Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 372: Inheritance of the Gods

Baigang is a one-story city. The city is full of traffic and people come and go. There are various means of transportation in the sky and in the world. Various advertising projections and pictures appear on both sides of the road. The combination of extraordinary power and technology here shows a difference. Charm.

However, the lifestyles of most of the people coming and going in the city are very different from those in the cities outside.

As an extraordinary city, White Harbor's primary role is not to simply establish it for human survival and living, but to create an extraordinary system and power to serve the extraordinary era.

Most of the buildings and public facilities in the city are basically members of the extraordinary system. There are no factories inside, only alchemy prop workshops. Except for supermarkets, most of the shops are related to extraordinary power, and most of the migrant workers are also for extraordinary power. System service.

Every household is even connected to the magic crystal network, which can recharge extraordinary props, and various extraordinary facilities are supplied with magic energy day and night.

Everyone is busy in this dream city of the extraordinary world, everything is different from the outside, this is an extraterrestrial city completely isolated from the outside world.

The clear bell rang, and everyone looked up at the sound of the big bell embedded in the giant sky-reaching column, which is the central energy tower.

In the blue sky and white clouds, the giant white pillars directly lead to the clouds, and then disappeared without the upper part.

"It's time!" Everyone looked at the seven o'clock bell, put down their steps, and looked at the sky.

"It's night!" Although a man said that, he raised his head to look at the sky at this moment, it was still as bright as day, and the sun was still hanging in the sky, emitting light and warmth.

With the sound of the bell, the blue sky, white clouds and sun projected on the dome of the sky also gradually set, the sky was gloomy and gradually turned into night, and the stars rose to the dome of sky.

"Every time I saw this scene, I realized that the sky above my head was fake. I always thought that I was really living under the blue sky." The magic of this scene is amazing. Those who have been in for a long time, every time the bell rings, they will be conditioned to look at the sky, which is a day and night rotation scene.

"Yeah, who would have thought that there is a city above our heads, layer after layer." Several alchemy workshop workers waiting for the tram at the intersection were chatting skillfully.

"The alchemy tool workshop and the potion production workshop will be moved to the second floor, and we may have to go to work at that time, but it is estimated that we can only live on the first floor, and the price and rent on the second floor are so expensive It's gone to heaven." A Chinese colleague beside him lamented the housing prices and rents of Baigang, but being able to live in the inner city is already a benefit for the workers of the alchemy tool workshop, and most people can only live in the outer city.

It's freezing there, and only there can everyone feel that this is the Antarctic, the coldest place in the world.

"It is said that the fourth floor will be transformed into a natural world to grow various supernatural plants and breed supernatural animals. The current botanical garden will be cancelled."

"It is said that all the fifteen kings of Baigang lived on the top floor. Did you see that the alchemist John Fogel and Taoist Fengdu made a move? My God, the alchemist directly summoned a giant god over a kilometer, directly quilt

"I saw it on the video. I used to think, what kind of king is there these days, what kind of king is this, what is the difference between this and a god?"

"I was in the city at the time. At that time, everyone in the city was so frightened that they collapsed to the ground."

"It is said that this kind of thing happened because some of the fifteen kings wanted to break the rules in this world. The international law and management regulations for extraordinary people promoted by the Supreme Council some time ago..."

When the tram arrived, several people were discussing and walking toward the car. At this moment, several rays of light passed through the sky and headed towards the central energy tower.

"Who? Are you not afraid of the law enforcement officers for violating the traffic law so arrogantly?" The people on the street immediately talked about it, but after the spiritual light above the sky swept over these people, it immediately fell into the distance.

Those flashes of light rushed directly into the central energy tower and turned into several men and women wearing Taoist robes. The leader of them was a woman wearing a celestial master's robe. There was a different kind of graceful smell.

There is a huge square in the energy tower, people come and go, some go to the upper floor, and some come down, some officials go to the upper floor to work, and extraordinary people come in and out.

The woman wearing the celestial master's robe walked into the deepest part. She took out a badge with a black vortex and showed it. After the law enforcement officers of the energy tower saw it, a door in the center opened, which was leading to the top floor. main elevator.

"Excuse me, my lord, you are only allowed to go up to the top floor by yourself!"

Immediately, someone stopped the disciples of the Heavenly Master Sect behind. Unlike the lower floors, the highest floor is where the highest members of the entire White Harbor live. There are no monitoring and inspection personnel there, and all people entering and leaving it are strictly censored.

"I'll go up to meet Master Uncle, you wait for me below, Yuling, you can inspect the property of our Celestial Master in Baigang by the way."

After the instructions, he boarded the elevator and headed up.

The elevator can see the outside, all the way up, it seems to pass through the clouds and stars of the night, and then appear on it, and a land city and night appear again.

