Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 390 The Divine Tree Piercing the Clouds

A total of more than a dozen infected assimilators were placed on the sixth floor of Antarctic White Harbor City and isolated.

Within a few days, most of the assimilation process of these dozen or so infected people was suspended, and their physical appearances underwent tremendous changes. However, due to physical conflicts and various reasons, all the powers of their cultivation eventually collapsed. survived.

Only the previous doctor, who was not a superhuman, was still sleeping.

Baigang studied the half of the stone pillar up and down, no matter whether it was the statue of the god or the blurred text behind the stone pillar, he couldn't find any results.

So they are very concerned about these people, especially the only doctor who is not a superhuman but seems to have the deepest degree of assimilation and infection. Everyone wants this kind of power that comes from real gods and demons. What kind of situation will it eventually lead to? the result of?

Some people are afraid that the ancient gods and demons will be reborn in this way, and some people expect that this will unlock the ultimate secret of the world.

On this day, the fourth floor, which was transformed into a natural environment layer, was located in the seed plant warehouse behind the research institute, and a major change suddenly occurred.

The fourth floor is a world made by imitating the ecological environment of Nanzhou, the world of gods and demons. Here you can see towering trees everywhere, running beasts, and giant crocodiles quietly lurking in the river. You can also see many extraordinary plants, and even isolated nurseries.

Suddenly, a mountain god vine plant kept in the extraordinary biological research laboratory on the fourth floor suddenly germinated, instantly expanded and tore the petri dish, quickly tore the floor tiles, took root in the soil, and then melted out Thousands of vines soared into the sky.


In the midst of a loud bang, the mountain god vines filled with tens of thousands of vines overturned the extraordinary biological research laboratory on the fourth floor and rushed towards the sky.

The wanton vines instantly penetrated the illusory clouds, and hit the projected sky barrier, making a loud bang.

The movement not only disturbed the entire fourth floor, but could even be felt on the upper and lower floors.

And at this time, the doctor who was infected and assimilated in the upper floor suddenly stood up at this time, let out a painful roar, and then knelt and sat on the ground.

At this moment, the middle-aged doctor has turned into a youth-like existence, his hair has also turned black, his pupils have turned golden yellow, and his original appearance of Caucasian features has become softer, and he feels that he has the characteristics of an oriental race. .

A strong light surged from his body, and his golden pupils swept around, and he saw mildew spots growing on the wall, and then pieces of green moss quickly covered the room where he was.

However, the surrounding rune crystal walls immediately bounced its power back, no matter how it moved, the power could not escape the house.

The siren sounded in an instant, and the special treatment team immediately broke into the interior with full armor, suppressing and subduing this ordinary person who had suddenly mastered a powerful force.

The mountain god vine struggled violently, lashing at the illusory clouds and sky, as if trying to break through to the upper layer and attract some special person, but it couldn't break through the barrier no matter what.

Powerful extraordinary people also rushed to the fourth floor in an instant, flying in the sky, watching the mountain god vines waving wantonly like monsters.

"Tree of Taboo? Isn't this kind of thing unconscious? How could it go crazy?"

"No! I remember that there are no such plants at all on the fourth floor? The environmental modification and temperature and astronomical data inside the fourth floor can be completely controlled by us internally, and there is no need for such things at all."

On the upper floor, as the doctor who was assimilated from the infection fell into a deep sleep, the mountain god vine also stopped moving and slowly fell from the sky.

However, this movement has already shocked the upper floors of the entire White Harbor City.

Especially the existence at the top of Baigang, an extraordinary city, immediately got the news that the existence that was infected and assimilated was able to control the existence of the mountain god vine.

Then, after the doctor named Angus woke up, after several researchers and psychic-type transcendental tests, it was confirmed that his mental state was in good condition, and his thinking and memory had not been altered.

He was immediately received by fifteen members of the Supreme Council. This lucky guy was made up of a peripheral member and entered the brightest moment of his life.

The highest level of the Tongtian Pagoda is already above the clouds, surrounded by clouds and mist, on the top of a majestic tower like a temple, thirteen god-like existences sit on the fifteen thrones.

