Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 151 Xundu Academy Palace

The streets in Xundu do not look like streets, but rather like a square, which is too wide. Most of the streets in the city are covered with adobe bricks and thatch roofs.

Going deeper, you can see some courtyards with brick walls and black tiles on the outside and wooden houses on the inside. Most of them are merchants or rich families with status, and the large courtyards around the central palace are large. The nobles and witches of the Huan Dynasty sacrificed.

There are almost no shops on the streets. Even in Xundu, most people still rely on the market to exchange goods. However, the equivalent exchange eliminated the pottery coins issued by the previous Xun Kingdom. After the establishment of the Dahuan Dynasty, bronze coins were used to present swords. shape.

Crowds of slaves were bound like cattle and sheep and were driven to the market by the slave owners. The most you can see in the market are all kinds of pottery, painted pottery, and luxurious porcelain. In addition, you can also see farm tools and salt. , food, straw sandals and other items are selling.

The streets were dirty and smelly, and human and animal feces could be seen everywhere. Fang Xiu grabbed the bamboo hat and fanned the wind. At this time, it was summer in the mountain and sea world, and the weather was extremely hot.

The four people carried a chariot across the street, and immediately saw a large number of people kneeling down on the street, as if it was because of some noble person.

On the seat was a kneeling woman in a silk robe, carrying a quiver and a bow and arrows in a heroic manner. It looked as if she had just returned from hunting in the countryside. In the Dahuan Dynasty, there was not much difference in the status of men and women. There are even many officials, princes, and generals who are women.

On both sides, there are many soldiers wearing leather armor, carrying quiver bags and long swords on their backs, and holding longbows, crossing the street mightily.

Later, I saw the officials in the bullock cart passing by the road. Inside was an old man with a tattooed face. He looked similar to those witch priests and sorcerers, but he was not cultivated.

"Has the division of ranks started to be so strict? There are even regulations on what kind of chariot to ride with what status!"

"The farming civilization has a calendar, which allows people to farm according to the calendar. The market seems to be not enough, and the demand for commercial trade has also begun to increase."

Fang Xiu observed everything that happened in Xundu. Only by experiencing it personally can he truly understand what happened in the mountain and sea boundary. Similarly, Fang Xiu observed the changes in the mountain and sea boundary with his own eyes.

At the same time, according to this change and the situation in the mountain and sea world, he will make plans according to his own needs, whether to interfere or let it develop, but in the end, he must achieve the goal Fang Xiu needs.

After all, this is not a play, this is an extraordinary system that interferes with the entire world, and it will also affect hundreds of millions of beings in the mountains and seas. The destruction of the world will even lead to the collapse of the entire world.

Fang Xiu arranged such a big game, there must be a purpose that must be completed, not to play some god game, sit on it like a Bodhisattva, or play with them like a child playing with ants.

Therefore, once there is a violation of the plan or an unexpected situation, Fang Xiu must step down and intervene in the correction.

The last time he entered the world of mountains and seas, Fang Xiu's plan was to set the cauldron of humanity, but this time, he naturally had a different plan.

The fire of humanity has been ignited, and the population has begun to grow explosively. The next step is naturally to welcome the arrival of the era of practice. Thousands of practitioners will turn out to compete in this era and open up a path of practice.

In Fang Xiu's vision, this should be an era like a hundred schools of thought contending. Various schools of practice and forces of practice will emerge in line with the trend of human civilization, and generations of practitioners will continue to move forward, exploring and discovering the way forward.

Then find the real path to immortality, the path to longevity.

Fang Xiu walked in the streets and alleys of Xundu, saw the magnificent palace built on top of the ruins, and was also thinking about what he should do next?

Traditional shaman priests and shamans are inherited from father to son, and their practice methods and techniques are extremely taboo and will never be passed on to the outside world.

Not only shamans and shamans, but also many aristocratic official positions and craftsmen are also passed on from father to son, and from son to grandson. Even reading and writing are almost taught by elders.

As for the common spiritual text in the world of mountains and seas, only monks can understand its meaning without learning it, and only monks can know how to describe it in a standard way, but for ordinary people, it is still You have to learn to understand the meaning.

It is even difficult to learn, because it is too complicated, and the strokes are a bit poor, and there is no mysterious psychic power of Lingwen. When ordinary people write, it is difficult to find that they have deviated from the strokes.

Many people also think that this kind of spiritual text is too complicated, and they have simplified it on purpose or copied it wrongly in the transcription. Therefore, the text used in the Dahuan Dynasty has also undergone some changes now. If you really understand the spiritual text, It is incomprehensible.

