Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 239 Heading North

On the top of the barren ancient mountain, the snow fell even more heavily, and the flying goose feathers and heavy snow drifted across the world, covering the two people sitting cross-legged beside the ancient cave on the cliff, like two ice and snow sculptures, the mottled snowflakes on the chessboard covered the chess pieces , only a low stone table remained.

The black vortex opened, and two rays of light, one gold and one white, shot out from the mist of the underworld. The two players who were playing chess on the cliff, and the man sitting outside slowly opened their eyes.

As his eyes opened, the snowflakes around his body melted in pieces, as if winter was coming and spring was coming, a lot of green grass and a small flower grew beside his feet, and the ancient cave on the cliff also showed its original signs.

On the other hand, a Dizhi exuding a strong scent of incense stands opposite, with complex patterns of ghosts and gods drawn on the golden body of incense, but compared with the old body sitting on the edge of the cliff, it looks strong and young.

One is old and the other is strong, one is a god and the other is a corpse, but they are the same person, facing each other at this moment, for some reason, they seem extraordinarily cruel and embarrassing.


Chang De sighed deeply as he looked at his body full of twilight and having cut off all vitality.

As the long sleeves of the black gown with gold patterns flicked over, the corpse of the old man with deeply closed eyes dissipated with the wind and snow, and his body turned into light, dust and mist on the top of the snow mountain.

As soon as the bitter cold wind blows, dots of starlight are scattered all over the sky, sweeping towards the sky.

Sitting in front of the stone table, Fang Xiu watched this scene, turned his head and watched the light dust chasing the wind away from a distance, watching it disappear little by little, as if it came from heaven and earth, and finally scattered into heaven and earth among.

Chang De interrupted Fang Xiu's thoughts, and his hearty laughter dispelled some sad emotions and scenes: "The gods of the earth cannot always appear in the world. Don't look at my divine realm, follow me for a tour and stay for a few days, it is different from the world of Yang, and has a more mysterious and magnificent demeanor."

Fang Xiu picked up a small flower that grew beside his feet, leaned against the cliff and the vast world, and took a light sniff. The pure fragrance soaked into his heart and nose. Fang Xiu closed his eyes and thought for a while, then shook his head.

"No, let's just leave it at that!"

"Just take it as... leave a little expectation for my next visit as a guest!"

Chang De shook his head regretfully, then walked two steps forward and passed beside Fang Xiu, standing on the edge of the ancient cave, with the abyss under his feet: "That's really a pity, I still want you to play with me for a few more rounds!"

Fang Xiu looked at Changde and laughed lightly: "When the mountains and rivers meet again, there will always be a time to meet again!"

Fang Xiu, who was sitting lazily, let go of the flower in his hand, let it fall into the abyss, mixed with the wind and snow, then sat up straight, stood up with support, and stood with Changde on the cliff blown by the wind and snow On the bank, overlooking the undulating and desolate ancient mountains, overlooking the vast world.

Chang De suddenly asked: "Where are you going?"

Fang Xiu pointed to the far north, his eyes passed through the snowflakes, thousands of mountains and rivers, and the vast sea: "I heard that there is a sea in the Arctic, named Beiming, and the sea of ​​Beiming has infinite beauty. Xuanqi is a sea area densely covered with blood descendants of ancient mythical beasts and alien beasts, with remnants left over from the ancient times."

"And you can see another world besides Dongzhou and Nanzhou after crossing the sea of ​​darkness in the north. I'm going to see it!"

"Even if I can't travel to the North Sea and Mu Cangwu, I still have to take a look at the vastness of the mountains and seas and the vastness of the world! How many myths and legends are hidden in it."

The wind blows over Fang Xiu's loose robe, above the ancient cave in the snow mountain, at this moment, there really is a sense of grandeur, as if controlling the wind by virtue of emptiness, floating as if independent from the world, as if he is about to become a fairy and go away in an instant.

Changde stood upright for a long time and said: "If one day you die, I will definitely go to pick you up!"

Fang Xiu laughed loudly: "Thank you so much! However, I still hope that there will be no such day!"

Chang De also laughed together: "Then I wish you the Tao and become a fairy, and live the same life as the world!"

