Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 416 The Birth of the Demon God

The Celestial Master sent a group of people to drive the treasure ship to sail in the sky. After entering the outer sky, the inspiration gradually disappeared, and there was a sea of ​​darkness swallowing everything below, and the wind of the nine heavens roared above, and dead places can be seen everywhere.

But when I was really close to the ruins, I saw the death storm covering thousands of miles and the nine-day thunder sea. The terrifying alien phase swallowed the world and unscrupulously released its power in the darkness.

Zhang Yusu was wearing a Taoist robe of a celestial master in the dark, being hunted by the strong wind, the treasure ship got closer to the depths, the storm continued to wipe out the barrier on the treasure ship, and the thunder snakes in the sky kept falling to penetrate the barrier, and then continued repair.

"How could this be, such signs appear?"

"Could it be? Is it a step late?"

Celestial Master Zhang Yusu didn't know exactly what happened, but according to the celestial secret deduced by the first generation of Celestial Master Zhang Heming, it can't come too early or too late, and it should be just right to arrive at this time.

The Fachuan Treasure Boat passed through the realm of death where the boundary between Gangfeng and Leihai was indistinguishable, and finally saw the key thing that triggered the death storm and the sea of ​​thunder in the distance under the Nine Heavens.

It was a huge ball of light, carrying a cave world that was constantly collapsing and collapsing.

"The stars fell into the world! It really is so!" Such a magnificent scene immediately attracted the attention of everyone on board. The elders of the Celestial Master Sect showed ecstasy, and dozens of true disciples talked about it. There is no bottom, whether it will meet the moment when the stars fall.

After all, even Zhang Heming, the first generation of celestial masters, only grasped a ray of heavenly secrets in the vast sky.

However, the elders noticed a monk who sat cross-legged in the dark storm and waited for the stars to come. The powerful aura cannot be blocked.

"There are still people who have arrived, but haven't entered yet. Are there practitioners from other sects or from all over the world who have rushed here?"

"That's real Maji from the Corpse Sect, why is this guy here, it's a little troublesome!"

"What are you afraid of? The patriarch said that the fallen star already has an owner, and our purpose here does not conflict with him!"

But Zhang Yusu felt something was wrong, there seemed to be a more terrifying and depressing aura faintly spreading above the top of his head, and in the depths of the thunder sea, it seemed that some terrifying existence was about to be born.



The sound was like the beating of the heart, or the beating of Thor's drum.

"There are still people above the sea of ​​thunder!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a gigantic beast in the thunder sea let out a roar that shook the sky, and the thunder sea with a radius of hundreds of miles was swallowed by that roar.

Under the eyes of everyone, everyone watched in horror as a large and terrifying monster sprang out from the sea of ​​thunder. Its shape was constantly changing, and two huge wings were the first to emerge, and they continued to expand outward.

In the end, the divine wings fell directly from the sky and fell into the Nether Sea.

The wings are golden red, luxurious and like flames, the heavy wings spread continuously, and a fierce bird head that seemed to devour everything broke free, just a head, like a mountain.

If it were in the human world, this big mouth would probably be able to swallow the creatures of a city in one mouthful. It is really a rare and powerful beast in the world.

The celestial master Zhang Yusu immediately knew what it was, with a horrified expression on his face: "This is the giant kun we met on the road. In order to use the law of the ruins and the power of the sea of ​​thunder to absorb the shackles on your body, get out of the cage and become a Peng!"

"It really made him succeed!"

The mythical beast was completely transformed into a roc bird, and its size was far larger than before. It suddenly swelled to several thousand meters, and spread its wings, exceeding 10,000 meters.

Its majestic figure occupied the entire sky and swallowed up the sea of ​​thunder with a radius of a hundred miles. I am afraid that there will be no other beast bigger than this monster in the world.

Wherever his eyes swept, all the monks present were terrified. Those eyes exuded a fierce power, and no one could resist them.

Whether it is Zhang Yusu, the celestial master, or the Daoist Maji, they are all wobbling in their hearts at this moment, for fear that this fierce god will have an empty stomach at this moment, and will eat them, the monks present, as snacks.

When encountering such a terrifying, mythical beast, even they are no match for it. Even if they wanted to run, they would not be able to outrun this Kunpeng!

However, after this roc bird used this power to get rid of the shackles on the blood, it just looked at them lightly, just like the goshawk in the sky looked at the ants and ants on the ground, not even interested in lowering its mouth, and spread its wings. The storm scattered the sea of ​​thunder and moved further away.

