Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 137 Plan Advancement

The list that Fang Xiu put up was reviewed within a few minutes, and it appeared on the website and client terminal of the Temple of the Gods. As soon as the item was updated in the column of the Temple of the Holy Object, it immediately attracted the attention of the whole world. Attention people of the world information.

"My dear, sell boat tickets? Do you think it's Noah's Ark?"

"Can someone explain, what does this ticket mean? And this Fengdu? Could it be the Fengdu that is tied for first place on the list of extraordinary people?"

"Who else is there besides him? Didn't you see what it said in the introduction? He holds the only key to escape from the world of gods and demons. If he wants to leave, he must board the boat!"

"Tsk tsk tsk! These bosses really do whatever they want!"

"If you want to enter the world of gods and demons, don't buy it if you have the ability!"

"If he can bring ordinary people in, I'll pay as much as I want!"

"Money? You're thinking too much! Do you see that, only supernatural items are accepted, and ordinary spells and spells are not considered!"

Most of the people discussed below are the rich, the second generation and those from various countries who are eligible to join the pantheon as buyers, many of them are Chinese, but most of these people can only bid and buy some lowest-level items in the ordinary trading section Extraordinary items and information, anything that involves high-level extraordinary items and information, cannot be measured by money.

The things in this hall of sacred objects, even those businessmen and dignitaries who have stood at the peak in the past, can only look at the ocean and sigh, and they can only ask for it but not get it.

But other than that, I immediately saw people from various supernatural forces make their moves at the same time, and a series of quotations appeared on the quotation column, which shocked everyone. Every supernatural item appeared, you can see the comments below Keep jumping up.

Even if they don't know anything, but just by listening to the name, they know that every item is absolutely unimaginable, extraordinary props or pills, magic tools, and spiritual things with various magical functions and powers. What they don't know is that these are just the most Ordinary spiritual things, if the Three Realms of Youdu hadn't swallowed too many spiritual things, I'm afraid the things brought out this time would be enough to shake the whole world.

But at this moment, those things have all been brought into the hands of the Lord of Youdu, and turned into the treasures in the Great Hall of the Yougong Fairy Court, decorating and decorating the Lord of Youdu's courtyard, filling her treasury.

Almost all the people who are above the top rankings of extraordinary people have booked a boat ticket, even Daoist Qingyun and Lin Shu from the investigation bureau, who have never been to the mountain and sea world before, all made a move.

Although entering the mountain and sea world this time was not smooth, most of the damage was done, and even the top powerhouse Zhu Rong Zhu Liu was killed in the mountain and sea world, but it also allowed the major forces to finally figure out some of the situation in the mountain and sea world, with some grasp.

Especially the huge harvest of breaking into the mountain and sea world this time has caused all the major forces to fall into frenzy and excitement. It is a brand new unopened world, a realm of gods and demons hiding endless secrets and treasures, and no one can control it. The world's desire to reach out.

Even the few people who returned from the world of mountains and seas this time feel the danger and cruelty of the world of mountains and seas, but they have experienced the opportunity to master power and get close to immortality, especially those who have looked up to the power of the gods and demons. Unable to extricate themselves, no one is willing to give up a powerful opportunity. After digesting the harvest of entering the mountain and sea world this time, they will be unable to control their depression and break into the world of gods and demons again.

For practitioners like them, this world may be a foreign land, and in that world is their final destination.

Naturally, the next time he enters the world of mountains and seas, a plan has already been put forward, and it is inevitable.

Just waiting for the harvest of entering the mountain and sea world to be digested this time, and a new batch of extraordinary people will grow up, and they will naturally open the gate of gods and demons (the gate of the fairy world) again.

When Fang Xiu went down to make a cup of tea and came back, he found that the 20 boat tickets had basically been booked. Fang Xiu saw that most of them were old acquaintances and met.

Fang Xiu was not in a hurry to confirm the order, and when he was about to break into the mountain and sea world next time, it was naturally time to agree on the time, place, and deadline.

Fang Xiu put down the phone, held the teacup in both hands and looked out the window, with a hint of doubt in his calm eyes.

Where the world will go in the end, and whether the ending will be good or bad, Fang Xiu doesn't know what the world of gods and demons and the extraordinary system, which he will lead in the end, will bring to everyone in the end.

At this time, the huge necromancer tree outside the window suddenly burst into a burst of spiritual light.

Fang Xiu tapped lightly, jumped onto the window, jumped off the window sill, and looked at the sky.

The brilliant flash of spiritual light covered Fang Xiu's sky in this independent space, as if billions of stars were shining at the same time.

The tall Necromancer tree, like a pillar of support, supports the entire space. The vines under its feet go deep into the ground, wrapping around the huge mountain and sea boundary, and above its head are endless leaves emitting white light.

"Another mountain god vine has taken root on the earth!"

When Fang Xiu looked at the situation, he understood what had happened. The Mountain God Vine could be said to be a part of the Necromancer Tree, and the birth of each Mountain God Vine would affect the changes of the Necromancer Tree and at the same time arouse changes in the Mountain and Sea world.

Fang Xiu lowered his head again, and looked at the mountain-sea boundary located in the sea of ​​light deep in the earth under his feet. At this moment, he could only see the vast world, a continent in the west in the boundless sea, gradually rising.

In the huge vortex, a gentle mountain and hill gradually broke through the water and emerged.

That continent is naturally incomparable with the vast South Continent and the East Continent, which is full of humanity. It has just been born, and it is still like a small island. However, in time, it will naturally become the most important part of the mountain and sea world.

"This one? Is it overseas?"

"It should be the one that Zhang Heming brought back!"

Fang Xiu closed his eyes, and immediately felt that the place where this mountain god vine appeared was extremely far away, far away from mountains and seas. He immediately understood that this should be the mountain god vine brought back from the world of mountains and seas by the celestial master Zhang Heming.

The appearance of this subplant completely broke the stagnant plan of assimilating Gaia's consciousness, and made the unique mountain god vine in China, the No. 1 extraordinary item that was strictly guarded against leakage, no longer the only one.

I am afraid that in the future, there will be many more mountain god vines in the country, and the expansion of the mountain and sea world and the plan to swallow Gaia's consciousness will show a step-by-step acceleration.

At the same time, the news of the mountain god vines appeared overseas, which also brought about great changes in China.


"Isaiah Environmental Protection Company announced that it has made major technological breakthroughs and scientific research achievements in the oasis construction project. At present..." A hot news reporter is broadcasting the latest news. In the eyes of ordinary people, this is nothing more than An ordinary piece of news about the development and promotion of science and technology, but in the eyes of interested people, they found that it is not simple.

Inside the investigation bureau, Zhou Yang turned on the projector, slapped the remote control on the table angrily: "Who can tell me what's going on?"

A man in military uniform stood up: "We have checked, and the Transcendent items currently preserved, especially the daughter plants bred by No. 001, have not had any accidents, and there is no possibility of leakage!"

"All the procedures have also been checked, and it should not have leaked from us!"

A young man wearing glasses and holding a folder stood up: "Director! Could it be that they brought them out of that world?"

Zhou Yang immediately looked at another member who participated in this important meeting: "Che Shao? Do you know what's going on?"

Che Shao shook his head: "The other expedition team was led by Zhang Heming, because they fell in Nanzhou, so we don't really know what happened on the way."

"However, I remember that they carried a bamboo tube, which seemed to contain some kind of living thing. The three of them were very mysterious, so no one would let anyone see them!"

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