Wearing a hospital gown, he looked like an oriental boy, but he was actually a western middle-aged doctor. Facing the most powerful dozen or so people in the world at this moment, he suddenly felt trembling all over.

There is not only fear, but also infinite excitement.

In Baigang City, some people worshiped these fifteen existences, calling them kings and treating them as gods, and some people thought it was a symbol of going against the trend of the times, but no matter who they were, no one would deny their power.

In the sacred and resplendent palace, Angus stood in the center, looked around, and felt a whirl of heaven and earth.

"Fengdu!" The young man in a white robe sat lazily at the top and looked at him, as if the eyes of a god swept the dust on the ground.

"God Lord!"

"Astrologer Daryl and Great Alchemist Fogel!"


"my God!"

Every figure appearing in the extraordinary world is enough to cause a sensation. Gathering together at this moment made him feel like he was standing above the kingdom of God and was meeting the gods.

Looking at the lucky man who was just a mortal not long ago, many kings of Baigang talked about it, and finally Jia Yi asked someone to bring up the mountain god vine.

Immediately, he saw that the sacred tree seemed to be alive. Countless vines merged with the man with black hair and golden eyes, wrapping him, and he saw a shocking change in the sacred tree in an instant.

A series of golden rune marks spread all over the vines as its body stretched out, and then thousands of vines entangled, passing through the unsealed dome on the top of the White Tower, towards the infinite heights Extend away.

The spectacular scene instantly reminds people of the fairy vines that lead to the depths of the sea of ​​clouds in fairy tales. If it is more magnificent, it can be compared with Jianmu in the myth.

"Sure enough, I can control the Forbidden Tree!"

"No, this is fused with the Forbidden Tree. You see, only the Forbidden Tree in this state is a complete existence."

"The original taboo tree was incomplete?"

Several western transcendents gathered together and whispered to each other, and the circle of eastern transcendents were also discussing with each other about the abnormality in front of them.

"I didn't expect that the existence of the mountain god vine could be controlled by someone! Before, even we, no one could pay attention to this thing. No wonder, behind the scenes of this thing, it turned out to be a god-level existence that fell from the ancient times. .”

"Falling? I don't know if it's already fallen!"

But at this time, an even more astonishing scene appeared. With a loud bang, the numerous golden rune marks on the vines of the sacred tree bloomed together, lifting layers of halos.

The hidden power immediately gathered towards the vine.

At this time, John Fogel, who was once the master of artifacts, was so shocked that he couldn't even sit on the throne.

Suddenly blurted out: "It is plundering the power of faith in Bai Harbor!"

"The power of faith?"

"Is it absorbing the power of faith?"

In an instant, everyone stood up at once, and many people's expressions of calm watching the show were completely broken. Although they couldn't feel that the god tree was absorbing the power of faith, they knew what it meant. What can only be done, even if it is the level of gods and demons, it cannot involve this kind of direct use and extraction of the power of faith.

In the world of gods and demons, this kind of thing can only be done if the artifact of the gods is brought to the earth.

An existence that can control the tree of thorns and can gather the power of faith in this world, even if the range is not as good as the artifact that can cover an entire city of tens of millions of people, it is amazing enough.

This can definitely make people crazy and make countless forces and countries desperate for it.

The kings of White Harbor looked at Angus, who was entangled by divine vines, and only one face was exposed under the cover of vine branches and leaves, with a look like flames in his eyes.

They even thought that Angus was not the only one. If another Angus could be created, what kind of situation would there be? This will completely break the extraordinary world, no, it is the pattern of the entire earth.

And Fang Xiu looked at the vines protruding into the sea of ​​clouds like in a fairy tale, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

White Harbor City is an organization in the nature of an alliance. The fifteen members of the Supreme Council are all from different countries and belong to different organizations. There is no way to keep this kind of thing secret, and it spreads all over the world immediately.

PS: I recommend a book "Lords of Deep Space", a game science fiction book, the story of the protagonist crossing into an NPC.

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