Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 324 Dream City

The establishment of the energy tower was much faster than anyone imagined. With the cooperation of many extraordinary people, within a month, a giant white round tower with a height of hundreds of kilometers was seen rising from the ground, directly towering into the sky.

If it weren't for the fact that this is an energy tower and mage tower, an energy network needs to be constructed from top to bottom, made entirely of extraordinary materials, and connected in parallel with the underground network of White Harbor, I am afraid that any fourth-order extraordinary person can be transformed overnight. build such a building.

The spire of the energy tower even broke through the closed dome of White Harbor and penetrated outside. Due to the closure of the dome, the temperature in the city of White Harbor has turned to normal temperature, but the spire of the tower is swaying in the wind and snow.

On the top of the tower, there is a dazzling light flashing in the strong wind, attracting all the transcendents who come and go here in the world of ice and snow.

The underground trains arrived at Baigang City one after another, and the original station was also expanded several times. The four stations in the southeast, northwest, and each have different characteristics. There are stations in the oriental palace style, and there are also stations in the western classical style.

A large number of pedestrians can also be seen coming and going on the station square, and advertisements can be seen everywhere on the square.

[Energy tower established, extraordinary new era arrives! 】Huge projected text and carousel advertisements are all over the station.

The major TV stations in the extraordinary world broadcast live the entire construction process of the energy tower, and extraordinary people from all over the world as well as a large number of ordinary people also gathered towards White Harbor, and slogans about this slogan can also be seen everywhere in the city.

With the establishment of the energy tower, this extraordinary city has also ushered in new opportunities for vigorous development, and more people are needed to fill the city that seemed a bit lonely.

[Official Energy Stone Exchange Store] Next to it is a huge arrow and a distance reminder of 500 meters.

[Dan Ding Tower! The best choice for oriental cultivators! 】A picture scroll hung on the side of the road, on which you can see a person yelling, when you ask the person in the picture, he can answer your questions, many people who have just entered White Harbor , surrounded the picture scroll in a circle, constantly asking various questions, and giving out all kinds of surprises after getting the answers.

[David Alchemy Workshop! A third-tier alchemist refines personal items for you! 】

[Shanhai Library! Choose the best route for you to explore the world of gods and demons, and learn everything about the world of gods and demons! 】

Banner advertisements that can speak one after another, as well as projected text fixed in the air with extraordinary props, look magical and miraculous.

"That's the Energy Tower? Oh, my God! It's so tall, it's even taller than the Burj Khalifa!" And more passengers who walked out of the underground station could see the huge tower at first sight, Neither can see the top, and the closer you get, the more incredible the tower is.

"This place has changed too much from half a year ago. It wasn't like this half a year ago. By the way, it's still daytime outside, why is it night inside?" A transcendent who had left White Harbor for a long time and returned, looked around in amazement, The original White Harbor City didn't have a dome, no energy tower, and it looked like a small town with a lot of characteristics.

The friend next to him immediately explained: "Because the dome is closed, the light inside White Harbor will be adjusted according to the settings. All the stars you see above are just virtual projections. In another six hours, you can see them." Daytime view."

"At the same time, the temperature, air index, and aura tides of the entire White Harbor City will also be adjusted according to demand, and the energy tower is the control hub for everything."

A woman who had just stepped into Baigang City and looked quite wealthy stood in the center of the station, with two bodyguards carrying two large boxes following her, she turned around and looked at everything around her.

The tall tower like a magical world is obviously in the Antarctic but it is as warm as summer, and people can be seen flying across the sky from time to time.

Among them are swordsmen flying with swords, witches riding brooms, or magicians rushing to the distance on flying carpets. Some of them come to pick up friends, and some take the train to the gate of gods and demons, or leave Antarctica .

"This world is amazing. This is simply a masterpiece of God." Although the woman has seen the extraordinary and knows the existence of the extraordinary city of White Harbor, she has never stepped here, and she shouted excitedly at this moment. The people passing by didn't find it strange at all, as if they had seen this kind of scene a lot.

