Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 293 Unexpected Acquisition


"Then what should I do?"

A sudden sound came from behind, and the wind crow Rost, who spread his wings and swung at Fang Qiu, felt a chill down his back, and the two paws on his pads trembled all of a sudden.

Fang Xiu looked at the rambunctious crow and narrowed his eyes, wanting to hear what this guy had to say about his favorite work.

Feng Ya turned her head from Chen Jin's small shoulders, her expression changed from proud to dog-legged in an instant, who knows how a crow can express such a complicated expression.

"The lord god is back!"

Fang Xiu's expression didn't change, he stared at it: "Don't change the subject, tell me, what's the problem?"

Heisha, who was lying on the sofa swinging his legs, glanced contemptuously at this unscrupulous Wind Crow. If it were her, she would never bow her proud head to anyone, um, never.

Roster Joel, the Wind Crow, felt that the sirens were already sounding in his mind: "I think the idea of ​​this alchemy house is very good, with lofty ideas and beautiful shapes, especially the unique Horcrux structure added to it. "

"This is simply the greatest breakthrough in alchemy, no, it is a brand new extraordinary civilization system."

Rost Joel, the Wind Crow, called the magic weapon a Horcrux, because compared to the supernatural items in the other world, the magic weapon has Fang Xiu's original soul structure and the talisman system derived from it.

Feng Ya cautiously observed the situation, and then said cautiously: "But, when merging this independent witchcraft space, I was a little impatient, so there is a little bit of imperfection."

"Well! Go on!"

Although this Feng Crow is a little out of tune, and he can get lost if he sends a letter, but after all, he comes from that mysterious Clock City. Even if he doesn't have much experience and is not very old, some things he knows are definitely not simple.

From time to time, I can give Fang Xiu some reminders, as well as some unexpected pioneering ideas.

As for Fang Xiu, most of the time, he lacks such a little idea.

After hearing Fang Xiu's words, Feng Ya opened his mouth to fiddle with the "profound" knowledge he didn't know where he heard: "Your Majesty, you know, in this endless time and space, space spells have been created to the limit. And which civilization is the most powerful?"

Fang Xiu thought for a moment: "Spiritual civilization?"

Feng Ya shook his head: "No!"

Heisha also curiously joined the discussion at this time, and started talking: "Wizard, wizard, I heard that the portal was first created by the wizard civilization, and the master talked about floating towers and floating cities all day long, envy The incredible one, I wish I had one, and it was also built by wizard civilization."

The wind crow laughed: "The wizard civilization is indeed the most powerful civilization. It may not be as good as the god civilization in the early stage. When it comes out, there are dozens of true gods. But in the later stage, when the wizard comes out, there are hundreds of thousands of floating cities. My darling, the scene where hundreds of floating cities fired together, I heard that it directly destroyed a river of time and space, and collapsed the pillar of time and space."

Chen Jin rarely asked, "Could it be the Wind Crow?"

The Wind Crow itself is a race that is proficient in time and space spells. If Fang Xiu hadn't sealed the soul of this Wind Crow, Rost Joel, and locked its trajectory in this time and space, I am afraid that this guy would have run away long ago.

Fang Xiu even remembered the introduction of the Wind Crow clan in the Time and Space Ruler's diary, the time-traveling race, the Angel of the Clock City, and the Messenger of the Plane, and the crow's nest in the Clock City that Wind Crow Roster Joel said, The existence of multiple true gods is indeed very powerful.

So this guy wants to boast that his race is great?

However, the Wind Crow immediately fluttered its wings, and was too proud of Chen Jin's bragging: "Of course, the Wind Crow is also very powerful, a race that masters time and space magic, but after all, it is only a race, not a civilization. "

"The civilization with the most powerful use of space, known in endless time and space, is called the arcane civilization."

When Feng Ya said the last name, his voice was extremely mysterious, and he deliberately made an indescribable gesture, which had the talent and potential of a storyteller.

