Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 291 Order

After obtaining the Incense Artifact, and before everyone had time to react, Zhou Yang brought it back to Wuxi and returned to China as soon as possible with apology, and then the entire Weigang City was under martial law.

In the center of Waigang, the financial center building in the most crowded and bustling seaport area, a tall tower is erected on top of this landmark building. Every night, you can see the blooming flowers from the tower. The dazzling light illuminates the night sky and becomes the most beautiful scenery in Weigang City.

Ordinary people can only feel that the light is extraordinarily dazzling, and only extraordinary people can feel the power released from the light.

The emotional will of millions of people in the inner city of Weigang City is like the sea, gathering here continuously, covering the sky, causing huge pressure on people.

Since then, every transcendent who has stepped into the port city and is close to the city center can feel the strong pressure, even mana and spirit are suppressed, and Taoism and supernatural powers cannot be fully released here. The central area The power of spells is reduced by at least 30%.

Although it is not as terrifying as it was in the Hundred Thousand Mountains of Incense and Fire God Realm, the suppressed groups of third-orders cannot release any power, and they will be hit with all their strength as soon as they move, but they have a little bit of appearance.

Construction is going on on the top of the building, and many companies on the top floors of the original building have also been relocated because of the expropriation of this financial center building, and then the entire building will become the headquarters of a new department , to collect and use so-called new energy.

Kong Huai is a disciple of the alchemist Lu Zhou, and he has stayed in the ruins of the Hundred Thousand Mountains Heavenly Palace for nearly 20 years. He knows the use and operation of this incense artifact best.

So Kong Huai naturally became the main person in charge of this new energy plan, together with an engineering team composed of extraordinary people and a battalion-level combat unit, were responsible for the construction of the entire project. In addition to the building, many buildings in the city were also managed by them. Responsible.

At the bottom of the financial center building, take the elevator all the way down, pass through the foundation, in the unknown depths, there are nearly ten more floors of space, and each floor is built by a superhuman engineering team to form a permanent structure , densely packed rune prohibitions are imprinted in the wall, connecting them into one.

Once someone tries to forcibly break through from the outside to enter the inner layer, he will be attacked immediately, and the huge power can instantly kill ordinary third-order transcendents.

And the further down, the stronger the restriction, even connected with the entire earth vein, preventing anyone from approaching through the magic of escaping from the earth.

Wearing a military uniform, Kong Huai walked into it with Zhou Yang and a large group of official personnel, passing through a hall made entirely of white metal. Light flashed from top to bottom of the hall from time to time, and faint patterns surfaced on the surface.

Each layer has to go through a lot of audits. The upper layers are only verified through passwords, iris, fingerprints, and voices, while the lower layers are verified directly through soul fluctuations.

When I came to the penultimate floor, I saw that the floor in the center was completely made of blank magic stones. Under the translucent floor, you can see the scene of the next floor. It is a dense and complex building structure like a maze. .

And in the center, the Suiren bow is placed in it.

"How is this arranged? How to get in? Is it safe enough?" A middle-aged man in a rather old-fashioned black suit who looked a little majestic asked continuously.

Zhou Yang immediately said: "The last layer is inaccessible. It is not a layer above the ordinary sense, but a layer between illusion and reality."

A supernatural officer who came here from the capital asked, "What do you mean?"

"That is, only the soul can enter this layer. Anyone who wants to enter it can only break into the last layer in the form of a soul, and then pass through the Suo Shen Palace to get in touch with the Suiren Bow."

"No matter who it is, the soul is an extremely fragile existence. We have conducted experiments, and the third-level extraordinary person will be trapped for a day. Even if the fourth-level extraordinary person enters it, the soul will be trapped for at least two hours. Such a long time is enough for us to respond in time."

"And the Suiren Bow recognizes the owner. On this Suiren Bow, up to three people can be accommodated to leave soul imprints. That is to say, only these three people can move. Anyone who touches the Suiren Bow will suffer from the Suiren Bow. its own attack."

"Except for the existence of the first-order gods and demons, almost no one known in this world can resist the blow of this incense artifact."

"So, even if someone is strong enough to break through our blockade all the way to get here, as long as these three rush here, it is impossible to get the Suiren Bow."

Immediately someone asked: "Who are these three people? Are they safe?"

Zhou Yang nodded: "They have all been tested and reviewed, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with their background, but the list is kept confidential in case someone targets these three people."

"But as long as these three people don't have problems at the same time, the other two can also prevent the Suiren Bow from being taken away."

The middle-aged man in a black suit nodded: "So that means there are no other questions?"

Zhou Yang thought for a while: "As long as the Suiren Bow is here and supported by a steady stream of incense and wish power, there will be absolutely no problems."

"But if you take it out here, not only will the entire system here collapse, but once the power of the Suiren Bow is exhausted outside, it will be easily taken away by someone."

"Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, absolutely do not take the Suiren Bow out of this base."

The middle-aged man nodded: "In this case, I will go back and apply for your project, and you are ready."

After significant progress was made in the plan for the incense artifact, Huaguo began to build its own extraordinary city plan, but it was not a city similar to a large extraordinary prop like Baigang, but a city similar to a hundred thousand The place like the remains of incense sticks in Dashan.

With the incense artifact as the core, it absorbs the emotional will of nearly ten million people, connects it with the transformation of the city's geography, builds a huge formation, and then supplies the entire incense and fire realm covering the entire city of Weigang. Once it is unfolded, the entire surrounding The port city will be isolated from the outside world and become an independent boundary.

Compared with Baigang, this is an extraordinary city with a different way of thinking. The end of one is similar to the floating city in another world, and the end of the other is similar to the paradise in Fang Xiu's imagination.

No matter how powerful a transcendent person enters here, he dare not go beyond or violate the law in the slightest, otherwise, after being targeted, he can only be a dead end.

At this point, Weigang City, a city where more and more extraordinary people have gathered and extraordinary incidents occur frequently, will become the safest city.

"Is that all?" Zhou Yang asked as he stepped out of the elevator.

Kong Huai shook his head: "The more important thing is incense money and magic stones, no, it should be called energy stones now, and a steady stream of energy stones will flow out from here, which will change the whole world."

Zhou Yang rarely laughed: "In the present world, this energy stone is the lifeline of the extraordinary. As long as we master the energy stone, at least, we can use this energy stone and its power to establish an order."

"We are not afraid of more and more supernatural beings, but we are afraid of the lack of order. These people who have power lose control, and that is the scariest thing."

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