Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 358 Enemy Emperor

The storm continued, and the imperial city was reduced to ruins.

Thousands of evil spirits and goblins laughed wildly and headed towards the imperial city. The information accumulated by the Heijia army and Dapan in the imperial city for hundreds of years were wiped out in this gluttonous feast of goblins.

At the same time, there are still many monks gathered together, but their purpose is not to fight these monsters, but to compete for the fetus of gods and demons.

As the ghostly body transformed by the blood god boy tore through the earth, crawling towards the earth like a spider, the demons and monsters pervading the sky and raging in the imperial city, the chaotic witch priests, monks, and warriors, They also followed it into the ground.

"Don't block the way of the ancestor!" A skeleton troll devoured a silver wolf in one gulp, swung his giant palm away, and swept away all the ghosts and monsters blocking in front of him.

"Monsters look at the sword!" A sword cultivator rushed towards the ground, and the sword light rolled up a storm, beheading all the surrounding monsters. Even those big monsters dared not come forward with their tyrannical cultivation, and avoided them one after another.

And more monks followed behind this sword repairman and rushed into the ground together.

"Hundreds of years of dynasties, once they are destroyed, hahahaha, quick! Quick!" A corpse demon who entered the Tao with a corpse stepped down on the black wind, and the poisonous smoke of the black wind flowing out of his body instantly turned the demon into pieces. The poison was overturned and turned into corpse water.

"The world is in chaos! The demons are here! The world will be up to us, the demons!" A strange bird with a human head jumped down from the sky and flew straight towards the crack, making a sharp cry, as if the chaos The situation and the capital made him feel extremely happy.

On the edge of the huge ground fissure wall, the rainwater formed by the torrential rain poured in, and thousands of evil spirits crawled down the crack, heading towards the ruins of the underground palace densely.

The huge ruins of the ancient underground palace are sitting on the overflowing eye of the earth at this moment, and the endless evil spirit of the earth is continuously flowing out from the four sides of the underground palace, rotating around the underground palace, converging into a pillar of evil energy and rushing towards the surface.

The underground palace was wrapped in that evil spirit, as if it had turned into a devil's cave and ghost kingdom.

Before the blood god boy sat on the head of the huge monster and threw himself down the underground palace at the fastest speed, his lower body seemed to grow on the monster's body, densely packed with blood vessels, skin and flesh connected with his bloody clothes.

And the overwhelming demons and monsters accompanying him, he seemed to be the emperor of the demons and monsters.

The six ghost claws of the giant demon moved forward alternately, and finally stopped before reaching the gate of the underground palace.

The huge and terrifying head suddenly lifted up, and the blood god boy sitting on it looked at the underground palace suspiciously at this moment, only to see a voice coming from the underground palace at this moment.

The sound was extremely weird, as if someone was singing an opera, and it also seemed to be a strange Xun sound, the sound was sad and deep.

There are also many people in the underground palace, and there are guards inside and outside, guarding them in pairs and patrolling.

Some court ladies and eunuchs hurried to light up the palace lanterns in the underground palace.

There are also civil and military officials in official robes walking forward along the corridor to participate in the court meeting.

However, the clothes they wore were not Dapan's clothes. The styles were old and complicated. Dapan admired white, but these people wore black and red.

What's even weirder is that now the sky is collapsing and the earth is collapsing, and thousands of ghosts are rushing towards the underground palace. These people seem to be completely unable to see the scene outside, and they still continue their actions.

At this moment, a group of demons and monsters, as well as two monks and warriors couldn't help but rushed in, and saw a flash of black light in an instant. After the weird chewing sound, those people instantly turned into weird existences and fell into the ruins of the underground palace. among.

There are no three souls in these existences, only remnants of souls, but they are combined with a strange force.

They walked towards the depths of the underground palace in a daze, as if they had lost their wits, and were controlled like puppets. They walked towards the central palace and followed the civil and military officials to meet the emperor.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The bell in the depths of the palace rang, and the footsteps of those people became more hurried.

At this moment, when the demon monk outside heard the bell, he also felt his soul floating for a while, as if he was about to leave his body.

This weird scene instantly stopped all the monster monks. Even if there were the fetus of gods and demons and the treasures left by Dapan for hundreds of years, no one wanted to die in it without knowing why.

"What's going on here?" Ji Meng, the god of Zhangshan, stood in front of the underground palace, his tall sky demon body covered the palace gate, and the tens of meters of arch had not yet reached his waist.

"There is a problem with this underground palace!" The blood god boy made a childish and cute voice, but at the moment when he was sitting on a huge ghost, the voice seemed terrifying and frightening.

