Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 162 The Ship Comes

Shanhai Dongzhou, on the bank of the South China Sea.

Along the coast, many fishing villages have appeared, and these are all villages belonging to Qingguo.

There are many fishermen by the sea, and you can see women mending fishing nets in front of thatched huts by the sea, fishing boats returning under the paddling of young people, and children running from their father's boat with their catch.

The fishermen live a hard life. The huts are extremely simple and shabby. Most of them are covered with animal skins and some food is hung on the walls. necessity.

Recently, in the coastal fishing villages of Qingguo, they always see some unbelievably large sea boats coming from afar, carrying some strange aliens to arrive here.

They are not from other feudal states of Dahuan, nor are they from the far north and other human and alien realms.

They came from the end of the sea, another continent they could not imagine, and it seemed to them that these people came from the ends of the earth.

Every time it appeared, people from the entire fishing village came to watch. In their view, it was simply a miracle.

But these people are humanoid, but have a strange appearance and hair color, in the eyes of the fishermen, they look no different from monsters.

However, after a few times of contact, I found that these people were no different from ordinary people, and they would even use gold and silver to buy the shell beads they obtained from the sea, special stones and even items picked up from the sea.

So every time a boat appears, people from various fishing villages along the coast will gather here, take out what they think are treasures, and trade with the people who come.

It is not an easy task to go on a sailing trip these days. First, there are no ships on the sea that can support high seas. Second, there are harsh environments on the sea and various sea monsters and monsters.

Especially above the sea, the Dragon Palace and the Yuren Kingdom are engaged in fierce wars. In order to avoid the war disaster of these two behemoths, various sea beasts and sea monsters have also begun to migrate towards the offshore and deep seas, and the entire sea is not peaceful.

Those who can come across the sea must not be ordinary people.

These people traveled thousands of miles and came here through many dangers, just in order to meet the appointment to go to Youdu Xiandao and return to the world before the deadline.

On this day, there were seventeen people standing on the coast, basically divided into twos and threes into a team, standing by the sea and looking into the distance.

There were so many people who came in, and there were only so many left in the end. Those who did not come here should basically never reappear. They either died in Dongzhou or Nanzhou, or died at sea, or were left behind. In the world of mountains and seas, this time he will not return to the present world together.

The sun rises slowly, clears the sky, and then gradually sets.

The people waiting at the beach became less calm as time went by.

A faint noisy discussion began to appear, but the few people standing in front seemed very calm.

Zhang Heming was wearing a linen cloak that fluttered under the sea breeze, and the people behind him were wearing the same cloaks with the logos of the temples embroidered on them: "Fake Qi practitioner, is the time agreed by Fengdu today? Can he?" Almost no time was lost."

Jia Yi nodded: "It's today! Wait a little longer, that guy is on time, but he always clicks on the last one. You all know this problem."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Heming, Jia Yi, and Qingyang burst out laughing together. Qingyang looked at the people behind him at this moment, with a strange expression on his face: "What the hell are these people? This dress and style."

Qingyang thought for a while, and then spit out: "The painting style is really... out of tune with this world!"

I only saw those foreigners who came back from Nanzhou behind them, most of them were dressed in western style, some were wearing black cloaks, scary wizards holding bone staffs, some were swordsmen in leather armor, some were carrying Holding a huge axe, the warrior who looked a bit demonized due to the activation of his blood, now looked like an orc warrior in animal skins.

There is a petite woman shrouded in a cloak who looks like an assassin. The tall and strong man who can turn into a leopard and pretend to be a druid is after swallowing the shape-changing fruit of the main medicine of refining shape-changing pill in Nanzhou. He has the ability, but in the eyes of Jia Yi, Zhang Heming, and Qingyang, this is nothing short of reckless. If it is handed over to some witch sacrifices from the Yuren Kingdom, Xuanyuan Kingdom, or even the Dahuan Dynasty, at least one can be produced. Furnace shaped pill.

There is also a guy with a divine blood totem tattooed on his body who looks like a shaman. He is one of the stronger ones among these people. He even started to try to integrate the second bloodline, and he has already tried to activate it and started to step into the second level.

