the specific identities of the five people in Qingyang, but when Fang Xiu was found, there was nothing except his name Fengdu and his appearance, as if he appeared out of thin air. No one knows his specific information.

Everyone thought that he really went to swim in the mountains and rivers, and he went to be a wandering cloud and a wild crane. After all, he had such an indifferent personality before, and no one thought that he didn't go anywhere, but still stayed in Weigang City.

Standing under the Necromancer tree, Fang Xiu stretched out his hand, and saw the spiritual light surrounding the Necromancer tree, and the spiritual rain poured into the ground around the trunk.

Fang Xiu stretched out his hand, and a faintly luminous soul passed over his palm. With his blow, it fell into the mountain and sea world below. Under the operation of the book of life and death, it may be reborn as a human, or it may be It is a monster and beast, starting his next life.

"The stage is all set up! The rest is to see what kind of play can be sung!"

"How should I say it? The giant wheel of the times is rolling in?"

After Fang Xiu finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing.

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