Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 197 Barbarians

The size of Dongzhou, even if the human race continued to expand and cover for a hundred years, counting the northern barbarians who mixed with demons and the barbarians from the millions of mountains in the southwest, they only occupied the southeastern corner.

It took the human race a hundred years to open up their own territory in the East Continent, where monsters and monsters are rampant, and gradually expand and grow. They will no longer be the blood of monsters of different kinds, and become the existence that dominates the land.

And Wang Hua from Dahuan, because of this merit, ascended to the position of Emperor Longqiu.

Located in the north, there is also a land in the far west. Nearly three-quarters of the area is still a wild land, where wild beasts, monsters and monsters are still in the world. If there are no practitioners with great magic power, they will never dare to go deep into it. .

In the north of Pan Country, outside Tianyang Pass.

It's not winter yet, and it hasn't snowed yet, and it's already getting so cold that ordinary people can't bear it.

Many families in the northern city of Panguo started to burn the heated kang handed down by Xuegong Fengsheng. Without cotton and cotton clothes, the human race can survive in this cold northern region, and part of the credit is also due to the heated kang.

Right now wars and killings are taking place here.

Tens of thousands of barbarians wrapped in animal skins, with faces like ghosts and beasts, divided into various directions, broke into the northern border, and wantonly massacred the citizens of Pan Kingdom.

They either rode horses, or drove wolves or lions and tigers, and swept across the northern border of Pan Country.

Armed with bows and arrows and stone axes and giant hammers, these barbarians killed all the men who resisted and held weapons, and burned the border villages and towns to white ground.

Among the barbarian army, there are also terrifying monsters mixed in. They have a height of three or four meters and look like cows or sheep. The monsters lie on the ground and move forward slowly. Anyone who sees them will be hooked away immediately. soul.

Flying in the air and carrying barbarians, the terrifying monster bird Gu sculpture, spread its wings and make baby-like cry, which makes people feel weak in limbs and dizzy.

Even the black horses they rode had fangs and sharp teeth, and some Manchus were covered with thick fur and scales.

Along the way, there are nobles from the Pan Kingdom with soldiers and horses to protect their fiefdoms, but this time the number of barbarians who broke into the Northland is several times higher than before, and it is no longer like the past. The land lacks food for the winter, and coming out to beat the autumn wind seems to have other meanings.

But they couldn't stop these monster-like barbarians who came and went like the wind at all. They held bows and arrows and threw guns, which could penetrate the armor of soldiers at distances of tens of hundreds of meters.

Some of the barbarians were able to directly demonize parts of their bodies, crash into the city walls, and tear apart the stone fortresses. The barbarian witch priests spewed flames, set the city on fire, and held the skull curse to kill those who resisted them.

Tens of thousands of Pan country refugees flocked into the city, hiding in the city trembling, and the soldiers on the city wall also watched angrily as these barbarians passed under the city showing their might.

And more people flocked to Tianyang Pass, and the entire northern border of the Pan Kingdom was plunged into blood and fire, as well as the wailing of thousands of common people.

These barbarians are different from the people of Dahuan and the vassal states in China. It is rumored that their ancestors came from Youdu, a fairy island a hundred years ago.

Finally, it took root on this cold land, and walked with monsters and beasts.

Most of these barbarians are very different from the people in the Central Plains. Their faces are like ghosts, ferocious and terrifying.

Their bodies are strong and tall, and they can tear tigers and leopards alive. Regardless of men, women, old or young, their bodies are much stronger than ordinary humans. Women and children are also the most elite soldiers and fighters.

Even in the severe cold of the northern land, and in the extreme environment of ice and snow, they can survive.

Even Dahuan of the Central Plains and the vassals Fangguo didn't think these barbarians were human beings or their own race at all, but regarded them as wild beasts and demons.

Every time before winter, these northern barbarians would enter the territory of Pan country to plunder wantonly, but in the past, as long as they suffered hardships and strong resistance in Pan country, or grabbed enough food and supplies, they would naturally retreat.

This time they seemed to be crazy, and directly started to attack Tianyang Pass.

Tianyangguan is known as a copper wall and an iron wall. After decades of construction, as the barbarians continue to grow and prosper, they are also constantly expanding and heightening.

Among them, not only countless craftsmen, hard labor, and slaves were recruited, but also the power of witch priests and monks was used.

Tens of thousands of barbarians gathered under Tianyang Pass. Looking from Tianyang Pass, on the vast land outside, endless barbarians came with thousands of demons.

On the ground, war horses neighed, barbarians roared, and the city was in chaos.

Monsters as tall as houses and high-rise buildings were controlled by them to come from a distance, and walked into Tianyang Pass with violent vibrations.

Horrific Gu carvings swarmed in the sky, making a piercing cry of babies.

The setting sun burned like blood, and the dark clouds covered the top, and the world was submerged under the power of the northern demons and barbarians.