As the elevator continues to go up, several layers of sky and earth appear. This elevator is not like an elevator, but more like a passage that travels through different worlds and time and space.

The higher it goes, the more open it becomes. On the fourth floor, there is only an open land and mountains that have not yet been derived. On the fifth floor, there are only rune crystal walls and rock layers that have not yet been derived.

It was not until the seventh floor that a beautiful landscape appeared. Through the enchantment and the elevator glass, one could see grasslands, lakes, forests, and animals.

Finally, they entered a hallway like a temple. Spiritual light and barriers sifted through the walking Zhang Yusu, and the bronze door engraved with dense runes finally opened and entered the seventh floor.

It flew past, and finally found a wooden house hidden in a sea of ​​flowers between the banks of a forest lake, fell into the sky, and just knocked on the door, and saw a vortex from the door, swallowing it in.

Inexplicably horrified, he found that he had already entered the house, standing in a palace, with ancient lamps on both sides illuminating the entire palace.

There is a big cauldron behind it, which exudes aura smoke at the moment, and you can smell the aura of the elixir. In front of you, there is a sapphire table case. At this moment, a man wearing a white robe is sitting on the sapphire case. In front of him, he was reading an ancient scroll.

What Fang Xiuxiu was looking at was the advanced information about mythical life. There is a big difference between mythical life and the system of gods and wizards except for blood wizards. The most important thing is the template of mythical life, also known as the inheritance of mythology. .

According to the research of wizards, the root of every mythical life is a set of mythical templates, and their mythical blood is imprinted with the power of the root, and the so-called root power is not the shape of a mythical life, innate spells, or eternity. lifespan.

It's the rules, and they hold the power of the rules.

Fang Xiu has deduced a mythological template, and the fetus of gods and demons evolved based on the mythical life and blood of the above and other worlds, but the system of the other world is different, Fang Xiu wants to find the real one from above. Rule power.

After all, the next step is to become an immortal. Fang Xiu doesn't like the rigid method of returning to the ancestors and waiting to receive power. This method directly limits the upper limit.

And I like that kind of perception, the kind that can be loaded on myself with as many rules and powers as I want to master.

Fang Xiuxiu studied these mythological beings, as well as the systems of other worlds, thinking about how to take the last step of the road to immortality, and how to set up the immortality system in the mountain and sea world.

Fang Xiu's long black hair was a little messy, and the white robe was loosely put on his body with a sound, but because his cultivation base had reached the last step, his body was basically close to the real fairy body, naturally exuding the charm of fairy light, the whole person was just so ordinary Sitting quietly is also like a celestial being.

Without raising his head, he asked, "What are you looking for me for?"

Zhang Yusu immediately bowed and saluted: "My brother died suddenly after suffering a catastrophe. Yusu hurriedly inherited the position of head teacher, and it coincided with the collapse of the Dapan Dynasty. Everything in the city passes through Baigang, so I came here to pay my respects to my uncle."

"I don't want merit and fruit status?" Fang Xiu asked precisely that he could seek the position of a righteous god by supporting the dragon and ordering the order of the gods.

"My nephew is willing to prove the longevity fruit, and he is not going to take the path of the divine way, so the task of rearranging the order of the divine way in the Great Zhou Dynasty, my nephew entrusted it to one of my brother's disciples." Zhang Yusu has personally seen the Taoist priest of Fengdu and Mr. Jia Yizhen. The scene where people joined forces to suppress all demons and monsters in Yangjing, since then, the so-called Yin Division righteous god position, in his eyes, can't compare with immortality and immortality.

"In addition, there is also a message from the Master from the Underworld of the Yin Division, asking me to inform the uncle."

Fang Xiu changed the ancient scroll in his hand, and continued to read without saying a word.

Zhang Yusu knelt down on the ground at this moment, and said with a little excitement: "The underworld has discovered the weapon of the gods and the heavenly stone!"

Needless to say, the weapon of the gods, as long as this thing shows its head, it is enough to make the whole world break its head, and the celestial stone comes from the legend about the Dongtian Xingfu in the ancient ruins. This thing can make the Dongtian Xingfu fly up Heaven is also what the entire Baigang City has been seeking. Only with such a thing can they raise White Harbor into the sky and turn it into a city in the sky.

Once these two things appear in the world, it definitely indicates that the entire extraordinary world, even the world of gods and demons, will no longer be peaceful.

At this time, the uncle who seemed to be calm about everything slowly raised his head, opened his eyes and glanced at his female nephew: "What does Tianshi mean?"

Zhang Yusu immediately spit out a message that is enough to make the gods in the entire world of gods and demons crazy: "It is said that this time, not only these two treasures of the gods and gods appeared, but also about the gods, how to truly become a god of heaven inherited."

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