Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 271: Hao Ran

The old master Pingshang came riding in a carriage, staring at the Xundu Xuegong floating in the sky in the distance, the stone stele bloomed with dazzling brilliance, and thousands of palace buildings were hidden in the power of incense projected from the sky.

During this period, there are books, mantras, and game debates among the sages. Thousands of disciples of the academy walk among them like immortals, listening to the flowers blooming and falling, and enjoying the calm wind and clouds.

"So... it really exists!"

Pingshang has only heard of this place in rumors. According to legend, the sages wrote books and said that they have great merit in the world and are immortal.

Feng Sheng held the preaching jade slips to create a blessed place of incense and incense, and the Huyou Xundu Xuegong will never be extinguished and will last forever.

Only people with great merits and sages in the academy can enter this place.

The frame stopped in front of the stele under the light with the rites and music. The power of the incense flowed like a great sun, shining on Pingshang. When he raised his head, he could see Confucian temples, school palaces, and academies in the Yangshi under the light. .

In this light, one can see the scene of the school's heyday, the scene of enlightening the world.

"Am I... dead?" Ping Shang hunched over and got out of the car. Groups of ghosts and gods surrounded him and climbed up the passageway like heavenly steps.

"I'm a Pingshang, your life is not over yet, this time a sage summons you!"

The teacher of Pingshang looked at his students with relief. He did not expect that this time he belonged to a lineage and had a great opportunity to be appointed by Feng Sheng as the teacher of the fifth sage of Wen Dao, but at this time he could not directly say come out.

I can only look at Pingshang solemnly: "There will be a heavy responsibility for my Shangxian Academy. You must remember that the luck of writing and Taoism will be entrusted to you this time!"

Climbing all the way up, the stone steps stretch continuously, as if leading to the sky.

Step by step, with longing in mind, Pingshang is walking towards the top like a pilgrimage.

People kept nodding to Pingshang on the road, and Pingshang felt that the faces of these people were extremely familiar, and every time he saw a person, he immediately found the shadow of the other person from the familiar portraits kept in the school.

Everyone is a sage of the ancestors. It is these tens of thousands of people who have created the current era. For Pingshang, if there is no academy in this world, if there is no them, let those witch sacrifices , Monk governance will only remain in the ancient and barbaric era.

Everyone is ignorant of words, etiquette and morality, just like wild animals and plants. It is because of their Xundu Xuegong that we have the current era of prosperous civilization.

When they reached the top, even the three existences in the Heavenly Palace on the top of the mountain cast their eyes on Pingshang.

Pingshang raised his head in an instant and exclaimed, "Saint!"

Along the way, the tall Yuehuai flowers on both sides are in full bloom. Legend has it that this kind of books were planted in the former Xundu Academy Palace. .

Finally, in front of a sky-reaching moon locust tree that towered into the sky, Ping Shang finally saw the saints who only existed in legends, not three, but four wearing the master's robes, with crystal light blooming on their bodies, they were In this way, he stood under the sky-reaching moon tree.

Hundreds of millions of branches hang down from the tall locust tree, and each branch spreads layers of flowers, colorful, accompanied by the light of the incense sun that day.

The vines swayed, and the flowers collided with each other, and they rang like a bell, which was crisp and melodious, and pierced people's hearts.

At this moment, for Pingshang, it was like a dream.

Yi Sheng, Yi Sheng, Zhuang Sheng, and the young master who was admiring the Moon Sophora japonica with his back turned to him at the moment.

That is the legendary Feng Sheng, the sage who opened the school and the fortune of literature and Taoism. He is a person from the beginning of ancient times. Only in the oldest history books and historian myths can he be found.

Pingshang's face also calmed down a little bit, and he became the old master who insisted on studying and teaching for decades.

Stepping on the stone slab made of white jade step by step, he prostrated himself on the ground in front of the saint, surrounded by his big sleeves, and saluted respectfully.

The whole ceremony was full of grandeur and solemnity, and Ping Shang's eyes at this moment were as heavy as a chime bell.

"Ping Shang, the 23rd generation master of the Shangxian Academy, pays homage to the saint!"

The sage, who had been watching the flowers all the time, finally recovered from the beautiful scenery of the sea of ​​flowers, stepped forward, and the sea of ​​vines and flowers hanging down by thousands also swayed.

The other three saints also followed behind him, and followed him to gaze at Pingshang who was kneeling on the ground.

The four saints looked at him, and Ping Shang felt as if four mountains were pressing on him, but he knew that this was probably the most glorious moment in his life, as if he also felt that he had been chosen, what kind of burden would he bear? duty of.

As if deliberating for a long time, the leader Feng Sheng finally spoke, and his rumbling voice poured into Ping Shang's ears like the sound of Dao: "The century is approaching, and the fifth sage of Wen Dao has appeared, and he will worship under your sect !"

Even though Ping Shang had guessed before, he was trembling with excitement at this moment, and he cupped his hands: "I will live up to the saint's entrustment!"

Feng Sheng nodded: "There are three people who worshiped under your sect this time."

"Tang Li is the fifth sage of humanity I have chosen. Pass him on to preach the jade slips, and he will create an era of awe-inspiring literature. From then on, disciples of Xuegong will also be able to practice."

Fang Xiu stretched out his hand, and Zhuang Shengzhuang left a volume of the Jade Slips of Preaching and handed it to him. Of course, the real Jade Slips of Preaching had already been integrated with the entire Xundu Academy, becoming the soul of the sages. He Xuegong's incense and good fortune cannot be easily shaken.

This preaching jade slip has become an incense artifact, and after reaching the fourth level, Fang Xiu imitated the god system, and from this preaching jade slip, one after another of the original seeds can be stripped and planted in the human body.

It can make people like believers, use this seed to practice, and use this powerful incense artifact to cultivate awe-inspiring aura.

And the deeper they read the scriptures, the deeper the connection with the Jade Slips of Preaching, and the more powerful they become. They can even use the scriptures of sages to perform spells and draw on the power of ancient sages.

At this point, the academy has really entered the era of rising, and it has become an important part of suppressing the luck of humanity and the fate of the human race, forming a balance with the increasingly powerful monks who can do whatever they want.

Otherwise, let these monks continue to do whatever they want day after day, and the strength of one person is enough to destroy the city and the country, and they themselves will not hinder their practice even if the human race does not exist. Let them lead the direction of the human race, I am afraid that it will directly lead to the downfall of the human race in the end.

They use the power of the jade slips of preaching to step into practice, and after death, they will also become a part of the jade slips of preaching. In this Xundu Academy, they will become the spirits of sages, just like a cycle.

A school disciple will sacrifice this magic weapon all the way to the level of a seventh-level fairy weapon, and may even directly reach the eighth level.

At this point, this is no longer an ordinary magical weapon, but an existence similar to the legendary fairy cave, the world of bliss, and the kingdom of gods in other worlds.

"Gai Cang is the reincarnation of an ancient great power. He pursues longevity and practice. He will have his own destiny in the future. You are only responsible for guiding him and teaching him the method of practice."

"As for negative thickness!"

Feng Sheng's voice paused for a moment, this person was an unexpected person, and there was no arrangement for him at all: "It's up to him to decide."

Fengsheng waved his sleeves, like the sun shining down from the top of the mountain, brushing across the entire Xundu Xuegong.

In the mortal world, the master Pingshang in the dilapidated school finally slowly opened his eyes, holding a scroll of white jade letters exuding the brilliance of the moon in his hand.

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