A script belonging to the Dahuan Dynasty was also gradually born.

Perhaps in the future, spiritual texts will become exclusive to monks.

In this Xun capital, most of the nobles didn't even know how to write. During the Xun Kingdom decades ago, or even before, their grandparents were similar to those savages in the wild and wild lands.

Only those officials who serve the royal family, witch priests, and sorcerers, such as historians, imperial officials, and ministers, need to be literate. Most people don’t need to be literate, and it is useless to them. Nor is it necessary.

So even if you have papermaking technology, it is not very useful for this era. It is not much different from bamboo slips. There are not many people who can read characters, and the demand and usage rate are extremely low.

Papermaking, a great creation that has almost changed the entire human society and human civilization, has now become a dispensable thing in the Dahuan Dynasty in this mountain and sea world, and almost no one pays attention to it.

When Fang Xiu found out about this situation, he couldn't help laughing.

Fang Xiu bought a piece of land in the north of Xundu city, and then went to the south of the city to hire craftsmen and masons. On this land, a square building was built, named Xundu Xuegong.

At the back of the academy, Fang Xiu built a large library. Although there is nothing in it at the moment, Fang Xiu feels that one day he will be able to completely fill this library. This place will become the origin of everything. The beginning of a burst of ideas.

This should be the first school in the world of mountains and seas, and Fang Xiu is also the first teacher, master, and sir in the world of mountains and seas?

Thinking of this, Fang Xiu couldn't help but find it quite interesting.

The school was established, but there were no students or books to teach. Fang Xiu went to visit the Tibetan officials in Xundu, who were in charge of records such as history books, sacrifices, and divination.

This is a man named Bo, who came from a witch priest family, but he has no talent and likes to study, so he was assigned to the position of Tibetan official, and he has been there for more than 20 years.

Fang Xiu didn't spend a lot of effort, he just spent two jars of wine, and showed off his skills and so-called profound knowledge. Bo took Fang Xiu to read the treasury in Xundu, and even entered the outer palace of the palace. in a circle.

The restrictions and guards were not as strict as Fang Xiu imagined. In other words, for the civilians or slaves, the places and scope of their activities were strictly restricted, but the guards for the ruling class were very loose.

After Fang Xiu was finally ready, he announced that Xundu Academy began to recruit students.

But the result seems to be different from what Fang Xiu imagined!

Common people don't even understand what a school is used for? Fang Xiu hung a stone tablet of Xundu Xuegong outside, and at the same time hung a wooden sign for recruiting students and disciples.

But I found that no one paid attention at all, because everyone couldn't understand what was written on it.

Moreover, the vast majority of common people and ordinary people do not have the financial resources to support them to study, even if it is free, the daily labor is continuous, once it stops, the whole family may starve to death, and most people do not study and read Literacy concept.

In the end, half a month passed, and there was still no one there. Fang Xiu sat in the Xundu Academy and drank the wind for half a month.

Perhaps it was because of the official guarding Tibet that he recommended many merchants, officials, and descendants of noble families to come. Many people knew that Fang Xiu was a "witch priest" who came here admiringly.

Finally, half a month later, people began to come to study one after another. In Fang Xiu's Xundu Academy, the sound of reading aloud and reading and spelling finally began to appear.

However, most of the people who came here were unqualified practitioners. After all, those who are qualified to become witch priests from various schools will naturally be left behind to focus on training, and will become official witch priests in the future, serving as Duobu, Zuoshu, Zhuyou, An official position like a chastity would not enter his Xundu Academy to study.

So Fang Xiu spent his days as a teacher in Xundu, teaching people how to read and write, and beating naughty children and teenagers every day.

At the same time, he was also waiting for the time when the entire Xun City would undergo a major change. According to the time, someone would rush to Xun Capital soon, or the Dahuan Dynasty had already entered.

At the same time, drastic changes will also take place within the Dahuan Dynasty.

Fang Xiu was the first to enter Xundu at this moment, and at this moment, except for some people who fell on other continents or the sea, other people who entered the mountain and sea world from the present world and fell on Dongzhou also all headed towards Xundu. Come here.

After all, this is the center of the Dahuan Dynasty, and it is also the core of Dongzhou. As long as you can control this place, you can influence and control the entire human race in the mountains and seas.

Entering the mountains and seas for the third time, this place will be the center of everything, the most intense core point of the conflict.

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