Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 182 Breakthrough

Inside the Taoist Palace, the Danxia light on Fang Xiu's body surged violently, reflecting the entire hall in the city surrounded by clouds and clouds, like a fairyland.

Multiple restrictions are connected together, and each restriction is composed of hundreds of runes, and thousands of spells, combined together, generate infinite changes.

This is a large formation, spread out to reach nearly a hundred meters, constantly rotating around Fang Xiu.

The range of shots and attacks in the Foundation Establishment Stage is about 30 meters, but once it enters the Golden Core Stage, it directly doubles. At the same time, the power level has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

This means that no matter where Fang Xiu goes, he can deploy a Dharma Protector Array to protect himself, even if tens of thousands of people besiege him, he will not be afraid at all. kind of spell.

In the foundation-building stage, one has practiced spiritual prohibition, and the casting of spells will naturally combine to form a magical aura, while in the golden core stage, it has reached a completely different level.

When Fang Xiu opened his mouth, he saw streaks of white light and shadow spit out, his soul rushed into the constantly rotating spirit formation in the hall, and combined with it.

Then, one after another black and white evil spirits also rushed out of Fang Xiu's body. Thousands of evil spirits screamed, turning the entire hall into night, and even the light seemed to be swallowed up.

After Fang Xiu's soul surged out, he saw that his body seemed to be out of control, his head dropped suddenly, and his hands on his knees also slipped off, as if he fell into a deep sleep all of a sudden.

Soul, restraint, and mana are entangled with each other, and in this palace hall, they are fused with each other and continuously tempered.

Immediately, I saw that the spirit of the formation was constantly changing, condensing and solidifying a little bit.

The cloud and mist turned, the golden light dispersed, and then all the spell restrictions were condensed into a real mountain floating in the hall.

The mountain peak is dark and dark, surrounded by black mist, which seems to swallow everything. The lower part is the ghostly evil spirit, and the upper part reaches the clouds and strong wind. This is the Luofeng Mountain formed by Fang Xiu's technique.

This hill is almost the combination of Fang Xiu's strength.

Integrating Fang Xiu's soul, mana, and Taoism into one.

Then Luofeng Mountain continued to flicker, and finally collapsed and condensed, turning into a golden-black golden core, which rose and fell in the hall, carrying the vital energy of the cloud and moving, gushing out endless power.

This is Luo Feng Six Heavens Pill.

Jin Dan rushed out of the hall at once, flew into the sky, and turned into a small mountain peak in the blink of an eye, and then the Dan Qi on the mountain peak vibrated, and a large formation spread out, spreading towards the surroundings.

And on the mountain peak, thousands of ghosts and gods lived on it, turning into a small nether realm.

Various changes continuously emerged in the sky, and finally turned into a ray of light, which was retracted and merged into Fang Xiu's body.

Fang Xiu only opened his eyes at this time, and woke up a little bit.

"Finally broke through!" As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw that the color of the pupils also spread suddenly, and the entire eye sockets suddenly turned into pitch black, and the power overflowed involuntarily.

At this time, Heisha and Chen Jin, who were hiding in the side corridor at the back, popped their heads and looked into the hall.

The scene of Fang Xiu's cultivation and breakthrough just now was really shocking and dangerous. The huge array of spiritual restraints spread out, and even a little bit of Danxia Qi was extremely dangerous.

"Wow! There is such a big movement in cultivation!"

"Where's the golden elixir? Where's the golden elixir? Show me!" Heisha was the first to rush out, looking at Fang Xiu's head and feet, and felt that there was no major change.

Chen Jin stared into Fang Xiu's eyes, as if he could see the prohibition of circulation of runes in it, as well as the true meaning of the integration of spirit and Taoism.

Fang Xiu stood up and felt the power on his body. At this point, the power has truly reached the level of the legendary land real fairy. It is not false to whip up a strong wind and break through the building with a flick of a finger.

"The coverage of power and consciousness has reached 100 meters, and one blow can even directly bombard a football field into ruins!" Although Fang Xiu didn't make a move in the sky just now, he basically figured out that he had just broken through the golden core stage. , the power of the shot.

"The soul travels at night, and can even go thousands of miles away to kill people!" At this point, although the soul still cannot completely escape from the body, it also possesses powerful power only by virtue of the soul.

And even if you abandon your body and enter the Netherworld, you can still exist as a powerful ghost, but it's basically difficult to go any further.

"But the lifespan of this body is still 200 years!" Fang Xiu frowned, and immediately discovered the major problem of the ascetic.

This is also because of the blood of the gods and demons. If this is an ordinary cultivator, he will still have a lifespan of a hundred years.

He spent endless effort and painstaking efforts all the way until the golden core was formed, but it was still only cultivating the nature and not the life. The golden core was just a fusion of soul, Taoism, and mana, but it had nothing to do with the physical body.

"Golden Core stage, corresponding to wizards, professionals, and priests in different worlds, they should be third-order transcendents."

"I heard from the murloc alchemist in the broadcast that when he breaks through to the fourth level, no matter whether it is a wizard, or other races' extraordinary professions or priests, there will be a huge change."

"The lifespan, life level, and strength characteristics will all undergo drastic changes! It is an important threshold for dividing the strength of professionals!"

Fang Xiu immediately rang. What he heard from the other world broadcast before was about common sense knowledge points about supernatural professions such as wizards, warlocks, and priests in another world. Among them, four-level professionals were mentioned.

At this point, mortals have truly entered the stage of approaching the gods, and the characteristics and classes of life begin to approach the gods.

Although it is still nothing compared to the real gods, the essence of life has already undergone a transformation. It is said that in the fourth-order breakthrough method and power, there are secrets about mythical life and gods.

"What method did they use to break through?" Fang Xiu thought of this, and couldn't help but start endless associations.

But the murloc alchemist back then was just an entry-level alchemist. How could he know such high-end extraordinary knowledge and theories?

Basically, how powerful the fourth-tier professional is, it is the beginning of the transformation of the life of the advanced myth, but when it comes to the details, they don't know anything at all.

Fang Xiu once again thought of the Throne of Flesh and Flesh that was transformed from an alien radio.

"If we can enter that world again, or find an extraordinary professional in another world to communicate with, we should be able to obtain the way to break through to the fourth-level professional, and thus deduce the way to break through in our time and space." Although Fang Xiu just broke through Tier 3, but he has already started to think about breaking through to the next level.

Last time, Fang Xiu projected his consciousness into another time and space through the Throne of Flesh and Flesh, saw the scenes and civilizations of different time and space, and took a trip to another world.

Although the end was extremely miserable, it also proved that the Throne of Flesh and Flesh, which was modified by Chen Jin's fiddling, is really usable. There is no problem with Chen Jin's alchemy. On top of backlash and backlash, perfection is not considered.

"My direct consciousness projection to another time and space will definitely not work. As the ruler of another time and space, I will suffer the most repulsion and backlash."

"Then is it okay to let other people's consciousness project to the past? Or you can try it. It is also a good idea to pull the consciousness of extraordinary professionals from different time and space to this time and space for communication."

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