However, Fang Xiu had already forgotten the offense this guy had done to him at this moment, and was really attracted by what the wind crow said: "This arcane civilization? What is it?"

Another time and space that Fang Xiu knew was the world of the Eternal Snake, which belonged to a typical civilization system of gods, and another time and space ruler that Fang Xiu knew had a wizard civilization system in it.

This is the first time Fang Xiu heard about this arcane civilization, and it was the first time he knew about it.

Fang Xiu then asked: "Then what is this arcane civilization like?"

Rostjoel, the wind crow, laughed twice before continuing: "The civilization of the gods is in charge of the authority of the world's rules. It is the spokesperson, guardian, and symbiotic of the world order. It holds the throne of God high above the sky."

"Wizard civilization is the exploration of knowledge and truth. They yearn for all knowledge and unknown areas. What they rely on is not external objects, but endless knowledge. Floating Void City is the crystallization of their exploration of truth!"

"The arcane civilization is the creator of the plane."

Fang Xiu said in surprise: "The creators of the plane? What does this mean? They can create the world?"

"Isn't this the Creator?"

Fang Xiu thinks about it carefully, this civilization is simply terrifying to the extreme, in a sense, it is stronger than the time and space ruler.

Wind Crow Roster shook his head and said: "It's not the world, but the plane. There is a completely different difference between the two. The plane depends on the world. It has no long river of time, and no pillar of time and space!"

"Arcanists are best at creating all kinds of arcane gardens, seven-level mythical wonderlands, and even arcane gardens in the form of eighth-level half-planes that can be called small worlds."

"The so-called creation of the plane means that a dozen or so eighth-level arcane practitioners joined forces to create a complete large-scale plane and the rules within it."

Speaking of this, Feng Ya still thought of the word Creator that Fang Xiu said: "However, it is said that the arcane civilization once spied and came into contact with the mystery of the Creator's creation of endless time and space."

Fang Xiu, Chen Jin, and Heisha listened to Feng Ya talk about other worlds and endless space-time information, and in an instant a huge scroll of time and space was displayed in front of them, various powerful civilizations and races, displaying With the power that can create and destroy the world.

Gods and demons are not the end, but only the beginning.

But at this point, Wind Crow Roster spread his wings: "But about the relationship between the Creator and the arcane civilization, this is just a legend, and no one knows if it is true."

"Tracking it back carefully, all civilizations claim to be able to have a relationship with the Creator, but no one knows whether the Creator exists or not."

After Fang Xiu listened to the story about the arcane civilization, he looked at Wind Crow Rost: "The story is very good, but what does it have to do with my house?"

Wind Crow Rost said: "This independent and movable witchcraft garden was built by the person named Blank Alchemy School, who borrowed from the system of arcane civilization. Their ultimate goal should be to make this garden Create a world similar to a mythical fairyland."

"This witchcraft garden can form an overlapping space, form a semi-mosaic pattern with the outside world, can absorb the power of the outside world, and can transform living people into puppet life alchemy, just like creating a unique life in fairyland."

"And they seem to be trying to inject unique laws into this independent space. This alchemy school named Blank is very powerful. Some of them are definitely exploring the three supreme mysteries of alchemy, and they have explored some of them. .”

Rost the Wind Crow said this, smacked his tongue, and then shook his head with emotion: "Unfortunately, they failed before upgrading this independent small space into a mythical fairyland."

It was also the first time that Fang Xiu knew that Gerald's magic box, an inheritance of Blanc's alchemy school, had so many origins, and he seemed to be a bit reckless before.

But listening to what Rost the Raven said about the differences between the civilization of the gods, the civilization of the wizards, and the civilization of the arcane, and finally about the garden of witchcraft and the power of the arcanist, Fang Xiu suddenly felt a little inspiration in his heart.

It was an inspiration about being stuck before and not knowing how to break through to the fifth level.

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