Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 402 Land True Immortal

"The wind...has stopped?"

As the round of bright moon gradually dissipated in the wind, the whistling disaster wind gradually stopped, and the sky filled with ashes and hurricanes disappeared little by little, leaving only a clear night sky without any shelter.

The sky is full of stars twinkling under the night sky, without clouds and fog, it is as clean as if it has been washed by water.

In the city of Gaoyang County, tens of thousands of Li people were trembling under the vision outside just now. Even ordinary people began to understand that what happened outside was related to the legendary immortal.

And the people who kept flying in and out of the city and occasionally showed their strange skills also proved this point.

The doors and windows of the houses on both sides of the riverside in Gaoyang County were closed, but everyone had no intention of sleeping, but watched the changes above the end of the sky in fear. When the fire burned all over the sea of ​​clouds, they exclaimed. When they were in heaven and earth, they trembled with fear.

A young girl from the restaurant by the river also secretly looked at the bright moon in many parts of the sky through the window, holding a piece of jade in her hand.

Although she couldn't understand why the fire and the wind came from the sky, since that person came, there was an extra moon in the sky that night, and then thousands of strange people came, she seemed to be faint. Joyo felt that what happened in the sky was all related to the drinker who came with the jug.

She suddenly thought of the man in white clothes, pointing to the statue of the saint in the academy and said, "Do you think that statue looks like me?"

"No way! Could it be that he is really a saint in the academy? That's at least a thousand years ago!"

Different from the bewilderment of the people in the city of Gaoyang County, at this moment in the county, the practitioners staying in the county towns and villages of Gaoyang County, and the immortals on Shuwang Mountain, everyone has disbelief and embarrassment in their eyes. It looks like the sky is collapsing.

"The wind stopped?"

"I didn't see anyone, the immortal robbery is over, it really stopped!"

"The could it...stop?"

It was as if everyone knew something in an instant.

"Fengdu Taoist... is dead?"

"Crossing Tribulation failed?"

"The immortal robbery has dissipated, it must have failed."

Everyone has fear, shock, and even madness on their faces. Although many people are not optimistic about Fengdu Taoist's surviving the catastrophe and becoming an immortal this time, no one dares to believe that this man who has been walking in the mountains and seas since the barbaric era and pioneering immortals The existence of the Mendao faction actually fell here and ended in this way.

Just like that... fell on the last step of becoming a fairy.

At this moment, even if Kong Huai, the Emperor of the Great Zhou who didn't want to see Fengdu become a fairy, stared at the scene of the bright moon collapsing, there was a look of panic in his eyes: "If you are as strong as Fengdu Taoist, will there be an end? "

Wu Zong Lu Wu stood in front of the main hall in the robes of a prince, and his eyes seemed to recall countless stories and legends of Taoists in Fengdu for thousands of years. and Immortal Dao Fruit.

But now the first batch of monks who stepped into the world of mountains and seas are very few. It is even more thought that the Fengdu Taoists turned their hands over clouds and rain in this world, suppressing several immortal-level powerhouses like gods and Buddhas, and captured the seriously injured and dying Own.

The resolute eyes recalled the scenes, and finally he could only let out a sigh: "An era has come to an end!"

But when the disaster wind dissipated, above the sea of ​​clouds, one thing was left behind, exuding a faint divine light.

This is extremely dazzling above the empty night sky.

Zhang Yusu of the Celestial Master Sect is in an unbelievable shock. He can't believe that the master uncle Fengdu Taoist who suppressed the world, suppressed the entire mountain, sea, and the present world for an era has just fallen. Seeing the radiant fetish at this moment, It feels extremely familiar.

He blurted out: "That's it? Uncle Jun's Juntian pot!"

Every cultivator also discovered the magical treasure floating in the sky: "The magic weapon left by the Taoist Fengdu!"

The headmaster of Tianjian Mountain, the old Taoist holding the flying sword suddenly hugged the long sword tightly at this moment, and said excitedly: "That is not a magic weapon!"

"It's a real celestial artifact—Jun Tianhu!"

Under the sky in the night sky, a lot of mysterious light bloomed from each of the strong men, turning into power and soaring into the sky. Everyone's eyes revealed endless greed and ambition. dance.

"That is the magic treasure of the cave, the Juntian Pot. Since Feng Du died, the Juntian Pot will naturally become an ownerless thing."

"Each by means!"


One after another sword lights and magic weapons rushed towards the sky, and more than a dozen primordial spirits and dharma forms emerged, shooting up to the sky and ground like gods and Buddhas. The fairy artifact is recruited away.

Some people even threw a mountain, or turned into a river, and rolled up to the sky.

Many of them have already entered the fifth level. Although the primordial spirits they are looking for rely on their positions, most of them are imitations of ancient fairy treasures, spiritual roots and sacred trees, and some people even use things such as spiritual mountains and strange rivers to integrate them. The top batch of beings who are expected to become immortals in the world, but they are far beyond the fourth-order beings.

At this moment, as soon as many strong men make a move, the sacred tree can be seen swaying in the sky in an instant, and many dharma primordial spirits use the heaven-reaching Taoism to bombard each other, mountains press down on the sky, and rivers pour into the sky.

That power covered the entire sky, and the whole world seemed to be shattered.

Everyone's goal is the Jun Tianhu fluttering in the strong wind of the sky.

"I'll see who dares!"

"court death!"