"No! This is the power of a transcendent." A transcendent who passed by the woman with a box put on his top hat, said something with a smile, and hurried away.

The exit of the station also broadcast the news about Bai Harbor: "With the completion of the second generation Extraordinary City, the establishment of the third generation Extraordinary City is incredibly fast, the establishment of the energy tower is nearing completion, and the coverage of God's Domain is also starting. Among them, the coverage of God's Domain will bring a safer and more complete experience to the residents of White Harbor."

"The White Harbor Management Council has proposed an expansion plan for White Harbor City, which will build an outer city outside the inner city."


At this moment, at the top of the White Harbor Energy Tower, where the wind and snow are whistling, a group of people are having a meeting in the tower. Fifteen life-long councilors are all present, but most of these people are top extraordinary people. The management of White Harbor will fall to the various department officials in White Harbor.

However, because of the establishment of the energy tower, these initial constructions and proposals, all these lifelong councilors were present.

Although there are 15 lifelong members of parliament, members from China, the United States, Russia, and the United Kingdom occupy eleven seats, so Fang Xiu is sitting in the hall like a temple, and at first glance he looks familiar. Among the figures, there are only five fourth-order transcendents, and the rest are third-order peaks.

Fifteen people surrounded each other in a circle, and each of them sat on a seat that looked like a divine seat. Looking back, one could see the howling wind and snow and the city of Baigang below. Sitting here, one could overlook everything, like a god. .

This was built by the alchemist John Fogel. From the above, although this guy looks stable, he has already turned himself into a boundary with ordinary people. Only a fourth-order transcendent can make him Treated as the same kind, the third-tier ones can only be reluctantly recognized.

Lu Wu was the first to speak: "When is the opening of God's Domain scheduled?"

Astrologer Daryl immediately replied: "The energy network has been connected. It is estimated that God's Domain will be opened in 24 hours. It will cover the central area first. After there are no accidents, it will cover the entire White Harbor City."

Sitting on his own seat, Fang Xiu also opened his mouth to attract everyone's attention: "Yes, we should be careful. This is the first time that this kind of large-scale energy network is connected. Be careful not to have any accidents."

The mage tower and the energy network were jointly built by Fengdu, John Fogel, and Daryl. The power and system involved are the most complicated. Without the three of them, I am afraid it would not be possible to complete this so quickly. step.

Fang Xiu also knew the entire system of the Extraordinary City like the back of his hand, and he also mixed in some of his original thoughts on the system of the otherworldly mage tower.

The situation in Waigang City is different from here. They are building sub-towers to attract incense and wish power, because the territory of this metropolis is too large, and the construction of the underground has not laid the supernatural network from the beginning like White Harbor. , so the current process is actually still one step behind White Harbor.

Davis of the Extraordinary Security Bureau of the Mifang Federation, also known as the Free Giants Association, said at this time: "How should the authority be transferred and distributed after the opening of the God's Domain? Won’t it become someone’s private property?”

These words were almost directly aimed at the alchemist John Fogel, and he immediately replied: "Although the authority of the artifact is still with me, it has been sealed at the bottom of the energy tower, and it is carried out by five fourth-order extraordinary people. The seal was carried out by more than 30 formation masters and alchemists, without the consent of the 15 lifetime councilors, even I couldn't get close to the bottom and use the artifact."

"The artifact is only used to carry God's Domain and provide energy. What really controls the entire Extraordinary City is actually the energy tower under our feet. This is a mage tower."

"It is this mage tower that draws the power of the artifact to condense it into energy stones and control and adjust the gods, power, and every energy network in the entire Extraordinary City, so each of the fifteen of us will leave a soul on this tower The imprint, the authority to control this tower, will only disappear after death, and the next successor can become a new lifetime member."

This is a proposal that has already been settled before, but now it is discussed again because of the imminent opening of God's Domain.

Everyone discussed and discussed the details and links, and passed the meeting one after another.

