Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 350 Understand

Extraordinary city Baigang has started a new phase of extraordinary city construction. With the support of a large number of extraordinary resources and the continuous power of energy towers, a thick layer of crystal walls can be seen above the sky.

That is the second floor in the plan, and then there will be a third floor and a fourth floor.

Along the tall central energy tower, it has been built to the seventh floor.

These seven floors will transform the entire Baigang into seven different classes. The higher the layer, the higher the status represented. Each layer will be a different world.

Finally, this White Harbor Supreme Conference is over, and Zhou Yang, Lin Shu, Kong Huai and others finally breathed a sigh of relief. This time, the White Harbor Conference is different from the previous ones. Duty of the supernatural.

The White Harbor Supreme Council and the 15 life-long councilors are all elected by various countries. In name, it is an organization similar to the United Nations. When the White Harbor City was first established, more than 30 countries joined together. Currently There are more than one hundred member states that have admitted to join, and the rest are basically some countries that do not have a formal official super organization.

This place belongs to a neutral and peaceful zone, and Baigang has no right to interfere in the affairs of other countries or ordinary people, nor does it belong to a sovereign state, but an international organization that manages and restrains extraordinary people all over the world.

The only difference is that with the growing strength and influence of White Harbor and the powerful power of the fifteen life-long members of parliament, this loose organization that was originally combined has become truly able to control and control the entire extraordinary world.

Various countries and major official extraordinary organizations, as well as overtly and secretly major transcendental forces, all hope to have a certain influence and control in White Harbor, occupy more ordinary seats, and even among the 15 lifetime members of parliament A member of the White Harbor Supreme Council.

All countries in the world hope to influence and control the situation in the extraordinary world of the world through this place.

Zhou Yang glanced at the second floor of White Harbor, which was gradually capped above the sky, where extraordinary beings flying around, all kinds of strange extraordinary props, and even strange beings walking on the streets suddenly let out a sigh: " Kong Huai! People can live for a thousand years, a thousand years, they can live across the Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing, and the Republic of China until now, not only that, the power of a person can destroy the world, the power of a person It is enough to make the incomparable technological power we once trusted collapse in an instant."

"What do you think will happen if there are immortal beings in this world, and a person's lifespan is longer than the moon and the sun?"

Wearing a formal suit and carrying a suitcase, Kong Huai followed Zhou Yang through the passage leading to the outer city, went to the outer city airport, took out the identity documents of his group for inspection, and said over and over again: "I don't know!"

Zhou Yang asked Kong Huai: "Who do you think will be the first to become such an immortal being?"

Kong Huai seldom thought about this question, and after pondering for a while, he said: "In the present world, it should be the Taoist of Fengdu, the Lord of God Jia Yi, and the alchemist John Fogel. Jun, Xuanyuan Chi, the previous high priest of Xuanyuan Kingdom."

But at this point, Kong Huai froze all of a sudden: "No, there is an existence of immortality in the mountain and sea world itself, the existence of the Immortal Heavenly Palace, the unknown in the depths of the Blood River in Beizhou, the ancestor god of Xuanyuan Kingdom, and the existence of the underworld. The Son of Heaven, the immortals of the stars and caves, and the ancient immortals of Youdu Xiandao."

"Wait, wait, there are countless."

"But it's okay, because the world has not yet fully recovered, most of these idlers are restricted by restrictions, they cannot be born, let alone appear in this world, or the current situation..."

Zhou Yang nodded: "The times have changed!"

But then he changed the subject: "According to this supreme meeting, we know that the future plan formulated by White Harbor is to develop the extraordinary world in this world and create a truly extraordinary order and system. It can be seen that their vision is very long-term and very Far."

Kong Huai laughed: "That's because each of these planners has a lifespan of at least a thousand years. Of course they take a long-term view, and they are different from us. Their position is to unite extraordinary people in this world. The governing body, of course, has to focus on Earth."

Zhou Yang: "However, the focus of the goals of the official extraordinary organizations of various countries is still the world of gods and demons, because this is the fastest way to develop and gain benefits. We not only have the right to speak in Baigang, but also cannot relax. The development of the world of gods and demons."

"Kong Huai, your identity as the master of the artifact has been exposed. Now many people have noticed you. After you transfer the authority, these eyes should leave, and then, enter the mountain and sea world."

Zhou Yang patted Kong Huai on the shoulder: "This time, we have important plans."


Fang Xiu opened the window and watched as the second floor above was gradually sealed, and then the construction of the second phase will start. At that time, many extraordinary people will enter the second floor, and Fang Xiu's house will also move up there.

The second floor certainly doesn't have as many people as the first floor. It's as bustling and noisy as a metropolis, but it's also cleaner.

Wind Crow Roster, who was standing at the window, glanced at it twice, and said contemptuously, "Would you say these stupid humans will build a floating city?"