This time, everyone was relieved.

Coincidentally, the world of stars above the nine heavens fell rapidly and crashed into the Nether Sea. This Nether Sea is not composed of water, but a special substance, so thick black smoke and thick fog were raised.

The thunder and storm were like a circle of light bursting from mid-air, spreading for thousands of miles, and the terrifying storm caused by the falling of the star world also dissipated little by little.

Many monks who hurriedly avoided the huge movement raised their eyes and saw that the star world was floating in the sea of ​​nether world at this moment, and fell into the abyss of ruins that looked like a huge whirlpool.

The surrounding barriers of the world were shattered, and a huge gap was opened. Thunder flashed in the gap, but the dense space cracks and storms that surrounded the surrounding area dissipated together.

How could the crowd bear it now, they rushed forward one after another, wanting to be the first to rush into the star world that just fell into the lower world.

Standing on the body of a corpse god, Master Maji was the first to rush into it and set foot on the land of the former Dongtian Xingfu.

Many immortal-level monks and sky demons set off one after another, one after another rushed in along the almost half-shattered world barrier, and the treasure ship sent by the Celestial Masters did not stop at all, and quickly entered it.

Because the female fairy turned into the wind and dispersed before, everyone did not see the female fairy leaving, and the sacred bird Jiufeng of Beizhou was included, so everyone who broke into it at this moment was cautious, but they were more concerned about the more people behind them. The Celestial Masters sent a whole family, so they didn't pay much attention.

More than 90% of this piece of broken land has collapsed, but there is still such a vast area left, one can imagine how vast and vast this piece of Dongtian Xingfu was in the past.

As soon as everyone broke into it, they felt that the magic power of the whole body was suppressed by the sealing fairy array, and a dozen monks fell from the sky in unison, and the dozen or so corpse gods of the corpse exorcism sect Master Maji also fell together. Suppressing the divine power, they turned into coffins and fell to the ground.

After the treasure ship sent by the Celestial Master broke into this land, it also ended up in the same way. It fell instantly, and landed on the pitted and cracked earth with a bang.

"No! This is the sealed place!"

"There is a large formation that suppresses all inspirations, and our mana and strength have been suppressed by more than 90%!"

The immortal monks who fell into the sky looked extremely embarrassed at the moment, but they could tell the reason in an instant, and they all looked at the sacred mountain in the distance, as well as the golden divine lines looming in the sky.

"Dongtian Xingfu has been destroyed to such an extent, does it still have such a powerful force?"

"How many years have passed? Can the things left over from the ancient times still suppress us?"

"There is a forbidden sky in the sky, and no one is allowed to fly on this land. This large formation of sealing the world is probably the fairy formation in the legend. This power is not aimed at our mana, but directly from the heaven and earth avenue. Levels are suppressing us!" Maji Zhenren is indeed a veteran practitioner, known as a member of the second echelon who may become a fairy, and he has a deeper and more thorough perspective.

A person has to walk forward, but the so-called walking is not much worse than flying for monks. One by one, the wonderful evasion techniques hurried across the ground, approaching the distant sacred mountain like shrinking the ground into inches.

But before he got close to the sacred mountain, he saw a soaring light surging from his body, a tree that pierced through the sky and penetrated the entire world, and the shadow of the sacred tree that reached out to the outside world also emerged together.

The vast and eternal light fell from the sky and shone on the earth.

A cry came from the distant sacred mountain, and a large area of ​​spiritual grass and trees rushed out of the land with a radius of thousands of miles. The originally bare land turned into forests and oases in an instant, and the world was changed for it.

Everyone knows that something should have changed on the mountain at this moment, but no one can tell what it is, but the cry tells them that there should be some extremely powerful existence that can affect and The beings who control this land are born.

Celestial Master Zhang Yusu seemed to have known something a long time ago: "Sure enough, this fairyland and shrine already has a master, and we may just happen to have this fairy master born!"

But what Maji saw in his eyes was the shadow of the sacred tree: "Why is this tree so similar to the mountain god vine!"

He immediately thought of the rumors about the mountain god vine and the half of the stone pillar of the god statue, and felt something was wrong, with a serious expression on his face: "Could it be that the secrets of this blessed land, the relics left over from the ancient times, are still related to the present world?" what relationship?"

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