A day later, in the middle of the night, a circle of light diffused from the energy tower, and the power instantly spread from the network of the earth, and then connected to the dome made of rune spar.

First, it covered the entire central area, and finally spread, spreading to every corner of White Harbor.

During this change, the entire White Harbor was shrouded in the realm of the gods. Every transcendent in White Harbor felt a strong pressure of prohibition covering every corner of the city at this moment. Power has been suppressed.

After that, the power of all transcendents who enter White Harbor will be suppressed and weakened. It is not allowed to cast all second-level (including) spells and above in specific places or special areas.

Once there is a fluctuation of spells above the second level, they will be immediately locked by the energy tower, and the law enforcement team will immediately arrest them and ask them to explain the reason, and the rebels will immediately be attacked by the power of the entire God Realm.

At the same time, the transcendent sitting on the spire of the energy tower on the seat of the lifelong councilor feels that he is connected with the whole city, his soul covers every corner, and he pays attention to every aspect of the city. little movement.

It's as if the gods are patrolling their domain, and with just a slight movement of their hands, they can trigger the power of the gods' domain to load on themselves.

The ornate seats behind them, like divine thrones, turned into instruments controlling the energy towers one by one, and under the refinement of their power, they turned into different forms one after another.

For example, the seat of God Lord Jia Yi has been engraved with auspicious clouds, the alchemist's seat has a mechanical style, and the astrologer Daryl's seat has a mysterious style. hexagram.

And Fang Xiu's seat turned into a black hole so dark that it seemed to be able to swallow everything, and behind it was a constantly rotating vortex.

In this kind of change, a steady stream of incense and vows, and the authority of God's Domain are also blessed on them, and the symbols corresponding to the seats float behind each of them, which looks like a god descending into the world.

The entire top floor of the energy tower was occupied by this radiance. Fifteen light men sat on the seats in the radiance, controlling everything in the city.

Others will be suppressed when they enter White Harbor, and their strength will be multiplied. As long as they are in White Harbor, no one is their opponent except for other people who are also life-long councilors.

The alchemist was very excited. He sat on the top of the energy tower and looked at the city below: "Successful! This is a real mage tower, which belongs to the fourth-order mage tower. With the blessing of artifacts and divine domains, I feel that it is a magic tower." Even gods and demons cannot easily tear through the city's defenses."

Building such a city has always been his dream. In his opinion, this is simply the pinnacle of alchemy, an existence that transcends everything.

Jia Yi, who was sitting on the seat beside him, suddenly laughed: "Isn't that fairy from the Immortal Heavenly Palace last time too?"

Immediately, the old alchemist's face became a little less confident. The scene he encountered last time in the Immortal Kingdom, the power of awakening gods and demons, still makes him tremble when he recalls it, scaring him to flee in embarrassment, even the world of gods and demons. They didn't dare to stay, and returned directly to the present world.

The meeting dispersed, and everyone's figures rushed out of the top of the tower with the light, and disappeared in all directions in the blink of an eye.

Fang Xiu also returned to his home, and when he opened the door, he heard the sound of ho ho ha ha ha in the room, and immediately saw Heisha and Fengya Rost playing a somatosensory battle game in front of the TV. on the carpet.

Rost also lay on the sofa holding the somatosensory handle with his two paws, but just lying there, he could easily beat Heisha so hard that he couldn't fight back.

Rost immediately let out that sharp laugh, full of sarcasm, which made Hei Sha so angry that he chased Feng Ya around the room, but Feng Ya has not been sealed by Fang Xiu now, and his power is far superior to Hei Sha. Heisha couldn't catch up to it no matter what.

After closing the door, Fang Xiu said to the two of them: "Everyone, get ready and enter the mountain and sea world. Heisha, you are also ready to break through to the fourth level this time, right in the Immortal Ascension Pond in the heavenly world."

And Fang Xiu went to his study and library, brought some needed things, books, supernatural items, including the blood of the giant, the heart of the lich, and the seeds of the tree of youth, and stepped into the mountain and sea world again among.

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