Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 242 Beizhou

The Nine Dragon Emperor Seal, the Jade Slip of Preaching, and the Hundred Bone Spirit Market Ship are three magic weapons at the peak of the third rank. Among them, the Nine Dragon Emperor Seal is in the spiritual eye of Suolongjing, trying to break through the fourth rank with the power of aura gathering, representing the road of immortality. The Jade Slips of Evangelism and the Xun Duxue Palace are integrated with incense, fire, luck and Taoism, representing the Shinto system.

In the end, there was only the Bone Spirit Ship that had devoured countless monsters and monsters, and Fang Xiu was going to use it to open the gate of the monster way.

The system of the demon way is very different from the immortal way and the divine way. The first level awakens the supernatural powers of demons, and the second level integrates into the blood of demons through various methods, such as totems and transplanting demon organs.

When the third level is reached, these bloodlines will be integrated, and the real sky demon or beast inheritance will be sorted out from them. By this time, the strength of the demon monks will undergo earth-shaking changes, and they will possess some very terrifying supernatural powers. .

And at this point, Yaomo Dao has also begun to explore a complete set of practice inheritance. When they are at the first level, they will choose special methods to stimulate the awakening of unique demon supernatural powers. At the second level, they will use the totem Integrate into a specific demon blood.

For example, if they want to awaken the bloodlines of the gods and beasts at the third level, they will draw the bloodlines of the four monsters, the jackal beast, the fire mandrill, the prison wolf, and the flame disaster, into totems through special totems and integrate them into their bodies. They will look for the blood of six kinds of monsters, such as the winged snake, the finned water monster, and the horned insect. These matching methods have become the secrets of the major sorcerer families and practitioners of the way of monsters.

Then at the third level, these bloodlines from the same origin will merge into one, combining into the blood of the sky demon they want.

However, no one has found a way to break through on the road to the fourth level. The blood of the sky demons and beasts they obtained contains the will of these ancient demon gods, and they want to integrate their souls into this blood. Letting one's own will replace the will of these ancient demon gods is many times more dangerous than breaking through the fourth level of immortality.

Fang Xiu summoned the Bone Spirit Ruin Ship this time to refine this magic weapon into a fourth-order demon weapon through the way of the demon way.

The shipmaster of Youdu city came all the way from Youdu Xiandao beyond the mountains and seas, and went directly to Beizhou with Fang Xiu. They ran into each other here and brought the Bone Spirit Ship that Fang Xiu needed.

Fang Xiu stepped onto the deck of the Baigu Lingxu ship, not paying attention to the city ship officer beside him who was saluting towards him. Shi Shi said softly: "Turn around and go to Beizhou!"

"Wei!" The master's robe flew up and danced as he turned around. Dozens of immortal officials and demon officials lowered their heads and followed Fengdu into the cabin.

Following an order, the big ship turned back and headed due north.

Zhang Ping was shocked to see this huge ship, which was 100 meters long, and what was even more shocking was that such a big ship was flying above the sky, with a sea of ​​white clouds flowing under the ship.

He followed closely behind his uncle Fengdu, because these ferocious-looking monsters beside him gave him heavy pressure. Although those monsters from Beiming were huge and terrifying, they were still in the form of monsters.

And these demon people in Youdu look like humans but not humans. They wear robes, but they either have fox heads and dragging tails, or they are covered with scales and spit out snake apricot. The aura makes people feel even more eerie and frightening.

He doubted that if Fengdu was not here, these guys would have cooked him as a blood meal in no time.

However, after entering the cabin, he found that besides these immortal officials and officials, there were more ordinary demon people from Youdu. After a day, he found that these demon people were just like ordinary people.

Zhang Ping came from the present world, and entered the mountain and sea world for the first time, and these demon people came from Youdu Xiandao, and it was also the first time to enter the mountain and sea world.

Zhang Ping is full of longing, fear, and expectation for the world of mountains and seas, and these Youdu monsters are just like him. They left their hometown for the first time, leaving Youdu Xiandao, where there is only Youyue and no big sun, but it is like a fairyland paradise. I also want to find my own place in this vast mountain and sea.

