Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 299 Train

After the third Dao Discussion Conference ended, Zhang Heming went straight from Longhu Mountain to the Gate of Gods and Demons. He stepped into the Gate of Gods and Demons and never returned. The world returned to the world alive.

Either become the first celestial master of the human race in the mountain and sea world, or fall from the sky.

Fang Xiu looked at the continuous condensed incense power towards the energy tower, and left Weigang City. With the recovery of extraordinary power, this city began to break away from the conventional city limits, and moved towards a magical and magnificent city. Running all the way, what will become of this city or this world in the end, even Fang Xiu can't figure it out.

After Fang Xiu stayed for a few days, he was about to leave. He didn't fly away directly, but took a big boat at the pier in Weigang City.

On the pier, Fang Xiu also saw some supernatural beings sneaking into the city with magic weapons to conceal their aura. Some were supernatural beings from other countries, and some were wanted people from the underground world. For them, Like Baigang, Waigang City is also a natural safe haven for extraordinary people, where they can avoid being chased and killed by extraordinary forces.

After traveling through half the world, Fang Xiu finally returned to White Harbor. The scientific research stations in various countries have helicopters that can go directly to White Harbor. For a small amount of energy stones, you can take the underground train to White Harbor.

At the underground station, one could see a magic circle laid underground, and a group of White Harbor law enforcement officers in white military uniforms lined up from the outside to the inside, carefully checking each of them to prevent anyone from sneaking into White Harbor City.

When everyone steps through the hall, the magic circle will light up to check everyone's soul fluctuation and cultivation level, distinguishing between ordinary people and extraordinary people.

Fang Xiu was wearing a sackcloth cloak that is commonly used in Baigang. When passing through the checkpoint of the station, he pulled the cloak off and walked straight through. No one dared to stop him. There are not many people who can clean their faces in this place. , Fang Xiu is one.

The train has a rather classical appearance of a steam train, and there are dense magic lines on the outside. Even if someone makes trouble on the train, it will not implicate other compartments and underground passages. Fang Xiu knew it was from John Fogel at a glance. The old man's hand can be seen just by looking at it.


"Welcome to Baigang City, the departure station is B3, and the departure time is..."

After the door was closed, Fang Xiu went in and took a look, and found that the train was full of people. Normally, the train was empty, and most of the loads were cargo compartments. After all, there are only so many extraordinary people in the world. Ordinary people, not many people will enter and leave the city of Baigang every day. Fang Xiu has taken this train several times before, and he is the only one in the car every time.

At present, this city is also a city with extremely high security, and not all extraordinary people can enter it.

There are men and women in the carriage, most of them are young people, wearing a uniform black and white two-color coat, and the logo of SP company is printed on the back. This is one of the companies responsible for the construction and maintenance of White Harbor. It is mainly responsible for the construction of various large buildings. , including later maintenance and management.

Fang Xiu has lived in Baigang for so long, and he is still very familiar with this set of uniforms. He can tell at a glance that these people should be the latest batch of ordinary staff sent to Baigang from the outside world.

As White Harbor gets bigger and bigger, and the power supply and heating system is improved, the area covered by the enchantment is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more ordinary people are dispatched to White Harbor. After all, although White Harbor is called an extraordinary city, But a lot of work still needs ordinary people to do it.

"Where are we going?" The people in the carriage whispered to each other, seemingly not knowing their destination, let alone what they were sent to the South Pole for.

"It's so cold in this damn place!"

"How can there be such a station under the Antarctic? That country built a tunnel under the Antarctic that can be opened to traffic. How much does it cost?" Some people found some problems and felt that this trip was a bit unusual. But they would never have thought that in the depths of Antarctica, a huge city had been secretly built, a city belonging to extraordinary people.

"Antarctica has been blocked a few years ago. I heard that Antarctica has secrets about extraordinary power. Will we be involved in any incident?"

"Be careful, everyone, and don't talk nonsense."

Fang Xiu leaned against the corner of the door, wearing a cloak and saying nothing. He seemed out of tune with these people. Many people were even a little afraid of encountering a lunatic, so they deliberately stayed away from this corner. The carriage was very large, so Fang Xiu was at ease.

"Oh! My God! This is the South Pole, what are you wearing?"

Fang Xiuxiu was contemplating with his eyes closed, but was interrupted by a shout. He opened his eyes and looked at the other party.

This is a foreign woman with black hair and green eyes: "I have another piece of clothing here, do you want to wear it?"

Fang Xiu glanced at the other party. This woman looked less than thirty years old, and she looked very fit because she loved sports. There was a girl of yellow race beside her. She should have just grown up, less than twenty years old or just arrived.

"Hi! Can't understand English? My name is Xu Le, and this is Claire. If you are cold, you can wear this dress!" The younger girl said.

Fang Xiu didn't explain, put on the thermal clothing with the big SP symbol handed over by the woman, and asked in English, "What do you do?"

Claire immediately introduced herself: "I'm Claire, a native of the United States, and a wildlife scientist, but I was suddenly sent to Antarctica. I thought it would be for me to start scientific research projects on seals and penguins, but at present It doesn't look normal, they seem to be sending us to the Antarctic interior."

The two of them saw that Fang Xiu didn't look like a strange person, so they sat directly beside him, seeming to be a little curious about him: "My name is Xu Le, a Chinese-American, just an ordinary supermarket salesperson, and I was dispatched for some reason. Come here? Is there a supermarket in Antarctica?"

"And my God, when did Antarctica have such an underground train?"

Claire also nodded and said seriously: "This trip is so abnormal, my boss didn't tell me anything."

"And when we came in, those people didn't seem to belong to any country, and I don't know which country this scientific research station belongs to."

Fang Xiu looked at Claire and nodded with some understanding: "Wildlife expert? I heard that the White Harbor Extraordinary Zoo and Botanical Garden will be fully opened soon. You may be sent there."

Fang Xiu looked at Xu Le: "A large supermarket in Baigang is about to open recently, maybe you were really sent to be a salesperson in the supermarket."

Both Claire and Xu Le were stunned for a moment, not knowing what Fang Xiu was talking about, but they immediately realized: "Hi! Do you know where we are going?"

At this time, the train had arrived at the station, and the door opened with a stab, and Fang Xiu stood up immediately.

"White Harbor is here! Welcome to the extraordinary world!"

Fang Xiu turned his head to look at the two people, and immediately stepped out.

And the two people behind stood up, stunned for a long time, after the inspection, a station staff led them out of the underground station, and immediately saw a magnificent city standing in a white world, and the city's In the sky, there is also a layer of halo that seems to exist and does not exist.

The city wall as high as 100 meters in the distance looked extremely spectacular. Such a strange city was actually built in the depths of Antarctica, and it was displayed in front of them at this moment.

Everyone who walked out of the station was at a loss, as if they had stepped into a fairy tale book from the present world.

Fang Xiu tightened his thermal clothing, and finally returned home through the snow. Along the way, he could see more and more ordinary people entering Baigang, and various living facilities and high-rise buildings began to appear one by one. .

As soon as Fang Xiu pushed the door open, he saw that the door instantly turned into a black vortex. Fang Xiu closed it immediately, pushed it several times, and finally the correct passage appeared and walked into it.

"what happened?"

As soon as Fang Xiu walked in, he saw Rost Joel the Wind Crow, who was instructing Chen Jin how to sacrifice this independent witchcraft garden.

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