The last one seemed to be due to the failure of the blood fusion, but he did not die. His whole body was wrapped in bandages, hiding his deformed body and hiding in the cloak, like a complete monster.

Zhang Heming glanced at the people behind him: "Haha! If they were wearing Taoist robes or Hanfu, and they were speaking bad classical Chinese, I think you would feel even more broken!"

"These people are planning to establish several westernized forces in Nanzhou, and even want to build a western country in their imagination, but Nanzhou is basically full of monsters, but there are no people."

"They gathered a lot of monsters, and even captured some transformed monsters who didn't know where they came from. With the practice methods they groped and plundered, or the bloodline inheritance, they gathered together to build a monster in their imagination. country."

"A group of kingdoms established by demons, incorporating Western style, and their messy system, who knows what will be built in the end."

Qingyang opened his mouth wide and looked at Zhang Heming: "This is not their western world, nor is it the divine kingdom and paradise they imagined. This is the world of mountains and seas!"

"And they are not sorcerers, warriors, orcs. Wizards are monks! What kind of orcs, isn't it because the blood of the demon has been activated and the demonization has not been suppressed? The warrior, isn't it just that he has mastered supernatural powers?" ?”

Others may not be able to see it, but Qingyang has entered the mountains and seas three times, ran across Nanzhou, Dongzhou, and the sea, met countless alien races, and a veteran practitioner who has excavated a large number of ruins. He can tell what these guys are at a glance Inheritance, you can even vaguely see what kind of blood they have, and what's wrong with their practice.

"Pretending to be a Western heritage? Just change the name and use it as your own?"

Hearing what Zhang Heming said, Qingyang seemed to be very displeased with these guys.

Jia Yi looked back contemptuously: "It's nondescript, high or low, that's it, I spit out the Five Elements Profound Light, and killing them is like slaughtering dogs!"

Jia Yi also deliberately checked around to see if there was anyone who chased and killed him because of Donglongding last time. Although more than half of those who chased and killed him died that time, he himself had nothing to do. , I'm afraid he might have escaped.

But now Taoist Qingyun is also dead, and was brought down to Netherworld by King Huan. The grievances and grievances of this building have been exposed, but Jia Yi has searched the entire Xundu for the Donglong Cauldron, but he has never seen it again. Such a treasure , Gain and loss, regret for his life.

The few extraordinary men in the front glanced at them unkindly, and the people behind did not dare to speak. After staying in the mountain and sea world for so long, they naturally know that in this world, strength speaks, and the strong dominate everything. Just pretend to be a grandson if you have strength, or you will die.

Zhang Heming nodded and looked into the distance: "Dongzhou seems to be much more prosperous than Nanzhou! There are more and more monsters in Nanzhou, and they are getting stronger and stronger, but the general situation is still the same. !"

Speaking of this, Zhang Heming showed a look of longing: "Nanzhou is full of monsters and alien races, and most of the cultivation methods are inherited from blood, which is not suitable for me. Instead, it is Dongzhou, where the way of practicing Qi is at its peak, or next time I will do it too." You should come to Dongzhou for a visit!"

"The contract and contract I signed at the beginning, took them into the mountains and seas twice, and brought them out again, and I have fulfilled my obligations! My own practice is the most important thing." Zhang Heming looked at Qingyang and Jia Yi , the improvement speed of the two of them far surpassed him, but he was standing still, which made him wake up a little bit.

But at this time, with the setting sun, a huge white ship broke through the waves from the end of the sky.

Qingyang finally got over this topic, and looked into the distance: "Here we come!"

Zhang Heming also recognized it: "The Bone Spirit Market Ship in Fengdu!"

The speed of the big ship was like a sharp arrow flying in the sea, it turned into a white line and pulled across the sea, it was constantly enlarged in the eyes of everyone, and finally it hit the beach with huge waves and stopped by the coast.

And at this time, a jade slip flew out from the boat, casting phantoms one by one, each phantom was the face and name of a person, and a strict and serious voice came from the big boat.

"I am the officer in charge of the ship of Yougong City, the person whose name is on the book will board the ship immediately!"

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