No one has ever seen such a scene. Standing on Tianyang Pass, it feels like the earth and sky are occupied by barbarians. The whole world is plunged into darkness, and everything within sight is swallowed.

The soldiers of the Pan Kingdom standing on the city wall opened their mouths wide at the same time, their spirits collapsed to the limit, shouting, urging, and moving the defense equipment and weapons to the top of the city. At the top and bottom of the city, dense crowds of people shook their heads, waiting in full force.

An old-looking barbarian witch priest rode on the giant black ape. His face was the same as that of the black ape, with thick hair scattered, and a large number of human bones, skulls, and sacrificial vessels were hung on his body.

If it weren't for the huge difference in body shape, I'm afraid they would have thought that the two belonged to the same clan.

The tens of thousands of barbarians and monsters they passed automatically avoided, opened their eyes and looked at Tianyang Pass, and showed a ferocious smile like the black ape sitting below.


With his roar, his dark and dirty teeth were exposed, and the tens of thousands of barbarian troops moved together with the overwhelming monsters and beasts, and rushed towards Tianyang Pass.

The earth seemed to be swept by a monstrous wave, and black smoke surged up into the sky, accompanied by the screams of monsters and beasts, and hit the Tianyang Pass.

Gu sculptures and monster birds overwhelming the walls and the city.

Two or three-meter-long monster wolves and ligers jumped up, and even led the barbarians to climb up the city wall, rushing into the city wall, and the densely packed soldiers were directly crushed into meat sauce, or devour.

But at this time, there was a cry of cranes at the end of the sky.

A white crane carried a figure traveling tens of thousands of meters from the depths of the cloud head, breaking through the clouds and waves and the strong wind flooded down.

The Taoist sitting on the white crane took out a small white stove from his sleeve and threw it down from above the clouds.

In an instant, a light of more than ten feet burst out, drawing a huge phantom, and falling on the ground. The barbarian Wu Ji riding on the black ape was crushed to powder before he could react.

The air wave turned and oscillated, the earth sank deeply, and hundreds of barbarians were instantly torn apart. The tens of thousands of barbarians who had originally attacked Tianyang Pass were stunned, looking at the phantom of the white jade furnace falling from the sky in shock.

But at this time, a stream of colorful light fell from the sky and stuck on the ground, and the colorful profound energy escaped. Wherever it passed, dozens of hundreds of barbarians died in the violent stirring of the colorful mysterious energy. under.

The light turned back and flowed back to the top of Tianyangguan city, only to see a slightly blessed Taoist standing on the top of the city holding a colorful streamer.

Practitioners wearing witch priest robes began to appear on the top of the city. At the same time, they looked at the barbarians under Tianyang Pass, and silently recited rituals or incantations.

At this moment, the Tianyangguan city gate slowly opened and slowly fell down.

Thousands of soldiers in red armor and riding horses looked out of the pass, and the eyes in the helmets seemed to reveal bloodthirsty brilliance.

The leading general exuded a shocking bloody aura, and rushed out holding the banner of the Pan Kingdom, followed by thousands of cavalry, rushing into the barbarian army outside the city.

Three people can withstand thousands of troops and tens of thousands of barbarian monsters. Under the counterattack of the powerful divine channel technique, they are easily torn like pieces of paper, and blood flows like a river.

The magical aura and magical powers rolled up like a storm, tearing the barbarians to pieces like ants and crushing them to death. Those barbarian witch priests also released their magical powers, and a fierce battle broke out under Tianyang Pass.

The howling monsters and the surge of magical aura made them the protagonists of the battlefield.

The army was defeated like a mountain, but when they retreated, the barbarian army was still extremely fast, even faster than when they came, and they fled for more than a thousand miles in one day. The bird disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The generals of the Pan Kingdom led thousands of cavalry to chase and kill them all the way, but in the end they could only watch a large number of barbarians disappear at the end of the sky.

When Fang Xiu arrived here, what he saw happened to be the end of this scene. There were fighting and roaring everywhere, and the escaped barbarians were killed and captured by the northern soldiers of Pan Kingdom. The head was chopped off and hung on the waist of the soldiers of the Pan Kingdom.

At the same time, there are villages, towns and cities that have been burned to the ground, as well as the tragic images of thousands of miles of people. The charred corpses are inserted into the fire, the half-eaten women are thrown on the road, and the corpses are floating in the river. A large number of hoards are accumulated downstream, and the bubbles are rotten and swollen.

Standing in front of this miserable and shocking scene, Fang Xiu's eyes flickered, he didn't know what to think, and he didn't know what to say.

Because at this moment, he doesn't know how to distinguish who is right and who is wrong, who is right and who is evil.

From his point of view, all beings in the world are just struggling to survive.

Fang Xiu turned his horse's head and headed towards Tianyang Pass, which seemed to have just endured a war.

There are still a large amount of blood and bloody smell left on the city wall, there are potholes everywhere, and there are traces of fire and magical bombardment.

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