"not human!"

"It's not a human, it's not a ghost, it's not a demon. What exactly is this?" A giant snake spoke with a hissing voice.

It was the Heavenly Demon Snake Snake who had just fought fiercely with Qin Tianjian Supervisor Zheng Shaoyan outside, and because of the opening of the underground palace, he gave up fighting with the opponent and rushed over in a hurry, trying to snatch the fetus of the god and demon.

At this moment, the lantern-like snake pupils looked at the tens of thousands of palace people, guards, and officials in the palace. The demon pupils immediately saw that these existences were not living things, but a kind of existence between life and death. The strange existence in between.

"The three souls are gone, only the remnants turned into demon spirits." The nine-tailed celestial fox was wearing a palace skirt, walking with white light on it, and its nine huge tails bloomed behind it like lotus flowers without swaying.

And an old Taoist with a flying sword on his back looked at the clothes of these people at this moment: "This... seems to be the clothes of the Shao Kingdom in the Warring States Period?"

"The Shao Kingdom has been extinct for five hundred years, how can it reappear now? Or is it in the underground fairy palace of Dapan?"

The weird scene left everyone at a loss, and felt that something was not quite right.

The God of Zhangshan was the first to strike, crushing the gate of the ruins of the underground palace with one foot, and the dense restrictions rebounded on the soles of his feet, but there was no wave.

He shouted angrily: "Pretending to be a ghost, playing tricks like ghosts and monsters, who can be fooled!"

After speaking, he rushed in directly, and walked forward on the wide corridor, like a giant walking in a mortal palace.

Those present were all powerful people in the world, and they just felt that something was wrong with this strange situation, but there were seven or eight immortal monks present, even if there was something strange in it, could they still be able to stop them.

As Ji Meng, the god of Zhangshan, rushed into it, then the blood god boy, the nine-tailed sky fox, and the other fourth ranks also tore through the restriction of the underground palace at the same time, and rushed in.

At this time, a strange situation came, and everyone felt a strange force continuously drilling into their bodies. The black aura seemed to break through the space, attacking their bodies everywhere.

The monks of the third and fourth ranks are okay, but a large number of monks of the first and second ranks feel their three souls become a little dull in an instant, and then lose their five senses in an instant, and finally bump around like headless chickens, gradually losing their willpower. Was obliterated and turned into a puppet in the ruins of the underground palace.

"Ah! This ghostly place can ignore the physical protection of the body and Taoism, and directly kill the soul!"

"Don't get close, only the aura body of the third-order monk can block it!"

"Don't go in!"

A large number of low-level monks and demons were shocked and stopped before the underground palace. They could only see those third- and fourth-level demons and monks entering the depths of the underground palace.

Even the monsters that rushed in before began to flee towards the outside one after another, but before they escaped from the range of the underground palace, they lost their wits, and then turned around like a lost traveler, facing the distant underground palace away from the depths.

The depth of the underground palace is not a palace, but a high platform like an altar, and there are countless demon spirits standing there.

At this moment, all the thousands of demon spirits prostrated themselves on the ground and kowtowed towards the high platform.

Among the worshipers, the one standing in the front wearing a crown robe is the current emperor of Dapan, but at this moment, he is kneeling respectfully towards the high platform like a courtier.

And on the high platform, there is a luxurious throne.

However, the emperor's throne is vacant, and there is no one there.

"Where's the fetus of gods and demons?" Ji Meng with the dragon head leaned down, looked down at the earth and the throne, and roared.

The blood god boy controlled the giant demon to move forward, and the demon's head seemed to be sniffing: "Why does the breath disappear here!"

In the end, he fixed his eyes on the young emperor in the head: "All the emperors of Dapan are kneeling here. This is not right. Who is the throne above prepared for?"

The nine-tailed celestial fox swept its tail away, and the demon spirits in front of it dissipated: "Someone has entered here ahead of time, and the fetus of gods and demons may have already fallen into the hands of others. Is it Emperor Panlie? Or Xuanyuan Chi who suddenly disappeared?" ?”

Nine-tailed Sky Fox immediately guessed the existence behind it, but in the end, something was definitely not right.

"Tap! Tap! Tap!" Footsteps came, and a figure wearing a Dapan official uniform came out from the darkness behind the high platform little by little.


"Anyone else?"

Dressed in a white official uniform, this is an old man who looks about sixty years old, but his beard and hair have not yet turned white. At this moment, he is sitting on the throne unscrupulously, looking down like an emperor. The group of monsters who rushed over swept their majestic eyes, staring at the monks and warriors who were staring at the back one by one.