Zhang Ping got acquainted with a few monsters from Youdu, and chatted enthusiastically in the cabin. The monsters in Youdu talked about the secrets and legends of Youdu Xiandao that were unknown to the outside world, and Zhang Ping talked about his life in Beiming. What I have seen and heard on the sea is special in this world.

I didn't fall asleep until late at night, and the big ship was driving very steadily above the sea of ​​clouds, but the speed was extremely fast.

Early the next morning, he was woken up by the noise outside, and all the monsters in the Bone Spirit Market ran outside one by one, standing on the deck or the side of the ship and looking at the sky.

In addition to the noise of the demon people outside, you can also hear the endless neighing of birds, as if thousands of birds are hovering on the side of the big ship at this moment,

"What's going on? What's going on?" Monsters in ancient costumes crowded outside the cabin, and the loud noise made the entire ship look like a vegetable market.

"Jiufeng! The divine beast Jiufeng!" Several teenagers shouted.

"Look, my God!" The witches seemed to see something so beautiful that it made them scream, and they were inexplicably excited.

"Don't talk nonsense, gods and beasts exist on the same level as immortals and demons. As an ancient sky demon, Jiufeng is as powerful as my nine-tailed sky fox in Youdu, and belongs to the same family as the Qingluan clan in Youdu. It's just a remnant of a divine beast!" Several demon officials also stood in front of the crowd, at the front of the deck, discussing the existence that appeared on the sky.

"However, being in the blood of a pure divine beast is also a rare alien species in the world!"

Zhang Ping's ears are very good, and before he walked out, he heard the discussion outside: "Shen Beast? Jiufeng? No way!"

Zhang Ping walked outside the cabin, and the light of the morning sun was projected on his face from outside, making him feel a little glaring.

However, before he could block the sunlight, he opened his eyes and opened his mouth wide.

I only saw a spiritual bird with multi-colored wings and divine feathers passing overhead, covering the entire top of the big ship between the spread wings. The colorful streamer dragged for a hundred meters, and every feather could be seen. The halo is spinning, flying towards the big sun under the morning sun.

Between Shen Yu, you can see nine heads with different appearances but extremely handsome. Their eyes are filled with the tranquility and peace of mountains, rivers and seas, and they are like high gods, tolerant of everything.

This powerful and beautiful posture makes people immediately think of the gods in the ancient prehistoric period. This is not an ordinary spirit bird, but a real descendant of a divine beast.

When passing through the big ship, the divine bird didn't look at them either, but stared closely at the great sun in the distance.

This is different from the extremely ferocious ancient bird of the Garuda Roc, full of spirituality from top to bottom, without the slightest trace of murderous aura, even after passing the big ship, there is no sign of attacking the big ship and the monsters on it. sign.

Hundreds of millions of birds followed behind the nine phoenixes, and the entire sky stretched for an unknown number of miles, all of which were traces of birds, so densely packed that it was impossible to see the end at a glance.

Among them are not only ordinary flying birds, but also countless different birds and divine birds.

The sky has become the world of birds, and they are the masters of the sky.

Hundreds of millions of birds followed their emperor, chased the sea of ​​clouds, and ran towards the great sun.

This scene made Zhang Ping feel as if his chest was blocked by an excited breath, and his whole body was trembling with excitement.

At this time, a loud voice came from the bow: "Beizhou! I saw Beizhou!"

"It's here! It's here!"

Zhang Ping stopped staring at the billions of birds flying in the sky, and looked into the distance.

I only saw the end of the sky, thousands of miles of coasts and rolling mountains appeared before my eyes, and this flock of birds flew out of that continent continuously.

In Nanzhou, there are people from the Yumin Kingdom with the head of a bird, people from the country who are full of long hair and spit flames, and people from the country who are tired of fire. There are mandrills and people from the country who are sleeping undead. A large number of alien races live together with spirit beasts and monsters.

And in this Beizhou, it is completely the world of the alien species of monsters and the relics of the gods and beasts. The ancient alien species that are difficult to see in other places, the relics of the gods and demons can be seen everywhere here.

"This is Beizhou!"

"This is the Mountain Sea Realm!"

Looking at hundreds of millions of birds chasing Jiufeng, and the mainland in the distance, Zhang Ping spit out these two sentences in a daze.

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