"There's not even a floating tower, there's not even a mythical life, just a random myth will be trampled to pieces."

"What is the use?"

Heisha is looking forward to living on the second floor as soon as possible, because at that time, each member of the lifetime seat will be assigned a small enchantment spirit realm, which includes lakes, mountains and waters, and gardens: "If you use the floating ring and the support of the energy tower , then you can make this city float into the sky!"


Fengya Rost looked at Heisha as if looking at the two fools: "If it can float, it is called Floating City? Floating Island can also float, so can it be called Floating City?"

Heisha looked at Feng Ya with an unkind expression: "The floating city, isn't it called the Floating City?"

"Stupid, superficial, and ignorant!" Feng Ya made a triple strike, showing off his knowledge again.

"The floating city is the symbol of the eighth-level mythical wizard. A floating city carries an eternal domain. In addition to the blueprint of the floating city, it also needs an eighth-level floating ring and magic machine. In the void, it is absolutely The strongest fortress and invincible existence.”

"Just one blow, one blow, can blast the world under your feet without the protection of a true god into a gap bigger than the mainland, and instantly let all life on this planet enter the doomsday dusk."

The wind crow Rost, who was triumphant and showing off his knowledge with his little head held high, didn't notice Heisha who was approaching with fierce eyes, he jumped up and caught the big black crow at once.

It was only at this time that Rost the Wind Crow realized that he wanted to escape, but it was too late, he was caught by Heisha and let him thump vigorously, and he couldn't escape no matter what.

"This king will eat you today!"



Fang Xiu slapped the back of Heisha's hand, and he grabbed Feng Crow Rost's little hand and sent it away: "Okay, stop making trouble!"

With the end of this incident, the changes and progress in this world, everything is moving forward as Fang Xiu set.

The chaotic situation in the extraordinary world has also been improved to a certain extent, and all the fourth-order extraordinary people have signed the treaty together.

The originally unscrupulous and increasingly powerful Transcendents have also begun to have order and restraint. Although the restraint of Baigang City is not strong enough, many so-called regulations and laws are just a piece of paper, but at least on the bright side, no one dares to Really ignore the existence of these regulations and laws, and only dare to do it in private.

However, order is better than no order. If there is no one to restrain these extraordinary beings, the whole world will turn into a paradise of disorder, and the whole world may turn into a purgatory on earth.

The two of them, the crow, turned their heads and stopped watching the situation outside the round window of the library, but walked down the wooden stairs to the bookshelf.

In the huge top-floor library, the space is wider than before. Even looking to the left and right, there is no end in sight, and only rows of bookshelves can be seen.

Not only are there more bookshelves than before, but the densely packed books are like mountains and seas, one layer after another. The tall bookshelves are like one wall after another. You can’t even see the murals on the dome when you look up. Walking among the libraries, people feel as if they are going to be overwhelmed by the sea of ​​books.

Some of these books come from the present world, some from the world of mountains and seas, and some from other worlds. There are books in various languages, not only paper ones, but also bamboo slips, jade slips, Yingzhu's various carriers about books.

Go straight along the tall bookshelves, and when you get to the front, you can see Chen Jin sitting in front of a fan-shaped service desk similar to the front desk, sitting on the ghost dragon throne, watching the changes and situations in the other world through the eyes of coordinates .

The situation shown by the eye of the coordinates includes the magnificent dungeon, the floating island in the sky, Fang Xiu even saw the war and slaughter in another world, thousands of alien races robbed the necessary resources for survival through alchemy weapons .

There were also several tables here. Fang Xiu and the two of them had just sat down as soon as the crow sat down, when they saw several dolls in servant costumes serving refreshments.

After Chen Jin obtained the Ghost Dragon Throne and the Eye of Controlling Coordinates, she gradually became obsessed with this trading method of obtaining various knowledge and alchemy items through different worlds.

Pretending to be the owner of a floating city, an astral merchant, and constantly obtaining all kinds of novelty items and knowledge she wants through transactions.

Now this huge library, as well as the parts and alchemy props piled up like a huge mountain in the warehouse, are all Chen Jin's spoils and gains.

Even those creatures from the giant plane who obtained the Eye of Coordinates became Chen Jin's disciples and formed an organization called the Tower of Destiny by themselves.

There are not many people in this organization, but everyone has gained a strong power and resource status through the transaction with the astral merchant Ram, hiding in the dark, and developing extremely rapidly.

At the same time, they are constantly providing Chen Jin with more good things.

Fang Xiu watched Chen Jin finally suspend the communication with the aliens and the modification of the transaction template, and said the information he wanted to know the most recently.

"The most powerful true god in the giant plane, the king of giants, the sun god who shattered the kingdom of God, will be the next one."

"Do you know any specific information about it?"

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