At the same time as he walked out, everyone noticed him at the same time, because at this moment, the soaring divine and demonic aura emanated from his body, and at this moment, everyone could see the terrifying shadow twisting on that person in their spiritual eyes. Moved, climbed directly to the sky, occupying the entire underground cave.

Although it was just an ordinary human body, within that body seemed to contain a monster that could destroy the world.

As soon as this person appeared, he directly suppressed the densely packed demon monks under the high platform. Dozens of third-level existences and several fourth-level sky demons and immortal monks faced him at this moment, but they felt a strong pressure. Crisis loomed large.

Just one person made them feel a little out of breath.

That power has already surpassed the fourth level and reached a realm that they cannot touch. Everyone's complexion turned into darkness. At this moment, everyone knows that the fetus of the god and demon has probably been regarded by this person as a person who has stepped into the fifth level. foundation.

The Nine-Tailed Sky Fox immediately recognized the existence of the person in front of him. It was Dapan's Qintian Supervisor, and Dapan's important minister Shao Yan: "Qintian Supervisor Shao Yan! How could it be you?"

But at this moment, Shao Yan was wearing the robes of the Qintian Supervisor and sitting on the emperor's throne, while the emperor of Dapan was kneeling under the high platform, bowing his head and proclaiming himself a minister.

Tian Yao and Snake Cultivator were furious. They had been shaking outside with Shao Yan for a long time, but now they felt as if they were being played by someone: "Is it you? Shouldn't it be Xuanyuan Chi? Where is Xuanyuan Chi?"

Under the high platform, dozens of Tier 3 and Tier 4 beings were in a commotion. No one thought that the people behind the scenes were completely different from the few people they imagined, but no one had noticed before. Arrived, Dapanqin Tianjian is in charge of Shao Yan.

When Shao Yan on the stage heard Xuanyuan Chi's name, he laughed uncontrollably: "Xuanyuan Chi, hahahahaha, she set up a scheme with the womb of a god and devil, and wanted to devour the body of a real dragon. Inherit the status of the real dragon with the body of the emperor, devour the spirit of the real dragon, change the dynasty, and become the emperor."

"Xuanyuan Kingdom has been plotting for hundreds of years, and has wanted to control the world since the Dahuan period, but in the end, it all fell into my hands."

Shao Yan sat on the emperor's throne, and the expression on his face at this moment was no longer the warm and peaceful supervisor and loyal courtier before, but a domineering emperor: "Although she is dead! But this god and demon I really have to thank her for the two great gifts of the fetus and the spirit of the real dragon, otherwise how would I be able to refine the body of Yan Mo now."

"If it weren't for her, how could I not only refine the body of Yan Mo, but also have the opportunity to devour the spirit of the real dragon and become the emperor of Yan Mo!"

Shao Yan was aloof, and looked coldly at the group of demons who broke into the underground palace. At this moment, these existences that turned the entire Yangjing upside down, in his eyes, seemed to be just a group of chickens and dogs, vulnerable to a single blow: "Originally I still want to wait for a while, completely control the top and bottom of this big pan, and finally create an immortal dynasty with the position of Emperor Yan Mo."

"I didn't expect you to take action suddenly and break the widow's plan, but it's very good, very good, the widow can't hold it back long ago!"

Shao Yan shouted angrily: "Let this great pan perish today to avenge the hundreds of years of exile and subjugation of the country."

Old Jianxiu, who was carrying the flying sword, felt that the person in front of him was about to erupt like a flame. He resisted the urge to turn around and run away, and asked, "Who are you?"

Shao Yan laughed wildly: "Hahahahaha! Who am I?"

Shao Yan stood up suddenly, and his whole body swelled to the limit at once, turning into a constantly distorted phantom, swallowing all the complete phantoms in the audience, including the emperor of the big pan, in one gulp.

Nine dragons rose into the sky mixed with black smoke, let out a roar, and merged into Shao Yan's body.

A huge palm protruded from the ground, and only one arm protruded from the ground, like a giant pillar standing up to the sky.

In an instant, the entire imperial city collapsed in an instant, and the main roads in the front and back of Yangjing, which were more than forty meters wide, split open together.

The power that covers the sky and the sun erupts from under the earth, and the twisted phantom condenses into a heaven-penetrating emperor Yan Jun. The nine dragons are entangled with the black smoke, and they turn into an emperor's crown robe and drape over his body. .

"I am the Emperor Yan Mo! As the body of an ancient god and demon, the immortal emperor!"

"Today, all of you will become the demon generals and soldiers under the throne of the Emperor Yan Mo, and together we will create this immortal dynasty!"

"Wait, do you want to?"

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