At this time, there was a dragon cry in the distance, the roar shook the world, and a dragon flew up from the ancient temple behind him.

Flood Dragon rode the wind and cloud, arrived at this side of the mountain, circled the cliff and passed the ancient cave, the dragon scales on his body emitted a little rainbow light under the refraction of wind, snow and light.

Jiaolong stopped in front of the ancient cave with a head the size of a house, waiting for Fang Xiu, and at the same time looked curiously at the desolate ancient god with eyes the size of a millstone.

Fang Xiu climbed onto the dragon's head and sat cross-legged between the two dragon horns. The wind blew the dragon's mane and Fang Xiu's robe. Fang Xiu faced Changde Gong standing in front of the ancient cave and looking at him. hand over.



After saying these words, the dragon rolled up the wind and clouds, and with a whistling dragon cry, it broke through the wind and snow, turned into light and shadow and rushed up to the clouds and headed towards the northern sky all the way. The phantom of the dragon rolled up the clouds and disappeared in the blink of an eye .

Chang De also turned to leave, and under his steps, he saw a golden staircase appearing under his feet.

The stairs lead all the way to the underground mountain range, and an imaginary realm exuding layers of halos appears in front of you. Among them, you can see stone palaces and stone buildings with the color of the northern wilderness, overlapping.

There are even groups of witch priests and waiters in barbarian-colored witch robes waiting among them, waiting for Changde's arrival.

At this moment, in the land of the Middle Earth people in Dongzhou, the princes, large and small, are constantly engaged in clustered conquests and annexation wars.

Every once in a while, vassal states, Fang states, or tribes will be destroyed, or a certain small state will fall apart.

After planning for more than a hundred years, Shao State finally annexed Song State, and its territory expanded again, making neighboring princes and states afraid of its strength. The Bai State and Zheng State in the northwest began to fight. The two sides fought back and forth, and invested All troops.

Shaoguo Sima Luwu swept Longwuwei and quickly crossed the river and invaded the land. He single-handedly killed several powerful sorcerers who guarded the original land of Dahuan King Ji in Panguo. Several second-level sorcerers lost to Lu Wu With the killing power of martial arts, the blood stained the land, and the army of Shao State even endangered the Xun City, which had turned into a military center at this moment, the original Xun Capital.

In the end, the witch priest named Xuanyuan from the Pan Kingdom came from the north and defeated Lu Wu and his army at the head of Xuncheng City. Lin Shu, the Great Witch Priest of the Kingdom, came with Dongyuan Sword and repelled the Xuanyuan Clan with one sword. I am afraid that Lu Wu will die on the river, and the prestige of the Xuanyuan Clan once again resounded on the land of the human race.

Taking advantage of the defeat of Shao Kingdom, the Eihong of Gao Kingdom suddenly led an army of 10,000 to attack Shao Kingdom and captured more than a dozen cities in the east of Shao Kingdom. On the battlefield, he used supernatural powers to swallow the general of the Shao Kingdom and his mount, the tiger dragon, alive, and his reputation shook the world.

The protagonists of this world of great controversy are not ordinary people, nor are they military prodigies, or strategists who plan to attack, but such a witch priest, monk, sorcerer, and earth-wielding warrior with all-powerful means and power that can overwhelm the river and sea. god.

The powerful monks used all kinds of power to make this battle look like a battle between gods and demons.

In it, you can see witches killing enemy generals thousands of miles away with strange spells, gods controlling the power of mountains, rivers and rivers to block the enemy's army, immortal monks laying down large arrays to strangle thousands of troops, powerful sorcerers Then the blood is stimulated to tear the city wall and cut off the river like a demon.

For a moment, the entire land of Dongzhou was in chaos, and gods, men and strangers hidden in every corner appeared one after another, and unknowingly joined the melee.

And because of this, a large number of monks began to stay away from the Middle Earth and headed for the unknown vast land in the northwest. Some even left Dongzhou directly and began to look for the overseas fairy mountain, or find a way to go to the legendary South Continent.

And when Fang Xiu was also in the turmoil of the Eastern Continent, Yulong traveled through the vast northern wilderness and headed all the way to the North Sea.

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