The patriarch of Mount Taishou, who was reincarnated for the third time after taking the way of ghosts and immortals, and Jia Yi, the patriarch of Lingshu Mountain, attacked at the same time. The Tianshi faction also used the inherited magic weapon to rise up. The Nine-Tailed Bodyguard rammed into those cultivators who were vying for the Juntian Pot.

Under Jia Yi's rage, he raised his hand and filled the sky with a sea of ​​clouds, and he moved towards the cultivators.

It is rumored that this fairy artifact is related to the ancient immortal Lord of Youdu, and it may even be given to Fengdu by the Lord of Youdu. Although the Taoist priest of Fengdu fell in this immortal calamity, Jia Yi absolutely cannot allow anyone to take this Taoist of Fengdu. The enlightened Tianjun pot was taken away.

If there is the imprint on the Tianjun pot, and the relationship between the Fengdu Taoist and the Lord of Youdu, and relying on the ability of the ancient immortal, maybe things will turn around.

At least he can plan to let Fengdu go to the next life, and then embark on this journey of immortality.

Jia Yi absolutely couldn't just sit back and watch and tolerate these people taking the Juntian Pot away, and seeing his friend fall on the spot, thousands of monks scrambled for the relic, made him even more furious.

Many fifth-order monks displayed their possessions one after another, colliding with the sea of ​​clouds brought by Jia Yi, the forces of both sides canceled each other out, and the aftermath spread dozens of miles away.

And at this time, among them, the ancestor Tianhe, who rushed to the front and escaped the fastest, took everyone behind him to block Jia Yi and was dragged at the same time, the first incarnation Dahe rushed into the thirty-sixth layer within days.

It was the immortal cultivator who found a river in a strange place in the west, and he was also the ancestor who found another way to enter the Tao. The river suddenly rolled up the Juntian pot. The ancestor of Tianhe couldn't help laughing proudly and happily.

Under the sweeping wind, he fled towards the end of the sky at a very high speed, shouting loudly.

"Fengdu Taoist is dead! This fairy treasure will naturally belong to someone who is destined to get it! Hahahahaha! This Fengdu Taoist can't become a fairy, this ancestor can do it for him!"


The wind disaster completely destroyed the mortal body, fused the primordial spirit and the physical body together, and turned it into an immortal body.

However, this step is also extremely dangerous. In the end, it depends on everyone's chance whether to emerge as a fairy or die with the disaster.

At this moment, Fang Xiu's fairy body really turned into a breeze, like countless dust and sand, and entered a strange place along the dark passage of the underworld.

Only at this moment did Fang Xiu feel the difference between the real fairy body and the mortal body. The fairy body has no form at all, and when it is scattered, it becomes the wind, and when it gathers, it takes shape. A speck of dust, a speck of remnant soul can be reborn without being destroyed.

This is the real immortal body, the body of a fairy.

At this point, the boundary between heaven and earth is truly separated from mortals. Immortality and immortality are simply the evolutionary endpoints that all living beings pursue.

However, in the world of mountains and seas, if one wants to get rid of the comfort of a thousand-year lifespan, one must also get rid of the shackles of the six realms of reincarnation. Otherwise, it is just immortality.

The fairy body passed through Huangquan all the way down, as if it had reached the deepest part of the underworld, and finally stood on an ancient book like a vast land, and it stood on it like an ant, surrounded by fog There is no end to the book in sight.

Only when flying high, can you see the three big characters in the book of life and death, and the book of life and death keeps flipping, and a white jade brush falls from the sky, as if searching for Fang Xiu's name, and then revise it as in the established process Adjustment, but did not find it for a long time.

Finally, the book turned to the page of the book cover, and at last, under the three big characters in the book of life and death, I found two ancient small characters - Fang Xiu, as if to indicate the owner of this book of life and death, which included all living beings in the world into reincarnation , At this moment, the white jade writing brush, which is like a pillar of the sky, can't fall down no matter what.

This is the last step of becoming an immortal, surpassing the six realms of reincarnation, breaking away from the boundary of life and death, also known as Yinquan calamity or Huangquan calamity, the immortal body has been refined by Huangquan, escapes from calamity, and arrives at the final place of reincarnation.

Fang Xiu doesn't need to make any changes, but when other immortals arrive here, they will separate their names from the six realms of reincarnation and become immortals.

Fang Xiu's crossing the catastrophe is mainly to transform into an immortal body, and the third disaster does not need to cross, but he just came down to check and experience the process of crossing the catastrophe and becoming an immortal, and whether there are any defects or problems.

At this time, the three disasters have passed, and the six calamities have not yet been overcome.

At this moment, he can be regarded as a real immortal on land. Only after the six calamities pass, he can master the avenue of heaven and earth and ascend to the upper realm, can he be regarded as a real immortal. Now he can only be regarded as a half immortal, and he has only passed half of the tribulation.

However, these three calamities and six calamities can be overcome separately. The first three calamities shape the immortal body, and the last six calamities comprehend the Dao of heaven and earth. There is no rush, and Fang Xiu has more important plans.

In the end, Fang Xiu left the Underworld of the Yin Division and returned to the Yang World.

Fang Xiu's celestial body turned from virtual to real, and turned into a bright moon rising from the original place, rushing to the sky and the thirty-six heavens again.

Just in time, I saw a Taoist who had turned into Tianhe rolled up his Juntian pot and ran away with a triumphant laugh.

While fleeing, he shouted: "Fengdu Taoist is dead! This fairy treasure will naturally belong to someone who is destined to get it! Hahahahaha! This old ancestor can do it for him who can't even become a fairy!"


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